Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,433 Decryption of the truth

"Not bad." The man in the T-shirt swung his arms, swam to my side, and said solemnly: "Those people are the protector monks of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, also known as the Army of Light."

"I think it was the Great Dream Tathagata who deceived Lang Dama's army of destroying Buddhas, but he couldn't escape the pursuit of the Tantric Sect!"

"The Yin Gui sect has cruel teachings and has never been tolerated by Buddhism. These people must have come to destroy it, but they all fell into some trap and died here."

"That passage is not an escape route, but a robbery hole for the Light Army to sneak into the tomb."

"The Light Army is an extremely mysterious team. The people in it are all amazingly powerful, and they all master the secrets of Buddhism, no less than the masters of Longquan Villa."

"But they dispatched hundreds of people and used all their elite strength, and they were all wiped out in the tomb passage. This shows that the tomb at that time was much more dangerous than it is now."

Hearing what the man in the T-shirt said, I couldn't help but be shocked.

We have narrowly escaped death along the way. If it was more dangerous than it is now, how terrible would it be?

Since I entered the business of being a ghost merchant, I have experienced countless dangers, but compared with this modron, they are nothing to mention.

Moreover, I have a hunch that the real challenge has just begun!

The man in the T-shirt and I were half-floating in the blood pool, looking up at the extremely huge and amazing black lotus, and couldn't help but be filled with wonder.

"Huh? Bring me the parchment scroll." The man in the T-shirt suddenly said.

I didn't know what he thought of again, so I quickly took out the parchment and handed it over.

The man in the T-shirt took it in his hand and looked at it, then raised his head and looked directly above, and suddenly shouted: "I understand."

"We seem to have gone so far, but in fact we have been going in circles and getting closer to the ground."

I took the map and looked at it in surprise, and suddenly I understood why he came to such a conclusion.

The map was absolutely correct. Every scene we passed along the way, including the Bat Corridor, the Hanging Iron Coffin, the Mirror Maze, and the Buddha Avenue... were all exactly the same, even the size.

This tomb is extremely weirdly built. It looks like a conch as a whole, and all the corridors and stone chambers are built around this giant heart. In other words, the straight-line distance between the place we just entered and the place we are now is actually not that far, only about sixty or seventy meters.

Moreover, looking back at the road we passed, all the ground seemed to be slightly tilted and slowly upwards - so that the place we are now is not only not far from the entrance of the Blood Cave, but is actually very far from the ground. close.

"This is a bit strange." I said incredulously: "Since the Great Dream Tathagata has led his followers so far and built such a dangerous tomb, the deeper the better and the more hidden the better, why? Instead, they would put their real body in the most dangerous place at the top? If someone comes looking for it and smashes through it directly from above, wouldn't all the traps they set up be useless?"

Apparently the man in the T-shirt had also thought about this problem. He frowned and said nothing, then said, "Let's go ashore first."

One by one, we pushed away the blood and swam toward the shore.

During the march, I was extremely surprised to find that the body of the man in the T-shirt had completely recovered, and all the wounds on his back had healed, without leaving even a scar. His body also seemed to be more powerful, but the regenerated arm was a little weird, still bright red and shining.

Looking at the entire heart, the blood pool where the two of us are located is the widest and closest to the heart.

The white stone wall on the shore is extremely shining, two or three meters high from the blood pool. The man in the T-shirt jumped up, checked carefully, and found that there was no danger, then he lay down on the shore and pulled me.

I was really exhausted now, and after trying several times, I managed to grab his hand.

The man in the T-shirt pulled me to the shore, and I immediately lay down on the ground, panting from exhaustion.

Unexpectedly, the white stones on the ground were actually hot, so warm and comfortable.

I closed my eyes comfortably and stretched.

"Ah, I know!" Suddenly, I sat up from the ground and shouted: "I know why they put the most important place at the top, it's because of this stone."

This boulder is extremely huge and amazing.

The original builder must have discovered the beauty, so he changed the original design plan and turned the conch head upside down, thus forming its current appearance.

"If the inference is true, I have a more bold conjecture." I said confidently, "The bloody hole when we came in was left intentionally by them. They were afraid that if someone found this place, they would create it. Create an illusion - thus confusing the intruder to enter through the established passage."

"It makes sense!" The man in the T-shirt nodded: "In this case, it makes sense to design the Five Elements Gate so tightly. The more it is like this, the more people think it is the only entrance! So it makes sense. No one will look for other ways to enter."

"Also, above the blood cave, the four large stone tablets are inlaid with extremely thick long iron ropes. They are probably the tools they used when building the tomb. With these additions, there will be no suspicion."

No one would have thought that the core and most important part of this tomb was closest to the ground, and that the most heavily guarded part was a trap that had been set long ago.

"However, the parchment map is in the hands of the Guangjun. It seems that there was a constant battle of wits between the two factions. It's just a pity that the Guangjun failed to find out this most important secret." T-shirt The man shook his head slightly as he spoke, and then said: "But even if it is found, it is actually of no use."

"The map has always been in our hands. If we hadn't gone to the end, we still wouldn't have discovered anything."

"There is only one passage in the tomb. No matter how you walk, you can't get around it. You have no idea what traps are set in front of you. It doesn't make any difference whether you have a map or not. What's more, all the restrictions here are extremely sophisticated. Whether it is the Heavenly Five Elements Formation or the Black Lotus Gate, extremely advanced formation breaking skills are required."

"As for the hidden arrows and flying needles and the fine steel puppets, you need to have super-powerful skills in mechanism skills."

"There is also the Mirror Maze. If we hadn't happened to be injured by that strange noise, we might not have been able to escape until now..."

As soon as the man in the T-shirt said this, he suddenly stopped and looked at me.

We both realized the most terrifying thing at the same time.

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