Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,446 Everyone gathers

The blood talisman left by the gray-robed old man on the sword suddenly lit up, covering the edge of the sword like a star.

Pieces of golden runes also lit up on the arm of the man in the T-shirt, and then lightning flashed out, the lightning flashed, and the sword glowed like lightning!

With a click, the tip of the sword hit the center of the array, and the stone wall was like tofu, piercing it with one stab.

With continuous explosions, it exploded into pieces!

The huge heart is overturned, and the apex of the heart is tilted upward. The man in the T-shirt holds a long sword in his hand and stands at the top.

With that crazy power, everything the sword pointed towards was covered in powder!

We almost split the sky and split the earth, straight up tens of meters in an instant, and cut a big hole in the rock wall at the top of the cave.

The rubble fell, making a crashing sound, and the rumble of the underground palace collapsing could be heard endlessly.


Suddenly, there was a loud sound that almost shattered the eardrums, and the tip of the boulder hit the rock wall hard. The man in the T-shirt and I were also thrown high by the force of the counterattack.

He quickly grabbed me with one hand, held the sword tightly with the other hand, and used the opportunity to pierce me for two or three meters!

But the rock wall has not yet penetrated, and there is still darkness in front of us.

The giant heart's strength finally reached its end, and we suddenly fell from mid-air!

The underground palace has collapsed. If we fall down, there will be no return.

"Ah!" The man in the T-shirt roared unwillingly. The golden runes on his arms lit up again, and he threw the long sword violently.


The long sword penetrated the rock wall, revealed a ray of light, and finally penetrated the surface!

However, we are falling rapidly at this time.

There is light in our eyes, but we are falling into endless darkness.

Is everything over? Are we going to sink into the underground palace and be buried here forever?

Suddenly, a flash of green burst out from the light.

The green was getting thicker and thicker, getting closer and closer. It suddenly rushed over and tightly tied the waists of me and the man in the T-shirt.

The two of us were hung horizontally in the air, with a green tree vine as thick as an arm tied around our waists.

Is it Han Laoliu?

The vines slowly rose upward.

"Why is his grandma's Amitabha Buddha so heavy?"

"Daddy Bear, come and help!" a panting voice shouted.

Is he a black-hearted monk?

The ivy rose rapidly, we were getting closer to the ground, and the light became more and more dazzling!

Finally saved!

I glanced at the little girl in my arms. She was sleeping very soundly. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, showing a naughty and cute smile, as if she had dreamed of something extremely happy.

We are about to escape from the collapsed underground palace and return to the surface, but senior gray robe, Master Feng will stay there forever...

The ivy rose higher and higher, and the light from the cave entrance was extremely dazzling.

In the blur, I saw the face of the black-hearted monk with bared teeth and glare, and the big black bear behind him also opened its big mouth and kept spitting out white air waves.

When we were two or three meters away from the ground, the man in the T-shirt climbed up first with the help of ivy, and then he also pulled me up.

As soon as I reached the ground, I didn't care about anything else and immediately lay down on the ground, panting from exhaustion. My hands were already dripping with blood because they had been clasped tightly between the stones, but I couldn't feel any pain - for the first time, I felt that lying on the ground was so solid, and that I could see the sun. Happiness.

"Ha, it's fun, what happened to you? How did Phoenix become a little girl?" The black-hearted monk first noticed the problem and asked strangely.

"Phoenix...he is no longer here." The man in the T-shirt said with a long sigh.

"Not... Amitabha!" The black-hearted monk chanted the Buddha's name, his tone full of sadness.

"Then who is this little girl?"

"Let's go down first and talk about it. This place is about to collapse." The man in the T-shirt said anxiously, then walked up to me and asked with concern: "Jiulin, are you okay?"

I nodded, got up from the ground, and picked up the little girl again.

Only then did I understand why I hadn’t heard Han Laoliu’s voice.

Han Laoliu's hair and eyebrows all turned yellow, and the skin on his face became wrinkled. He seemed to have aged dozens of years all of a sudden. The originally extremely strong body became as skinny as a stick, and the baggy clothes were full of holes.

He leaned weakly against the blood-red stone tablet not far away. There were empty wine bottles all over the ground. When he saw me looking at him, he raised the corners of his mouth with great effort and smiled softly.

I could tell that even this simple action seemed to take a lot of effort for him to complete.

Little White Dragon was lying next to him. In stark contrast to him, Little White Dragon was fatter.

In other words, it's swollen.

The whole person is like a balloon that has been blown to the extreme. It is round and transparent, and the blood vessels have become extremely clear. The clothes also seem to have suddenly shrunk, and they are tightly wrapped around the body, exposing the long limbs and neck. He was closing his eyes tightly at this time, and he didn't know whether he was unconscious or asleep.

boom! Boom!

Waves of muffled and loud noises continued to come from the underground, and the ground also trembled violently.

The underground palace has completely collapsed and it is extremely dangerous here.

Neither of us had time to ask any more questions, so we quickly helped each other and walked down the mountain.

The calculations made by the guy in the T-shirt and I were indeed correct. The place we just came up from was only sixty or seventy meters away from the big blood hole in the snowfield.

I don’t know what kind of fierce battles happened here? The ground is dotted with deep pits, large and small, as well as ice spikes that are as sharp as knives, and large snowdrifts as tall as a person.

The man in the T-shirt carried the swollen little white dragon on his back, and the black-hearted monk carried Han Laoliu. I held the little girl in my arms and walked toward the mountainside with great difficulty.

Fortunately, Daddy Bear is worthy of being the bear king of the Northeast. He slapped a stone tablet in pieces and motioned for us all to sit on it. Then he picked it up with his two paws and slid down the mountain wall without using any iron ropes.

The corner of the mountain was also in a mess, with waist-thick trees lying all over the ground, and the hard ice shell was covered with dark marks, as if a forest fire had just passed.

"His grandma's fault! This poor monk was almost burned into a pig's head by that old guy here." The black-hearted monk became very angry when he saw the place, and cursed bitterly: "That Zhiduoxing won't fight with you properly, leading you to Running around. He had already set up many magic circles near the foot of the mountain. Sometimes it was thunder, sometimes it was fire, either ghosts smashed the walls or soul-killing nails. If I hadn't asked Daddy Bear to help, I would have let this turtle grandson Run away! Hey, I said, what on earth is here..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden and earth-shaking roar!

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