Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,444: Cutting Dusk with One Sword

The old man in gray robe let out a sigh of relief and said slowly: "Since you have seen that the corpse is the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata, you must be very familiar with this period of history."

"At the end of the Tang Dynasty, an operation to exterminate Buddhas was launched in Tibet. With the help of a substitute, the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata deceived Langdama's army of exterminating Buddhas and led many believers all the way north. They preached the Dharma while fleeing, and the believers gathered more and more. Many, even reaching tens of thousands in the end.”

"These people have been crossing the mountains and snowfields, and under the guidance of Ghost Tathagata, they came to this valley."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but have some questions, so I asked: "Senior, isn't the ultimate dream of their Yin Buddhist sect to become a ghost? Then they should not be afraid of life and death, so why are they running away again?"

"Haha." Gray Robe smiled: "You are only half right. Only cultivating oneself is Hinayana Buddhism, and saving all sentient beings is Mahayana Buddhism. The Yin Buddhism sect practices Mahayana teachings, so their dream is not only to achieve self-transformation Instead, he wants all people to become ghosts. From then on, there will be no suffering in the world and the world will be unified."

"They built the formation here for this purpose."

"There are seven sounds in the Buddha's sound to transform into ghosts. Anyone below the Supreme God level will definitely die after hearing five sounds! I just sacrificed my eyes to my soul and aroused the desire of all the ghosts on the ebony staff to survive. , so that sound just saved all the ghosts and spirits, and my ebony staff also disintegrated because of this."

"Actually, their formation is not for humans, but for ghosts. To be more precise, it's those bones you saw before."

"They are all believers of the Great Dreamer Ghost Tathagata. After the seven sounds of the Buddha's voice, these believers and ghosts will turn into ghost arhats and ghost Bodhisattvas, thus possessing the power of illusion, that is, they will become another Great Dreamer Ghost Tathagata. .”

"In other words, those tens of thousands of white bones are tens of thousands of sleeping Ghost Tathagata, and the Buddha's sound is like an alarm clock. Back then, one Ghost Tathagata could stir up such a storm, but what if tens of thousands of Ghost Tathagata reappeared in the world? fear?"

"Although their idea is extremely crazy, it is very likely to be realized. It is just unfortunate or lucky that they met the Rurik family."

"Just when their formation was about to be completed, the Rurik family who had taken refuge also entered the valley."

"The Rurik family was being hunted and did not dare to leave the valley. Compared with these believers, they were weak and weak, so they all joined Yin Buddhism against their will. But they are all from outside the country and neither understand Chinese nor understand The Tibetan people, who all maintained the idea that the royal family was superior to others, could not be influenced by the teachings of Yin Buddha. Many years later, the formation was finally completed, and blood sacrifices were made - that is, cutting one's own throat and wrists, and pouring the blood into the When the last drop of blood was drained from the pool, they finally began to resist."

"In the end, all the Rurik family died in the battle except for a young man named Galen."

"But from then on, the blood of the sacrifice was no longer pure, and there were flaws in the magic circle!"

"Galen, who had fled since then, never expected that after many ups and downs, his descendants would actually return to this valley."

"At this time, the magic circle has demonstrated its power, and all the Rurik family have been imprisoned here, turning into gargoyles. But the only thing that cannot be imprisoned is the Sword of Dusk." The old man said, raising the big sword. : "This sword comes from the founder of the Rurik Dynasty. He used this sword to kill twenty-seven great wizards in one day. It is said that when a large number of wizards died, the blood mist sprayed out and filled the air. The entire sky is just like dusk, which is why the sword got its name."

"The Sword of Dusk contains the souls of twenty-seven great wizards, and is mixed with the blood of the Rurik royal family. It can compete with the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata. They have been fighting in this valley for hundreds of years. Who can There’s nothing you can do about it!”

"Outsiders have been scrambling to find the Sword of Dusk, but they have no clue. Although I know that it has always been here, I also know that it is precisely because of its existence that the Buddha's Sound Transformation into Ghost Array can never be opened until Black Eagle takes it. It was pulled out..."

The old man in gray robe said as he stretched out his pale hand and flicked the sword's edge.

The sword hummed softly, as if it was telling its extraordinary past.

"As a member of the Yin Fu Sect, I will never allow such evil formations to return to the world. It just so happens that the last antidote to Xuanbing poison is this Buddha's heart, so I rushed over and conveniently brought the father of Satan to the world. The scum will also be destroyed.”

"Unexpectedly, the father of Satan turned out to be Black Eagle. Not only is he extremely familiar with all the weaknesses of Yin Fu Sect's moves, but he also knows me well. That's when I suffered his poisonous attack."

As the old man spoke, his fingertips moved and tapped on the sword body.

The melody was familiar, exactly like the roar in Pless's box.

As his fingers continued to tap, shouts came out from the sword one after another.

Some are high-pitched, some are shrill, some are hoarse, some are low... It's like a choir with uneven tones, different lengths and poor performances, performing the most failed performance.

"This is the cry of the twenty-seven great wizards when they were dying. They were all chanting the most ferocious and vicious spells." The old man explained while continuing to play.

With a snap, a piece of rust fell from the big sword, and the inside turned out to be crystal clear and radiant.

Bang, bang!

As the whine in the sword continued, the rust fell off one after another, gradually revealing the true face of the sword——

It is wide, sharp, and dazzling. Ancient and weird runes are carved in the middle of the sword, which faintly exudes an extremely mysterious and powerful power.

Is this the real Sword of Dusk?

Boom, boom, suddenly, there was a loud boom in the direction of the Bone Gate where we came from!


Before I could wake up, another sound of gurgling water came from the deep pit.

I turned around and saw a bright red fountain spurting out from the bottom of the pit.

The blood pools in all directions also surged at the same time, as if this huge heart came to life again.

The golden charms around the pit glowed faintly, gurgling blood flowed freely, the black lotus glowed brilliantly, and the runes on the Sword of Dusk also lit up at the same time.

With a whoosh, the man in a T-shirt jumped in from above the lotus leaf and ran to us in a few steps: "Senior, I have cut the iron rope."

"Yes." The gray-robed old man nodded slightly and said, "Actually, there are three exits in this array. But now, you can only take the most difficult and dangerous one!"

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