Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,447 The Beginning of Fate

Several of us looked back and saw that the mountain peak we had just slid down suddenly collapsed, as if the bottom of the mountain had been hollowed out. The entire mountain peak was sunk in and was actually flush with the back of the mountain!

If it had been a moment later, we would all have been buried under the mountain.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, but no one said anything.

"On the first day of the junior high school..." Han Laoliu, who had regained some strength, stopped the man in the T-shirt: "Give me the Sword of Dusk, there is not much time left."

Upon hearing what he said, the black-hearted monk was very angry and said to me: "I asked you, what did you do? Why did you forget about it when you came here? Don't you know that your broken box was dropped at the foot of the mountain? "As he said that, he actually took out a tattered small box from his arms.

How come he has the Plessian's Box in his hand?

After this, I suddenly woke up. The purpose of our coming to Devil's Valley this time is not to destroy the resurrection of the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata, nor to crush the conspiracy of the Father of Satan or Longquan Villa, but to find the Sword of Dusk.

Why did I lose the Plessian box?

The black-hearted monk handed the magic box into my hand, and said angrily: "I picked it up next to the iron rope at the foot of the mountain. I really don't know what you think! It was picked up by me. If it was picked up by Zhi Duoxing, It’s really troublesome to pick it up.”

At this time, I suddenly remembered that when I climbed the lock up the mountain, I accidentally took off my hand. If Han Laoliu hadn't tied a piece of ivy to it, I would have fallen. The box must have been there long ago. It fell off when it happened. But after a series of fierce battles with Longquan Villa, and then going down to the ancient tomb, which was always dangerous, I didn't check it out, and I didn't care at all.

However, I still don't understand. Now that I have obtained the Sword of Dusk, can anyone break the Curse of the Box?

And why did Han Laoliu have to take action?

Han Laoliu took the big sword from the man in the T-shirt, secretly gathered some strength, and pulled it out fiercely, and unexpectedly pulled out another sword from the sword!

This sword is long and thin, bright red all over, with a hidden yellow glow.

As soon as the sword was pulled out, a sad cry immediately sounded, and the melody was exactly the same as that of Plessian's Box!

At the same time, the originally bright sun also hid in the clouds, and a few fire clouds appeared in the western sky, as red as fire, and the sky was covered with haze, as if the entire valley was covered with a layer of red gauze.

The sound of the sword is like complaining, like dusk!

Only then did I remember that before entering the valley, Lao Liu once said: Only he can pull out the sword of dusk.

With the sword in hand, Han Laoliu seemed to be a different person immediately. The expression on his face was extremely solemn. He tilted the sword to the west and stabbed twenty-seven times in a row.

Each stab was accompanied by a high-pitched, low, or hoarse whine!

That was the last chant of the twenty-seven great wizards!

After each chant, a ray of light and shadow merged into the sword. After twenty-seven blows, the sword had turned black, with twenty-seven small light spots flashing on it.

Han Laoliu raised his two fingers together and wrote a rune above the sword's edge.

Those twenty-seven small points of light seemed to be attracted and immediately merged into a ray of cold light.

"Ula!" Han Laoliu shouted loudly, swung his sword and slashed at the Plessian's Box.

With a click, the magic box shattered into flying smoke.

A bearded man wearing a medieval general's uniform floated out. He turned around in a panic and tried to escape, but was cut into pieces by the cold light.

Then, a little person wearing a showgirl dress that was exactly the same as the one in the box came out. With two hand-held skirts, he gracefully bowed to us and then disappeared.

Han Laoliu inserted the small sword into the big sword. The red gauze covering the sky and the flaming clouds in the western sky disappeared at the same time. The bright sun emerged from the clouds again, still very dazzling.

It's like a very clever magic trick, it's amazing.

Han Laoliu turned his head and said to me: "Okay, the curse on you has been lifted, and the Plessian Box has completely disappeared from this world! However, we cannot take this sword out of the valley. He It only belongs here, otherwise, it will become a demon a hundred times more ferocious than Pulus, and nothing in the world can suppress it."

As he spoke, he cut his finger with the edge of his sword and dripped a drop of blood on it.

His blood was like sulfuric acid, spreading very quickly on the sword. In the blink of an eye, the sword turned into a puddle of green water, fell under the snow, and then a small green sprout sprouted out.

"Let's go." The man in the T-shirt seemed to have known all this for a long time, and patted the surprised me.

As we walked, we briefly talked about what happened to each of us.

This time, the Longquan Villa team was wiped out, including Dong Lao.

And we also suffered heavy losses. Han Laoliu and Xiao Bailong were all seriously injured and needed a long time to recover. Master Feng was buried in the magic tomb forever for the sake of the queen.

Although Zhiduoxing had set up many magic circles around the foot of the mountain, he could not escape from Daddy Bear's giant palm and was beaten into a pulp alive.

Not long after we entered the blood cave, Bing Yinzi quickly recovered and killed him again with the help of the cold ice thorn, but in the end he was still cleared by the little white dragon. Xiao Bailong himself was injured as a result, and now he had to be sent to the extremely cold place in the Tianshan Mountains to cultivate ice energy, otherwise he would die of swelling all over within a month.

And I promised Senior Gray Pigeon that I would find a famous Taoist temple or ancient temple for the little girl to wash away her demonic nature.

After considering it comprehensively, everyone decided to split into three groups after leaving the valley!

The black-hearted monk took the little girl to find his eminent monk friend.

The man in the T-shirt took the little white dragon to the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang.

Han Laoliu and I still returned the same way.

This time Longquan Villa dispatched so many powerful masters, but not a single one was left alive, especially since even Dong Lao was dead. They would definitely be panicked for a while and would not dare to mess around for the time being. So, I will be safe for a long time to come.

When he was about to walk out of the valley, Han Laoliu stared blankly at the top of the gargoyle mountain for a long time, and said inexplicably: "Goodbye!" Then he didn't look back.

After breaking up with everyone in front of the valley, not long after Han Laoliu and I left, a one-eared black bear appeared in front of us. It was the one he had caught before we entered the valley.

I'm very surprised, how did Han Laoliu make this bear understand what he said?

However, he just smiled and didn't answer me, just like when I asked him why he was the only one who could pull out the Sword of Dusk.

The two of us rode black bears for several days, and finally encountered Russian special forces stationed in Siberia.

After the leading major saw my Chinese passport, he immediately called in an armed helicopter to escort us to the Sino-Russian border and handed us over to the Chinese People's Liberation Army intact.

Before leaving, he patted me hard on the shoulder and said in unpronounceable Chinese: China, good friend.

Seeing the flying five-star red flag, I had only one thought: It feels so good to go home!

When Li Mazi heard that I was back, he ran over in a hurry. In his haste, he even put his shoes on backwards without knowing it.

This time, because of this guy's greed, I was in danger, and Master Feng even died because of it. I originally wanted to kick him to relieve my hatred! But looking at his red and swollen eyes, he really couldn't do anything.

In fact, I don’t blame him. No matter whether there is Li Mazi or not, or even the Plessian’s Box, Longquan Villa will never let me go, and will always pester me to the end, because there is something hidden in me that they are bound to get. secret.

Because I am the son of destiny, I shoulder a mysterious and extremely important mission.

However, I still don’t know what the mission is.

All I can do now is to work hard to become stronger, strong enough to shoulder the heavy responsibility, and no longer let anyone worry about me or sacrifice for me!

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