Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,440 The Thrilling Battle (Additional Update)

"Grandpa!" the little girl yelled, turned around and was about to run into the pit. I hurriedly chased after her and caught her.

The smoke and dust in the center of the pit slowly dissipated, revealing a large round ball about five meters in diameter.

The ball is a mixture of black and white, with me in you and you in me, just like dark clouds entangled with white clouds, competing for the moon.

The black and white clouds are moving, changing and rotating.


Suddenly, a ray of light flew out of the ball and hit the black lotus stone wall with a bang.

A big hole was made in the wall, and cracks spread out in all directions.

The light and shadow slid down from the deep pit, and it turned out to be the old man in gray robe!

His gray robe had long been torn, his gray hair was flying in all directions, his face was pale, there was blood on his mouth and forehead, and even his chest was covered in a large area of ​​bright red.

"Grandpa!" The little girl suddenly broke away from my hands and ran towards the old man.

"Hahahaha..." A wild laugh came from the deep pit.

The sphere shattered, and a figure stood in the billowing smoke.

He was completely naked, not even a piece of cloth.

Half of it is extremely strong muscles, and the other half is white bones. It was like cutting out half of the illustrations introducing muscles and bones in a biology textbook and putting them together. It was far more terrifying than the bloody corpse just now!

Could it be that in this peak showdown, the father of Satan won?

A very bad premonition suddenly arose in my heart, as if a catastrophic disaster was about to come.

"Hahaha! So what if you have cultivated the "Yin Fu Sutra"? So what if you have an ebony staff? Are you still defeated in my hands?" The half-human and half-bone monster laughed with great pride.

"I released the evil fire to burn the old immortal and myself, and cut off half of my flesh and blood to deceive you. I hid in the corpse cave for three years, gnawing on corpses and eating rats. I wandered around, suffering from hunger and suffering everywhere. I was beaten with blank stares and looked for food in the garbage cans in smelly ditches... What am I doing for this day?" The father of Satan gritted his teeth.

"As early as three years ago, I had everything ready for my undead art. I only needed two strange bones. I was bound to get this. But I also got your news accidentally - you only lacked this. A Buddha's heart can undo the Xuanbing poison in the little boy."

"So, I tried my best to set up this trap. Longquan Villa, Zhang Jiulin, Pulley's Box, and the Sword of Underworld, if any of them are missing, I'm afraid you, an old guy, won't fall into the trap."

"Now, I have won. The final winner is me, Black Hawk, not Gray Dove!"

"Now you see, who is stronger and who is more worthy of taking over the Yin Fu Sect?"

"The old immortal is blind, so he deserves to die! The white eagle is blind, so she deserves retribution! Everyone in this world deserves to die, they all have to die!" He said viciously, waving his arms vigorously.

As he waved his arms, the lime on the ground moved automatically, and the ground behind him rose slightly, as if a huge thing was about to break out of the ground!

"Ahem..." The old man in gray robe leaning against the black lotus stone wall coughed twice and shouted loudly: "Black Eagle, you are happy too early, and you don't even think about it. I am better than all of you." You got here first, why are you waiting here?"

"Huh?" When the father of Satan heard this, he was suddenly startled and said in astonishment: "Are you waiting for me?"

"Not bad!" The old man in gray robe stood up slowly, holding an ebony staff in one hand and holding the little girl in the other, and walked slowly towards the edge of the pit.

"To be precise, I am waiting for the father of Satan."

"Although I didn't know it was you at that time, as a member of the Yin Fu Sect, I will never allow such a person to live in the world."

The old man in gray robe turned his head and looked at me and said: "Boy, when we left King Yu's tomb, your grandfather said it right. Walking on the road of rivers and lakes, with a benevolent heart, this is probably what people of our generation should stick to. moral integrity."

"And you!" The old man in gray robe suddenly turned his head, stared at the father of Satan in the pit, and shouted loudly: "I have always killed innocent people indiscriminately, and there is never a living person wherever I go! You deceive your teachers and destroy your ancestors, and you practice forbidden things. I want to resurrect Satan—I can kill you a thousand times."

"Hahahaha..." The father of Satan snorted coldly, and then laughed wildly: "What can you do to me? Don't forget that all truths are written by the victors! Don't worry, what you just listed I will put all the charges in your name, every word, and suffer death!"

As he spoke, he crossed his arms.


The large bulging mound behind him suddenly surged upwards, and a piece of white bones was exposed in the gap.

What on earth is such a behemoth?

"Hmph!" The gray-robed old man sneered: "If you hadn't been so obsessed and had taken action earlier, you might have won, but now it's too late."

"Let me show you what I have prepared for you!" He said, throwing out the ebony staff in his hand.

The ebony staff flew in the air and kept spinning, like a powerful propeller, sending out strong winds and blowing away all the stone debris and dust around the pit.

Golden lights appeared on the ground.

I looked down and saw that it was a Tibetan charm made of gold!

These charms were originally inlaid on the inner wall of the rotunda, around the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata.

At this time, the old man in gray robes placed them in a dense circle around the circular pit. The charms were all made of gold. They were already golden, but now they were even more brilliant.

The spells were crisscrossed one after another, firmly covering the entire pit; golden runes rose into the sky and shot towards the father of Satan in the middle of the pit.

"Ah!" The father of Satan screamed, backed away, and waved out a stream of white smoke, trying to cover the light, but it was scattered by the golden light and hit him.

Regardless of whether it was a human body or bones, as soon as it was swept by the light, a stream of white smoke would rise up and burn a big hole in his body.

The newly raised mound suddenly stopped.

"Ah! Ah!" The light was extremely fierce, as if it could pierce the soul. Even the father of Satan couldn't bear the pain and screamed repeatedly.

(ps: Happy birthday to loyal readers.)

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