Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,434 Ice Girl

That strange sound has sounded four times in succession. If it sounds again, we will definitely not survive.

And now, so long has passed since the fourth ring, the next one will surely ring soon.

In addition, after seeing such a weird scene here and learning that the Great Dreamer Ghost Tathagata was buried here, we all came up with an extremely scary idea: This guy worked so hard to escape all the way here, and then By building such a huge tomb, could it be that some secret technique was set up to resurrect the true body and cause trouble again?

The strange noise is coming from here!

Neither the man in the T-shirt nor I spoke, but our faces changed at the same time, and then we ran towards Heilian in the distance.

There were three waves of people who entered this ancient tomb. The Chou Emperor was dead, Dong Lao was inevitably seriously injured, his life and death were unknown, and the father of Satan was temporarily isolated from Buddhism.

There was only the mysterious old man in gray robes in front of us, but for the time being, it seemed that he had no ill intentions, at least he didn't take advantage of the two of us when we were at our weakest. He even asked the little girl to send a message and saved the life of the man in the T-shirt.

However, now that we have come this far, we have to face him no matter whether he is friend or foe.

The giant black lotus is seven or eight meters high, with nine leaves pointing toward the sky and stretching out like a sword. The tips of the leaves each stood more than two meters high, with extremely vicious Yin Buddha protectors.

Even though I have seen countless powerful ghosts and these Yin Buddha Dharma Protectors, I still feel a little uneasy and dare not look up.

The two of us circled around the black lotus and didn't find any entrance passage, so we simply picked the lowest place where the two leaves intersected and climbed up.

The man in the T-shirt climbed to the top in twos and twos, glanced inside, and stretched out his hand to pull me up.

There is nothing special in the black lotus. There is a circular stone hall built in the center, just like the heart of a lotus.

But what is a little strange is that the lotus heart is red.

The two of us climbed in along the lotus leaves and stepped forward very carefully.

The Lotus Heart Stone Hall is as red as blood. There is no door at all, but someone has smashed a big hole in the stone wall. This is the core of the entire tomb!

The man in the T-shirt and I each touched the hilt of the sword, and with great care, we slowly moved towards the hole.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a scream came from behind us.

The man in the T-shirt and I immediately pulled out our weapons in unison, moved our backs very quickly, and assumed a defensive posture.

"Giggle..." From the place where the scream just came out, there was another extremely clear and sweet laughter.

The two of us turned around and saw a little girl sitting on the top of the stone diagonally above, swaying her two little feet as white and tender as lotus roots, shaking a paper crane with one hand and giggling.

The man in the T-shirt looked cold and quickly stood in front of me with his sword in hand.

"She shouldn't be an enemy." I whispered in the T-shirt man's ear: "She was the one who told me how to save you just now."

"It's so fun, haha!" The little girl finally stopped laughing, stretched out her little hand and pointed forward: "You can go around again, and then I will scare you again, hahaha." After she finished speaking, she continued Laughed loudly.

Her eyes were as crooked as the moon, a small dimple was exposed on one side of her fair face, and her two little feet were shaking with laughter. She was so cute.

We were both speechless, but very surprised!

When we first climbed up the lotus leaf, we didn't see her here.

Moreover, we were extremely careful before, not only did we not make any noise, but we also watched and listened in all directions, but where did this little girl get out of? We were so close, but neither of us noticed it at all.

"Look at the stone next to her." The man in the T-shirt reminded me in a low voice.

The entire circular stone hall was bright red, but about two meters around the little girl was white. After a closer look, I realized that it was actually ice.

A thick layer of big ice crust!

This stone is made of the same material as the whole boulder carved into the heart, and they are both a little hot to the touch, but the little girl is surrounded by ice?

At this time, as her hands and feet danced wildly, the ice spread everywhere, and when she was burned by the hot stone, white smoke suddenly rose up.

The little girl loomed in the smoke, like a fairy child.

Obviously, this was the cold energy she exuded unintentionally, not intentionally, but this move alone has surpassed Xiao Bailong, who is famous for his ice cultivation in Bafang Famous Movement.

This little girl looks to be only five or six years old. If she were an enemy, the consequences would be disastrous...

"Ling'er!" At this moment, an extremely old voice came from the stone hall.

When the little girl heard this, she immediately stopped laughing, stuck out her tongue naughtily at the two of us, jumped down from the top with a swish, stretched out her little hand and pointed forward: "Grandpa asked you to come in. "

As he said that, he jumped and ran ahead.

We both looked at each other, worried.

The little girl is so powerful, let alone the mysterious old man in gray robe?

However, since we have come this far, there is nothing to hesitate. No matter what, let’s meet him first.

Besides, if he is really an enemy, neither of us can run away even if we want to.

The little girl was jumping up and down in front. Every time she stepped down, she left an icy footprint on the hot ground, which then evaporated into smoke, as if she was stepping on the clouds step by step.

The two of us followed her with mixed emotions and walked towards the hole that was smashed open.

"By the way, which one of you is called Zhang Jiulin?" She suddenly turned back and asked.

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