Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,437 The love of the past

"Bad guys, I'm going to kill you!" When the little girl sitting next to her saw that the old man was injured, she jumped off the lotus platform.

A burst of ice energy rushed towards him, far more powerful than Bing Yinzi's ice thorns.

"Ling'er, stop!" the old man shouted urgently.

As he yelled, the cold air subsided a little, and I suddenly felt a chill in my heart.

When I lowered my head, I saw a large cone-shaped ice gun more than three meters long suspended in the air, right on my heart. If it had been any later, I would have been completely penetrated!

The little girl stood a few meters in front of me, her hands clasped together like swords, her big watery eyes full of tears. She turned around and asked in confusion: "Grandpa, they hurt you, they are all bad people. I'm going to kill them!"

"They... how could they hurt me?" The old man said with great difficulty, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, "Let him go, our enemies are outside."

The little girl let go of her hand doubtfully, stretched out her little hand to wipe away her tears, and ran towards the old man.

I also quickly ran towards the man in the T-shirt who had fallen under the wall.

There were no injuries on his body, he was just unconscious.

It was obvious that the old man had saved his hand, otherwise with his strength and the fury of the attack, even ten men in T-shirts would not survive.

But what's going on?

How could the man in the T-shirt know so many things about the old man in gray robe? And knowing that he is not his opponent, he still insists on making a sneak attack?

At this time, the old man in gray robe stood up tremblingly, held the little girl's hand with one hand, and faced the empty wall opposite and said loudly: "Black Eagle, do you know? The greatest shame in my life is to go out with you. One door.”

Boom! The stone wall on the opposite side suddenly shattered.

A man stood among the splash of rocks.

Wearing a crisp black suit and carrying a silver-white suitcase in his hand, isn't this the father of Satan?

"Do you think I'm that rare to be in the same house as you?" The father of Satan snorted coldly and replied angrily.

He actually spoke very fluent Chinese, but with a very strong Shaanxi accent.

He strode in, grabbed his hair with one hand, and pulled his entire face down in one swish.

Another face, or half a face, appeared from inside.

The left half has long eyebrows like swords and bright starry eyes. Although there are a few wrinkles on the corners of the eyes and lips, he is still handsome; but the right half is a skeleton, with pale bones covered with scars and hollow eye sockets. It emits a faint red light.

Half human and half skeleton, so terrifying!

Master Feng once said that no one has ever seen the true face of the father of Satan.

But I'm sure that this ghost-like face must be his true appearance.

"Do you think that by destroying my cultivation, I will become an ordinary person from now on and never seek revenge from you again?"

"Do you think I really died in that fire? From now on, I, Black Eagle, will no longer exist in this world."

"You didn't expect that I was the one who set the fire! Not only did I successfully deceive you, I also fled to Europe, changed my identity and hid in St. John's Cathedral for many years. Just when you and the world have completely forgotten me When I was there, I actually found the art of necromancy!"

"Haha, you didn't expect it! The father of Satan is me, Black Eagle."

"Do you know? How long have I been waiting for this day? Hahaha, Gray Pigeon, you actually have today!"

After saying that, the father of Satan burst into laughter.

The white bones on one side were baring tusks, and the nose and eyes on the other side were weirdly twisted, making the extremely ferocious face look even more terrifying.

"So what?" The old man in gray robe said calmly: "In addition to hiding like a mouse and making sneak attacks like a vicious dog, what else will you do in your life? Your sneak attack failed back then, and you will not succeed today!"

"Really?" The father of Satan raised one corner of his mouth slightly, showing a devilish smile: "Do you want to know the news about Bai Diao?"

As soon as he heard the word "Bai Diao", the old man in gray robe shook his body very obviously, and asked urgently: "You, what did you do to her?"

"Hehe!" The father of Satan smiled sinisterly and patted the small silver-white box in his hand: "This is her, your beloved white eagle. I made her into a silver bone box and keep it with me forever."

When the old man in gray robe heard this, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Haha, didn't you say you wanted to live and die with her? Didn't you say you wanted to be with her forever? But where are you now? It's me who stays with her all day long! Hahaha..."

"By the way, I have a very interesting thing to tell you. What I always wanted to do but failed to do, but was beaten up by you, finally came true. I finally tasted the taste of white eagle. . It's just a pity that she has become so old and skinny that even her hair has fallen out. I still closed my eyes and tried hard to think about what she looked like back then to get hard..."

"Beast!" The old man in gray robe was furious. He waved his hand and a black light flew out.

The Father of Satan flicked the bone box, and a bright white skull flew out and hit the light.

There was a loud bang.

"Huh? This feels really good." The father of Satan chuckled and said: "She blocked the fire dragon poison for you back then, and today she blocked the ebony light for me. Tsk tsk, what did the master say? This is called cause and effect. Reincarnation, the cycle of heaven.”

"You, you still have the nerve to mention the master!" The old man in gray robe was shaking with anger. He slowly raised the ebony staff and was about to reach out, but he saw the little girl running out.

She gritted her teeth tightly, stared at her eyes full of tears, and rushed towards the father of Satan.

A streak of snow-white ice and snow stretched straight down from the Honglian high platform, as fast as the cold wind.

"Ling'er, come back quickly, you are no match for him..."

Before the gray-robed old man could finish speaking, the gust of wind and snow had already turned back several times faster than when it came.

With a bang, it hit the wall firmly.

A stream of blood also overflowed from the corner of the little girl's mouth, but it was white.

She got up with great difficulty, shook her two pink fists, and stared at the father of Satan fiercely: "Bad, bad guy, I, I'm going to kill you!"

She said, taking staggering steps to rush forward again.

Everyone could see that she was extremely injured now, and even walking was a little unsteady, let alone killing someone.

I was shocked to the extreme when I saw all this.

This little girl's strength is extremely amazing. She didn't expect to be beaten like this by the father of Satan with just one move.

I didn't even see clearly how the father of Satan did it!

This guy's strength is simply terrifying.

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