Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,442 Buddha’s Heart

As soon as the buzzing stopped, the scene changed again——

The decapitated baby tore the mother's neck to pieces, and blood poured out; the couple who fell to the ground caught up with the other, and even the man and the horse were chewed to pieces; the headless family members pressed the old man to the ground and tore him apart like crazy; a village after village Zombies are wandering around, and ghosts are flying all over the city...

If what we saw just now was a miserable scene on earth, now it could definitely be regarded as a hell demon.

Ever since I took over the antique shop from my grandfather and became a ghost dealer, I have encountered zombies and ghosts frequently, but I have never seen such a terrifying sight.

I was so frightened that I broke out in a cold sweat, and my heart kept beating wildly.


An extremely cold hand rested on my shoulder.

I opened my mouth subconsciously, my larynx moved, and I was about to shout out. Suddenly I remembered the old man in gray robe's instructions, and I quickly stopped.


The bell rang again, and little white lights flashed in the black screen.

Bang! The white light suddenly approached and turned into hands. One after another, they penetrated the black curtain and floated out.

Baby-like little hands, white and tender, with a small pit behind each finger; thick man's hands, thick and strong, covered with layers of calluses; gorgeous women's hands, slender and fair, painted with bright red nails Oil; the hands of the aging old man were wrinkled and covered with dark brown age spots... Each hand was broken at the wrist, and blood was flowing. Like a swimming fish, it kept swimming around and scratching in front of me.

I stared and held my breath, but they still noticed me.

Countless hands rushed over, grabbing my hair, pinching my nose, pulling my face and ears, and even gouging my eyes.

I was holding the little girl and covering her mouth. I couldn't use my hands at all, so I could only shake my head and keep dodging.

Suddenly, another hand grabbed my neck, making me almost breathless.

"Zhang Jiulin, cover Ling'er's eyes!" At this moment, an extremely old voice shouted.

It's the voice of the old man in gray robe!

I don't know why he gave such a strange order, but I still followed it without hesitation.

Buzz...a loud sound.

The hands and claws surrounding me disappeared like a flock of startled doves.

The black bell is shattered and light appears again.

I was breathing heavily, really frightened by the mirror image just now.

"Senior, you..." The man in the T-shirt sitting in front of me suddenly screamed and stood up in panic.

Only then did I realize that the two eyes of the old man in gray robe were gone, and blood was flowing from the black eye sockets, covering his face.

His left hand was trembling slightly, and there was a sticky and bloody patch on the two index fingers - did he gouge out his eyes?

I soon understood that the spell he just cast could only be cast once in a lifetime, and it was cast at the cost of his own eyes.

At the same time, I also knew why I was asked to cover the little girl’s eyes, because I was afraid that she would see her like this.

The old man in gray robe waved his hand at the man in the T-shirt, signaling him to stop talking. Then he pointed at the rusty sword in front of him and said weakly: "Quickly, go and get the Buddha's Heart." Come."

From a distance, the bones of the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata were still intact, but the lotus platform under his body was already covered with cracks.

The man in the T-shirt nodded and flew away.

When the little girl heard his voice, she immediately began to twist unsteadily, trying to break free from my arms.

As soon as I saw that the crisis was over, I let go of her hands and mouth, but still covered her eyes tightly.

"Ling'er..." The old man in gray robe covered his chest with his hands and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Can I play hide-and-seek with you?"

"Okay!" The little girl stopped struggling, clapped her hands and said, "Go and hide, I can't see anything!"

"I will hide it after you eat the Buddha's heart." The old man in gray robe smiled.

The little girl nodded obediently and stretched out her little hand impatiently: "Where is it? Bring it."

The man in the T-shirt quickly rushed down the pit, jumped onto the high platform, reached into the Buddha's bones and pulled twice, but it didn't move. Then he picked up his long sword and slashed hard.

With a crash, the Buddha's bones were shattered into pieces and turned into flying ashes, and the high platform collapsed with a roar.

The man in the T-shirt took two steps forward, then turned back to look as if he noticed something strange, and then ran back.

When the old man in gray robe heard the footsteps of the man in the T-shirt approaching, he pointed at the little girl in my arms and said: "Give the Buddha's heart to Ling'er. You go and cut off the iron rope under the gate, and I will help you open an escape route." the road!"

The man in the T-shirt responded, handed the Buddha's heart to the little girl's hand, put the rusty sword back at the old man's feet, and then turned and left.

"Hahaha, grandpa, I'm going to eat it! Hurry up and hide it." The little girl held the Buddha's heart in both hands and said with a smile.

It's really unimaginable that Dream Ghost Tathagata has been dead for so long, but his heart is still intact.

Moreover, the loud noises that almost killed me were made by it.

However, at this time, it was chewed by the little girl.

She ate it extremely sweetly, chewing it loudly, and occasionally sticking out her little tongue to lick back the blood from the corner of her mouth.

I was dumbfounded.

No wonder she was so relaxed and happy when she talked about drinking human blood and eating brains. It turned out that for her, these were commonplace.

However, what was extremely strange was that as she ate faster and faster, her body became colder and colder, almost like a piece of ice, which made me shiver.

When she licked up the last drop of blood, it turned into a piece of ice!

The little girl's whole body was covered with a thick layer of bright white ice, like an ice sculpture.

"Senior!" I shouted in a panic.

"Just feed her a drop of your blood and she'll be fine." Although the old man in gray robe had lost his eyesight, he replied softly as if he could still understand everything.

I quickly squeezed the wound on my fingertips and dripped it between the little girl's lips.

In an instant, the ice shell dispersed into smoke.

A small, shiny white ball slipped out of her mouth, followed by a puff of white air.

Her body was no longer cold, and gradually warmed up, but her eyes were still closed tightly, as if she was asleep.

"Senior...what's going on?" I picked up the little white ball full of doubts, carried the little girl and walked to the old man in gray robe - his eyes were empty at this time, and the hell fire on his legs had been burned. My knees can't move at all.

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