Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,432 The Great Dream Ghost Tathagata

"Awakening, what awakening?" I was stunned when asked.

Seeing that I was dazed, the man in the T-shirt pressed his hand against my Dantian and carefully explored it for a while. He shook his head slightly in disappointment. Then he seemed to have remembered something and asked urgently: "You are the heavenly spirit who left the Phoenix to you." Did you give me the liquid to drink?"

"Yes." I nodded, still confused.

"Alas!" When he heard this, he hit the water surface with some annoyance.

How is this going? This sudden change was indeed too sudden and somewhat unimaginable.

My mind was already in such a mess that I couldn't turn around.

Right in front of the gate of the Five Elements of Heaven, we are struggling to find the earthly divine object. Why did the man in the T-shirt pull out a hair from my head and untie it?

Am I some kind of earthy person? Is it the same as Han Laoliu's green wood body and Dong Lao's sinister body?

Mr. Dong also said that he would capture me and refine it into something. Am I like Tang Monk? If I eat it, I will become immortal?

That little girl said that I am the Heavenly Spirit Holy Body. What the hell is that? Is this true?

According to what the man in the T-shirt said, the ghost sect in Longquan Villa has never really taken my life, just to leave me to open something. Could it be that my grandfather left a special secret on me, and only I can open the road that the ghost sect dreams of?

Also, what’s the secret that the T-shirt guy and the others haven’t told me?

"Jiulin, I know where this place is!" I was filled with astonishment when the man in the T-shirt suddenly screamed.

This cry suddenly pulled me back from my chaotic thoughts.

"Where?" I asked a little strangely.

"Look what that is." The man in the T-shirt didn't answer me, but stretched out his hand and pointed.

After dashing out of the Bone Mountain in a thrilling manner and falling into a pool of blood, I had been worried about the life and death of the man in the T-shirt, and had not yet taken a serious look at the surrounding scene. At this time, following the finger of the man in the T-shirt, I discovered that this was not a pool of blood at all, but a huge heart!

This huge heart is carved from a piece of crystal clear jade. It is surrounded by blood vessels in all directions above us.

The pool of blood under both of us is just one of them, but it's just closer to the atrium.

No wonder the last core area on the parchment map is bright red. It turns out that the place itself is bright red.

I don’t know what kind of material the jade is made of, but it can emit a bright light, making the place brightly illuminated.

Right in the middle of the atrium, there is a huge black lotus.

In this Blood Cave Demon Tomb, there are black lotuses carved everywhere: either the base holding the oil lamp, the mural on the door, or the eight black coffins gathered together to form a lotus...

But this one is different.

It has nine lotus leaves, each one is as long as a sharp sword and points diagonally towards the sky. A Buddha statue is carved on the top of each lotus leaf.

It's just that these Buddha statues are all extremely weird. Some have nine hands and nine eyes, and two wings on their backs; some have only one big eye, a tiger face with long teeth; some have a face full of mouths, making goosebumps appear...

Each one is like an evil ghost, extremely ferocious.

The reason why they are called Buddha statues is because they all have a huge Buddha character carved in the middle of their heads. They are wearing large Buddha robes and have six-eared shoes at their feet. This is indeed the attire of Buddhism. The only slight difference is that the beads hanging on the chest are all skulls.

"Is this... the Nine Protectors of the Yin Buddha?" I said in great surprise.

Although I don't know much about Buddhism, and I can't recognize all the numerous Buddha statues, these strange shapes are unforgettable at first sight.

"Yes." The man in the T-shirt nodded affirmatively: "The one they are protecting in the middle must be the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata, and it is very likely to be the real body of the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata."

"Real body? Didn't it mean that he was cut into thousands of pieces and burned into ashes by the Buddha-killing army?"

"Hmph, there is never truth in history books." The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly: "What you see with your own eyes is the truth."

Speaking of which, the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata was also the founding Buddha, and the Yin Buddha Sect was founded by him.

There are different opinions on where Buddhism first flourished in China, and it has long been impossible to verify.

However, it has long been concluded that the Buddha entered Tibet, that is, during the Tubo Dynasty, which is now Zedang, in the Qingjie area.

But unlike the Central Plains, long before Hinduism was spread to Tibet, there were some long-lasting Buddhist teachings among the local Tibetan people.

The combination of the two gradually gave rise to many branches of the sect. Among them is the Yin Buddhist sect, which believes in Buddhism and cultivates the afterlife, but this sect cultivates the ghost world!

Their teaching is that thousands of reincarnations are all suffering. If you want to avoid suffering, you will have to stay in reincarnation and be a ghost forever!

This sect was extremely popular at that time and had the potential to compete with other sects.

At this time, Langdama inherited the throne of Zanpu, and immediately launched an extremely bloody campaign to exterminate the Buddha. This is also famous in history: the period of extermination of the Dharma.

The Yin Buddhist sect has always been disrespectful to the country because of their doctrine, and they are the first to bear the brunt. Immediately, he was surrounded and killed by the army of Buddhist exterminators, and countless believers died under the fire of the butcher's knife.

This generation of Buddha who called himself the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata could not escape his crime. According to historical records, he was chopped into more than thirty pieces, trampled by hundreds of war horses, and finally burned into powder. It can be said that It's dead and can't die anymore.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he also fled all the way from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to Siberia, and built such a huge tomb in this vast snowfield.

"I understand." The man in the T-shirt suddenly realized: "It's not that the map on the parchment scroll is not complete, it's that there is no exit at all in this tomb! The builders of this tomb don't want to get out alive at all. They want to follow the leader. Dream Ghost Tathagata will die here together and remain ghosts forever."

I thought for a moment and said: "So, we found that the black bones in the sheepskin scrolls were not building some kind of escape passage, but were continuing to expand? Then what's the matter with all their bones turning completely black? That's terrible. Apparently they all died of poison?"

"No, those people are not builders at all!" The man in the T-shirt turned around and said, "Maybe it's because I just drank the Heavenly Spirit Liquid, but I suddenly remembered everything."

"Many years ago, when I was traveling in Tibetan areas, I met a troubadour who sang "Gesar". He brought a collection of ancient Chinese books. I had nothing to do and learned some from him. , but then I gradually forgot about it. But now, I remember everything."

"Do you remember that there are some small signs hanging next to the black corpses?"

"Remember." I nodded and said, "You said that everything written on it is in ancient Tibetan."

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