Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,443 A Grand Master

The old man in gray robe took the small white ball, his extremely old hands suddenly trembled, and then he sighed and said slowly: "Everyone in the world says that I am a gray pigeon that is half black and half white, and that I am both good and evil, but I never Don’t think so.”

He shook his head slightly and continued: "Although I come from the Yinfu Sect and have learned ghost arts, I have a clear conscience and have never done anything harmful to the world. It's just... I feel sorry for this child. .”

"The Yin Fu sect has been passed down for thousands of years. It has always been regarded as a cult by those so-called righteous people who would kill them on sight, so it has always been a small family. When it comes to the master's generation, there are only three disciples in the sect: I, Black Eagle, and... There’s little junior sister Bai Diao.”

"You have also seen Black Eagle. He has always had evil intentions and never left a living person wherever he went. The master taught him many times, but he still did not repent. Then he actually put Mengchundan into the tea of ​​the little junior sister. , He wanted to do something wrong. After I found out and beat him up, I have always been grudges about him."

"Later, he secretly attacked me, but was blocked by his junior sister. During the fierce fight, I destroyed his cultivation."

"The blow that my junior sister blocked for me was caused by the poison of the Flame Dragon. The whole body was burning and painful inside and outside. There was no antidote in the world. But I couldn't bear to give up, so I took her everywhere to find a doctor..."

As the gray-robed old man spoke, a smile appeared on his extremely tragic face, probably because he was remembering the happiest time in his life.

"But... still to no avail." He sighed, shook his head and continued, "When we do it again..."

"When I came back again, my master's end was approaching. He actually ignored the ancestral instructions of the disciple of the Dharma Master and passed on the "Yin Fu Jing" and the ebony staff to me, but he didn't leave any of them to his own son Black Eagle. Black Eagle was so angry that he released the fire of hell, burned the master to death, cut off half of his own body, and pretended to die in it."

"Junior sister said that I was willing to deceive my master and destroy my ancestors just to seize the scripture staff, and then left with hatred. Since then, I have never seen her again..."

"After I searched all over the country and couldn't find it, I figured out that she didn't want to drag me down with the Flame Dragon Poison, so she took advantage of the excuse to avoid me."

"So, I began to secretly swear that I must find the antidote to the Flame Dragon Poison!"

"Just like this, after decades, I finally learned that the only antidote to the Flame Dragon Poison is Xuanbing Poison."

"But the mysterious ice poison is even more strange. It requires a person born with a jade body to nourish the Yin Ice Poison for thousands of days, and then use many evil things to gradually force the poison out of the body before it can be made. I have After searching all over the world and searching for hundreds of millions of people, I finally found a target: this child, who was only three years old at the time."

"I thought about it for a long time, and finally..."

"Alas!" The old man in gray robe sighed guiltily: "I poisoned her with ice source. Her parents took her all over the country and searched for famous doctors, but there was nothing they could do. They all said that this child has the most She couldn't live more than three months. Then I came to her door and told her to take her away and she would be cured in three years. Her parents had no choice but to agree."

"Now, Xuanbing has become poisonous, but...but it's useless!" The old man's hand holding the little white ball trembled.

When I heard this, I couldn't help but feel very sad, and I didn't know what to say for a while.

"Zhang Jiulin, I, Gray Pigeon, have traveled all over the world in my life and have never asked for help. Can you promise me one thing?" His voice was trembling.

"Senior, please speak." I replied seriously.

Without the help of this old man, even if I could escape the explosion, I would definitely die at the fifth sound of the Buddha's voice just now!

Besides, he has been in the fire of hell and will die soon. Even if a stranger comes to him and asks for his last wish, I will try my best to help him fulfill it.

"Okay!" The old man nodded: "Although the Yin Bing poison has been discharged from this child's body, the Yin evil spirit has not yet been eliminated. We need to find a famous Taoist temple or a large Buddhist temple to listen to the Taoist words and the Buddha's voice. It will take a hundred days to resolve it and forget all the ghosts and monsters seen in the past three years."

"Although she has swallowed countless kinds of evil creatures in the past three years, I have been using the ghost technique to nourish her. In addition, she is born with a jade body. If she practices practice in the future, it will be a hundred times easier than ordinary people; if not If you practice cultivation, you will be disease-free and immune to all kinds of poisons for the rest of your life, and it will be easy to live to my age..."

"You must help me send this child to his parents and take good care of her. Her real name is Ye Suling. She lives in Dali, Yunnan. Her father is the most famous jade craftsman of that generation, nicknamed Ye Yizhui. You Remember?"

As a master of the generation, this old man had extraordinary strength. When he was dying, the only thing he could not forget and couldn't let go of was this one shameful thing.

I nodded and said very solemnly: "Senior, don't worry, I will treat her as my own sister!"

"Okay!" The old man in gray robe nodded repeatedly with great satisfaction: "Zhang Yaoyang is an upright person, and his grandson is not bad. It just so happens that you are the Holy Body of the Heavenly Spirit. Haha, it seems that all this is destiny!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and the ebony staff inserted in front of him shook slightly and flew up lightly.

While flying, black light emitted.

By the time it fell into his hands, it had been reduced to ashes and was only the size of a walnut.

"This is something that has been passed down from generation to generation by our Yin Fu Sect. Although the ghost energy has dissipated, this ebony core is still a rare treasure." The old man said, and took out a small iron piece the size of a palm from his arms: "This It’s the Yin Fu Jing. Since you followed Yaoyang on this path, this thing must be of great use to you.”

He said as he put the two things together in his palms and handed them to me.

"Senior, this..." For a moment, I was a little shocked.

"Yin Fu Jing", Ebony Core, although I have never heard of it before, but all the skills of this old man come from this, which is enough to show how rare it is.

"You don't have to refuse. I... don't need it anymore. If someone like Black Eagle takes it away in the future, I'm afraid a catastrophe will happen to the world. I feel more at ease if I leave it in your hands."

As soon as I heard what the old man said, I stopped trying to excuse myself, took two steps forward, knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed heavily several times.

He and my grandfather were friends and foes, and they were elders in terms of age.

I received something passed down from his master. According to Taoism, I also inherited his mantle. I deserve this thank you ceremony, not to mention that he saved my life several times.

"Okay, now there's just one last thing left!"

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