Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1441 At the cost of life

"The curse is still the original curse." The old man in gray robe said loudly: "This is the murder spell set by the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata. Just changing the order, it became a Buddhist curse that saves all living beings. It is your nemesis. .You deserve it!”

"Hahahaha." In the golden light, the crazy laughter of the father of Satan came again: "Do you think you won? You have to die too, and die with me! Hahahaha."

The expression of the old man in gray robe suddenly changed, and he waved one hand.

With a whoosh, a bolt of lightning burst out of the ground, splitting the Father of Satan in two from bottom to top, then pierced through the golden light, and landed in the hands of the man in the T-shirt with a snap.

It was the Eight-sided Han Sword that the old man took away from the man in the T-shirt.

The old man in gray robe slowly turned around, suddenly pulled something out of his chest, then grabbed the corner of his clothes and carefully wiped away the blood. They were fragments from the suitcase of the Father of Satan.

According to the conversation between the two people, it was made from the bones of the white eagle.

It must be the only piece of bones that he saved just now with all his might.

The old man in gray robe walked slowly with his head lowered, stroking her gently, his hands trembling slightly.

His long gray hair was scattered in all directions, and his back was bent, as if he had suddenly aged dozens of years.

While walking, he stepped into a deep pit broken by Dong Lao and fell onto his back.

"Grandpa..." the little girl yelled and ran over.

The man in the T-shirt was the closest and quickly helped him up, but when the old man fell, he couldn't even stand.

We took a closer look and found that both of the old man's feet were missing.

All the skin, flesh, and bones were gone, leaving only wisps of black smoke at the ankles.

The black smoke is still spreading upwards, inch after inch...

"Grandpa!" the little girl cried out in fright, stretching out her two little hands to put it out.

I quickly grabbed her, this was the fire of hell!

Once it ignites, there is no way to put it out, you can only wait for it to burn out slowly. If someone else encounters you, it will only make you angry.

It seems that the father of Satan also cast a killing move on him before he died.

"Senior." The man in the T-shirt held the old man tightly and said guiltily: "I knew what happened before, but...but I couldn't control myself."

The voice of the man in the T-shirt was choked up.

If the old man in gray robe hadn't been sneak-attacked by the father of Satan using a man in a T-shirt, he might not have been like this.

But the old man in gray robe seemed not to hear it at all. He was still staring at the small white slice in his hand, stroking it gently without looking away.

Gulu, Gulu!

Suddenly, there was a loud grunting sound all around.

I turned around and saw that the pool of blood hanging around suddenly surged, the blood boiled, and strings of bubbles rose from time to time.

All the blood pools seemed to come alive all of a sudden, surging and rushing straight to the heart.

"Quick, sit down behind me." The old man in gray robe suddenly woke up and shouted loudly.

After his shouting, the T-shirt man and I immediately woke up.

The Buddha Sound Transformation into Ghost Formation is about to start again, the fifth heartbeat!

The old man in gray robe once said that although this formation has seven sounds in total, after five sounds, those who have not reached the supreme god level will definitely die.

Since he knew this, but still dared to come, there should be some way to solve it, but now...

He asked us to hide behind him. Could it be that he wanted to die to help us block this blow?

"Senior..." The man in the T-shirt couldn't bear it.

"What nonsense!" the old man yelled angrily. He grabbed the man in the T-shirt and me and threw him behind him. Then he stretched out his hand and the ebony staff flew back and was deeply inserted in front of him with a bang.

Gulu, guru, the pool of blood surged straight towards the heart.

The gray-robed old man clasped his hands in vain, yelled and chanted: "The Yin Talisman is Wuji, the mind is unified!"

Following this loud shout, black shadows emerged from the ebony staff and floated above our heads, slowly converging into a large black bell.

boom! Boom!

Waves of roars shook out from the deep pit in the distance, like thunder moving underground.

One sound followed another, one more urgent than the other, as if some more alarming explosion was brewing.

The black clock slowly fell, covering all of us, but he himself stayed outside the clock.

"This is the most tragic bell. Remember, no matter what you see, don't make the slightest sound." As the bell fell, the old man in gray robe said solemnly.

"Remember, never make any sound!" At the last moment when the black bell fell, the old man in gray robe warned him again in a particularly stern tone.

"No! Grandpa, I want grandpa..."

I was deeply afraid that the little girl would move or scream, so I hugged her tightly and covered her mouth.

The black clock covered the entire world, and everything was pitch black.

There was a buzzing sound that hit my ears one after another. I was afraid of something unexpected happening, so I quickly closed my eyes, but a glimmer of light still appeared in front of my eyes.

The light grew brighter and brighter, revealing an extremely clear image.

A slightly fat woman was holding a baby, with an extremely happy smile on her face.

Suddenly, a big ax flew out of the air, and with a click, cut off the baby's head. Blood splattered all over the woman's body and face.

Another bright light flashed over, and the picture inside gradually became larger.

A pair of young men and women were riding on a galloping horse. As the horse's back rose and fell, the two looked at each other with sweet eyes and came closer. Just when the two faces were about to touch each other, a spear broke through. The wind came and pierced both of their hearts at the same time. One fell under the horse, and the other was hung in the stirrups and dragged away.

Another picture flashed over.

The three generations are enjoying themselves in the same house, sitting around talking and laughing. Suddenly, the grandson's head exploded into pieces and turned into a piece of rotten watermelon. Blood and brains burst out all over the place! Then the son, daughter-in-law, and wife were all like this. In an instant, the ground was in a mess.

One bright light after another came and went.

The scenes inside are each more miserable than the last, and each one is more terrifying than the last. One person, one family, one village, one city...

Pieces of corpses and streaks of blood are shocking and tragic!

If the old man in gray robe hadn't told me earlier, I would have couldn't help but scream.

The little girl in my arms struggled violently several times, but I held her tight.


At this moment, the bell rang again.

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