Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,439 Fist of Thunder Cloud

Seeing that Dong Lao, who had turned into a bloody corpse, rushed over again, I didn't even have time to stand up, so I quickly rolled aside while protecting the little girl.

With a swish, Dong Lao's ten dagger-like bony fingers flew close to my ear, and then he grabbed me to the ground with a bang. The extremely hard stone surface was like broken soil, and he was forced to Two large deep pits were discovered.

Mr. Dong missed two consecutive strikes and roared in great annoyance. Thick black smoke came out from his nostrils, mouth, and eye sockets, and instantly enveloped the bloody corpse.

"not good!"

Although this guy has turned into a blood corpse and can no longer use any poison techniques, he is a poisonous body after all, and spreading poison is the instinct of the body.

If it is contaminated by black mist, it will be extremely bad.

I yelled something bad, got up in panic and ran away.

"Ah!" Mr. Dong screamed and chased after him tightly, scratching and stepping on the stone surface, making a shocking sound.


Another loud noise came from the rotunda in front.

The old man in gray robe was fighting fiercely with the Father of Satan. Rocks were flying, and I didn't dare to get close, so I had to keep close to the nine-leaf black lotus and circle around.

"Left, here it comes!"


"Lower your head!"

Although the little girl was young, she was not afraid at all when she saw the bloody corpse chasing after her. Not only did she stop crying, she lay on my shoulder and gave me directions from time to time.

Although the blood corpse is extremely powerful, he is not Dong Lao after all, and he has lost his mind. With the tacit cooperation of the two of us, he can't do anything to us for a while.

"Okay, escaped again!"

"Haha, I can't catch you, I can't catch you! I'll make you so angry, you ugly monster!"

"Run, run, come on, come on!"

No matter how powerful she was, she was still a child, and she actually regarded this as a chasing game. After a while, she repeatedly hit me on the shoulder and started laughing.

But not only could I not laugh, I was physically and mentally exhausted and frightened.

My spiritual power has long been exhausted, and my whole body is extremely sore. After running wildly for a while, I am even more exhausted.

The man in the T-shirt is still unconscious, the outcome of the old man in gray robe is unknown, the fifth heartbeat is approaching, and the bloody corpse has been chasing closely behind him... Among these many variables, any one of them is fatal!


Hearing the sound, I suddenly dodged to the right, and with a gasp, the bloody corpse rushed out close to my left rib.

With a stabbing sound, another long cut was made in the already tattered clothes. If it had been even half an inch closer, my heart and liver would have been ripped out!

"Run, run! Come on!"

The little girl clenched her fists anxiously, her eyes widened, as if she was unable to exert all her strength.

Indeed, if she was not injured, it would be easy to clean up this bloody corpse!

But now one of us is injured and the other is extremely tired.

Without even looking back, I could tell from the continuous banging sounds behind me that this guy was getting closer and closer, but my legs and feet were weak and I couldn't really run anymore.

Besides, even if I can still run, it's not an option if I continue like this. The bloody corpse will never feel tired.


While my mind was racing, thinking of ways to crack it, the little girl repeatedly hit my right shoulder and screamed.

I hurriedly flashed to the left like a reflex, but the sole of my foot went soft and I fell to the ground with a thud.

With a swish, the bloody corpse jumped out from my side and smashed four big holes into the stone surface.

In the mist of blood, the extremely ferocious face of the bloody corpse was revealed.

It glared at me fiercely, and blood flowed out from the gap between its fangs.

Suddenly, he jumped up and was running towards my chest and throat!

The place where I fell was facing the high wall of Black Lotus. It was too late to turn over, and there was no way to escape.

"Run!" I pushed the little girl out suddenly and whipped out my double sword for killing ghosts and gods.

"Come on, I'll fight you!" I thought to myself, using my remaining strength, I struck head-on.

Before my knife could strike, I heard a loud crack, and then a fist rushed out from the bloody corpse's chest.

My fists were covered in blood and minced meat, dripping all over me.


There were two more explosions, and the bloody corpse exploded directly, with rolling golden light flashing in the cracks.

The entire bloody corpse was burned into ashes, and the black fog was also dispersed, and a figure emerged from the fog.

It's a T-shirt man.

Amidst the clicking sound, lightning flashed. I looked closely and saw that the light came from his arm.

Rays of lightning flashed continuously on the bone-covered arm, emitting golden light that made it difficult to open one's eyes.

Even the man in the T-shirt didn't expect it and stared at his arm in a daze.

I got up from the ground and took a closer look. The golden light gradually disappeared, but red patterns were left on his arms. At first glance, they looked like a flaming cloud filled with lightning.

"Could this be..." The man in the T-shirt was stunned for a moment and said, "Could it be that your blood mixed with the Heavenly Spirit Liquid has enhanced my cultivation."

"I'm so ignorant, what's so strange about this!" The little girl got up from the ground, looked at the two of us with disdain, and while brushing the dirt on her skirt, she said, "Isn't it just the Fist of Thunder Cloud?" ? I saw it as early as when I was four years old."

The man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other speechlessly, with black lines on our faces.

boom! At this moment, there was a loud bang.

The whole ground shook extremely violently, almost causing me to fall to the ground.

Looking around, the rotunda was completely shattered.

All the stones were turned into powder and blown around by an invisible giant wind, rolling like waves; a black and white mushroom-shaped cloud rushed straight up, like a small nuclear bomb falling in front of them.

When the smoke and dust disappeared, the original bright red hall had long since disappeared. A huge pit appeared on the ground, with cracks more than half a meter wide spreading in all directions, reaching to our feet.

Although I have long known that the strength of the old man in gray robe and the father of Satan is unfathomable, this picture is really amazing!

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