At this time, I also realized that the man in the T-shirt must have been controlled by him before, and then he lost his mind and successfully attacked the old man in gray robe.

From the conversation between the two just now, it can be heard that the old man in gray robe and the father of Satan were a pair of senior brothers a long time ago. It seems that there was also a senior sister named Bai Diao. A lot of gratitude and resentment.

The father of Satan glanced at the little girl who was staggering forward, shook his head slightly and said: "There is one thing that I have never thought about. How am I inferior to you?"

"In terms of appearance, talent, and ability, how am I not better than you? Why would Bai Diao fall in love with you and hang around you, a big idiot, all day long, but turn a deaf ear to my sweet words?"

"Even the old immortal has always pampered you! I passed on the "Yin Fu Jing" to you, and also passed on the ebony staff to you, but I am the eldest disciple! I am still his biological son."

"Why, why all this?" the father of Satan shouted loudly, as if he was still brooding about what happened back then!

"Master has long seen that your intentions are evil. If the "Yin Fu Sutra" is really passed on to you, I don't know how many people will be killed. If it weren't for the love of flesh and blood, he would have cleaned up the family!"

"Now it seems that the master was not wrong at all."

"Today, let me fulfill this wish for him!" After saying that, the old man in gray robe slowly raised his ebony staff.

Thick black mist drifted out from the staff, surrounded around him, and slowly condensed into a big black ball.

"Okay!" The father of Satan also gritted his teeth and said: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time! Including this Tathagata bone, I still need some materials, so I will use you to make up for it."

As he spoke, he patted the small silver-white box in his hand.

Ding! Ding!

Two extremely clear ringtones came from the box.

I know this ringtone all too well - it will trigger shocking changes every time it rings!

Master Feng died in his hands; in the Bone Stone Room, the man in the T-shirt and I were almost killed by the Bone Army he controlled, and even Oyu was seriously injured.

"Zhang Jiulin, don't you want to thank me?" The old man in gray robe shouted loudly in the black ball: "I will give you a chance now! Take care of Ling'er for me! Take her out quickly."

After he shouted, I immediately woke up.

He and the Father of Satan are both at the supreme god level in strength. If they fight to the death, the fight between gods will surely spread far and wide. Neither I, nor the unconscious man in the T-shirt, nor the seriously injured little girl could bear it.

At that moment, I didn't dare to hesitate. A strong force surged out of my already exhausted body. I picked up the man in the T-shirt and the little girl on my back, and ran out towards the entrance of the cave where we came in.

"Run?" The father of Satan laughed sinisterly: "Wherever my black hawk appears, there will never be anyone left alive!"

"Grandpa...Grandpa..." As soon as the little girl saw me running outside with her under her arms, she immediately started struggling and shouted loudly: "Put me down, I'm going to kill the bad guys and save grandpa."

I didn't have time to explain anything to her, so I ran out without looking back.


As soon as I stepped out of the cave, there was a deafening loud noise behind me, and the gravel exploded under the hood.

Ignoring the pain of the rocks hitting my body, I tried my best to protect their vital parts and ran away.

boom! boom!

There were continuous explosions and roars.

Pieces of broken boulders fell from the sky, hitting me one after another.

At this time, I was like an elk running in an artillery range, carefully distinguishing the direction of the falling boulder from the roaring sound, and running with my legs wide open.

After running to the edge of the giant black lotus, he was stopped by a leaf-shaped boulder several meters high, and then he stopped exhausted.

Looking back, I saw that dozens of holes had been torn out in the blood-red hall of Lianxin. Scattered stones were scattered all over the floor. Black smoke billowed and white gas rose in the incomplete holes. It was not possible to see who was there for the time being. prevailed.

However, it is safe here for the time being.

The man in the T-shirt still didn't wake up, so I gently put him on the ground.

Although the little girl was seriously injured, she still clenched her fists unwillingly, hit me with all her strength and shouted: "Let me go back, let me go back! I want to save grandpa!"

She was severely injured, her whole body was cold, and there was a piece of snow-white blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, which looked like a mouthful of milk.

It's both cute and heart-wrenching.

I patted her little head and comforted her: "Your grandpa is fighting the big bad guy. You are so seriously injured now that you can't help much if you get over."

"No, let me go, I'm going to help grandpa!" The little girl yelled extremely stubbornly and struggled out.

"Little girl, calm down!" I held her down forcefully.

"I'm not a little girl, I'm a man! I want to save grandpa!" She said angrily with a stick in her neck.

"Okay, okay, little manly girl, let's first..." I was mid-sentence when I suddenly felt something sticky falling on my head.

I looked up and suddenly broke into a cold sweat!

Between the two lotus leaves above my head, there lay a tall, bloody figure.

Most of the flesh and blood on his body had rotted away, revealing a thick patch of white bones. There were pale hair scattered on the back of his head and under his ears, and the white hair was stained with blood and minced meat.

There was only a piece of good flesh about the size of a palm left on his face, and it was covered with red scars. There were short white beards like steel needles under his chin.

This is...Dong Lao?

Why did he turn into a bloody corpse!

I shuddered suddenly, and suddenly remembered that the bloody corpse we encountered in front of the Tianwu Elements Gate looked like this.

Those bloody corpses were the first wave of white mercenaries who entered the Devil's Valley. They were all done by the father of Satan!

"Ah!" Dong Lao, who had turned into a bloody corpse, looked at me with eyes that were about to fall off, suddenly raised his neck, screamed, and dropped strings of red flesh and blood, and suddenly fell towards me. I pounced.

I quickly hugged the little girl and rolled away.


This guy's movements were extremely fast, like a cheetah, with his hands and feet, he rushed over again.

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