Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1445 Breaking out of the ancient tomb (additional update)

"Three exits?" The man in the T-shirt and I couldn't help but be stunned.

Ever since we crossed the Five Elements Gate and entered the underground palace, we have been paying attention to the signs of the exit, but we haven't found any signs at all. But the old man in gray robe actually found three?

"The Luguang Cave on the river is the first exit. The bats fly out from there to hunt for food. Although the cave entrance is a bit narrow and it hangs high on the top of the wall, it can still be regarded as a way of escape."

After hearing what he said, I suddenly remembered that there were indeed many small holes scattered on the rock wall above the river.

"The second entrance is in the mirror maze. Just follow the method of walking three, retreating two, and walking six every seven, and the maze will become a straight corridor. Then, when you see five, you will enter, and the corridor will become a diagonal corridor. As for the upward passage, smash open the stone wall at the end, which is the bloody hole when you came in. How did you get in, and how can you get out." The old man explained.

These words shocked both of us again - we were trapped in a maze with nothing to do, and almost lost our lives, unable to get out. But not only did he decipher the maze's movement, he even used the maze's changing rules to find a direct passage to the outside world?

"But now that the Buddha Corridor has been blown up, there is no way to go back. And with the destruction of the Buddhist altar, the underground palace will soon collapse. There is only this way to go now." The old man in gray robe said, pointing around. : "This boulder is shaped like a heart, with a huge difference in weight on the left and right. There are only two things that can balance it. One is the iron ropes under the Buddha-shaped gate, which pulls the tip of the heart downward, and the other is the nine-leaf black lotus that presses forward. Heart."

"Now that the iron rope has been cut, and all the blood flow is directed to the other side, the boulder will naturally lose its balance, and the apex of the heart will turn up!"

"This is the closest place to the ground, only twenty or thirty meters away from the surface. The last passage is through the ground."

As soon as he said this, the man in the T-shirt and I finally understood - after removing the balance point of this heart-shaped boulder, and then applying force on a heavy point, the tip of the heart would suddenly tilt up and pierce the ground!

Gululu, Gululu...

The blood in the pit is accumulating more and more, filling most of the bottom of the pit, and blood is still gushing from all directions.


There were sounds of earth and stone shattering one after another around the giant heart, and the ground began to shake. It seems that his calculation was good, the balance has been broken, and the apex of the heart is about to break through the ground!

"There is also a magic formation above the giant heart, called the Arhat Tortoise Armor Formation. It can be said to be a true heart-protecting formation. If attacked from above, even if several bombs are dropped, it may be difficult to break through. But if it is from the inside..." The old man in gray robe shook the Sword of Dusk in his hand: "Just stab the sword at the eye of the formation."

As he spoke, he scratched his fingertip on the sword's edge and drew a spell on the sword's edge with blood.

"When you get close to the magic circle, a faint light will emit from the center of the circle. You only need to use the power of the thunder arm to stab the sword at the faint light." After saying that, he handed the sword to the man in the T-shirt.

His hands were shaking slightly, and patches of cold sweat continued to flow from his forehead and the tip of his nose.

We all know that the fire of hell not only burns the body, but also the soul, which is hundreds of times more painful than the most brutal punishment in the world.

But he persevered with unimaginable perseverance, and calmly explained to us in detail, trying to let us leave unscathed.

"Senior..." The man in the T-shirt took the sword, his voice choked up.

"Okay..." the old man waved his hand gently: "I have been in the human world for more than a hundred years, and it's time to leave. This underground palace is about to collapse, and there won't be much left for you, so hurry up and prepare! Remember that sentence, walk the road of rivers and lakes, and have a benevolent heart. If you can act accordingly, our acquaintance will be worthwhile."

After that, he took out the thin piece of bone from his arms and kept stroking it, ignoring both of us.

At this time, the hellfire had burned to his waist and was still spreading upwards. He had become a halfling.

The eyes of the man in the T-shirt and I were all wet. It felt like there was a big stone pressing heavily on our hearts. We had thousands of words in our throats, but nothing could come out!


Burst after burst of muffled loud noises came one after another, the heart-shaped boulder kept swaying up and down, gravel and dust fell from the edge, and the ground under our feet also slowly tilted.

The underground palace is about to collapse! There is indeed not much time, we can’t wait any longer!

The two of us bowed deeply to the old man and ran away.

The old man's hoarse voice came from behind: "Junior Sister Bai Diao, did you hear it? I didn't set the fire, and I didn't kill the master. I know you are afraid of dragging me down, but I really found the antidote. Yes! Found it."

"I will go with you now. We will always be together and no one can be separated..."

The tears that the T-shirt man and I were holding back burst out, but we didn’t even dare to look back.

There was more and more blood in the pit, and there was only about one meter left above the ground.

The man in the T-shirt ran forward holding the Sword of Dusk, splitting the long black lotus leaves with a few clicks.

The Buddha-protecting statue with nine hands and nine eyes crashed to the ground, making a loud bang and smashing to pieces.

I followed closely behind, holding the little girl who was sleeping.

The ground was shaking more and more violently. Stones the size of a human head kept flying down, and loud rumbling sounds were heard from time to time below the underground palace.

We jumped over pieces of gravel one after another, passed through blood pools, and finally reached the tip of the giant heart.

Looking back, I saw that the center of my heart was in a mess, and the old man in gray robe was gone.

Senior, farewell forever!


The blood in the last blood pool has been drained out, and the pit has long become a sea of ​​blood!

Ga! The ground shook violently, and then bounced upward with a roar.

I quickly clung to the gap between the boulders and held the little girl tightly to my chest.

The top of my heart tilted upward, like a crashed plane that crashed hard towards the top of the mountain.

With a snap, a bright red rune suddenly lit up between the stone walls, densely packed and as bright as stars!

"Broken!" The man in the T-shirt shouted, and suddenly raised the sword in his hand.

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