Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,448 Returning on a Snowy Night

The west wind is blowing, and the northern geese are returning.

I stood in front of the door with my hands behind my back, looking at the row of sycamore trees with dead leaves falling. My heart seemed to be weighed down by a huge stone, solemn and helpless, and I could not calm down for a long time.

The trip to Devil's Valley had a narrow escape, but luckily, there was no danger at all.

After returning to Wuhan, I rested for a full month before I recovered as before.

This time, in addition to obtaining the "Yin Fu Sutra" and the two artifacts of the Ebony Core, the bigger gain is that I understand what I will shoulder.

The hopes of celebrities from all over the world, the black and white of ghost traders, and even the life and death of everyone...

Before that, I only thought of myself as a philistine businessman who only wanted to make some money, drink some wine, and hug the woman I liked. I even had the idea of ​​washing my hands in a golden basin several times.

Before this, I was a little proud of being called a master, and felt that I had really become the leader among the evil merchants.


Now I know the mission I have to shoulder, and I know the silent efforts of famous people from all over the world behind me - Master Feng, Zen Master Baimei, Senior Shu, they are not afraid of life and death, Chu Yi, Han Laoliu, they work hard to protect my integrity. .

In comparison, I felt extremely small and ridiculous, and I felt deeply guilty for my past.

From this moment on, I will no longer be the Zhang Jiulin I was before.

I have to shoulder my mission. No matter how difficult or heavy the mission is, I will never let them down!


At this moment, a soft call came from behind, the voice was extremely familiar, it was the man in the T-shirt.

Didn't he leave? How could it appear in Wuhan?

I thought I heard it wrong, but when I turned around, I saw that it was indeed him!

He has an oval face, a T-shirt, and carries a blue eight-sided Han sword on his back.

"I plan to stay at your place for a while, why aren't you welcome?" The man in the T-shirt still looked shocked when he saw me, and made an unprecedented joke.

Although he smiled warmly, his face was pale.

In the Devil's Valley, he always protected me, suffered many life and death situations, and was seriously injured. I'm afraid only he knows how much pain is hidden behind this seemingly nonchalant smile.

My heart suddenly tightened and my eyes were a little moist, but I still smiled and replied: "I can't even invite you here on weekdays, but this time I can spend more time with you!"

The man in the T-shirt nodded and smiled, then walked into the antique shop silently.

As soon as he entered the door, he whispered: "Close the door!"

I didn't know what happened, so I turned around and closed the door quickly. As soon as the door was closed, the man in the T-shirt stumbled and fell to the ground.

"First grade of junior high school!" I exclaimed, and quickly helped him sit on the chair, only to find that his face became even paler, and a stream of black blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth: "I was ambushed on the way back. There were people following me all the way, and there was a tail outside the door.”

As soon as I heard this, I was about to draw my knife and go out. The man in the T-shirt waved his hand and said, "I left this on purpose. If I go directly to Hong Kong, I will definitely be discovered by them. When the time comes, they will send out experts. Not only will I It's hard to resist, even you are in danger, so I can only hold on and pretend that nothing is wrong. Just to let them know that I am here with you now."

"Longquan Villa suffered heavy losses this time. All the masters at the worship level, including Dong Lao, were wiped out. All the people who tried to ambush me were also killed, so they couldn't figure out the situation for a while and didn't dare to act rashly. Wait for them If you find out, my injury will be healed..." the man in the T-shirt explained.

When he came out of the valley, he was seriously injured. Unexpectedly, for my safety, he fought hard for my safety and pretended that nothing happened all the way to Wuhan.

At this time, the man in the T-shirt was extremely weak, his lips were white, and cold sweat was pouring from his head.

"You're so hurt..." My heart suddenly trembled, and my hands shook with distress.

"It's okay, I can't die, I just need to rest for a while." The man in the T-shirt said very tenaciously, and then pointed to the door: "The tail I left on purpose is a novice, but we have to be careful. Don't let him find out anything. My injuries are all caused by yin energy, and it's useless to go to the hospital. I'll prescribe a prescription, and you can just find someone to get the side medicine, but be careful and don't be noticed. And... …”

The man in the T-shirt frowned and bit his lip, holding back the pain and continued: "This store has been banned by your grandfather. They dare not come in. You should not leave here recently. Everything else remains as usual..."

With tears in my eyes, I nodded repeatedly.

Li Mazi followed my instructions, found someone to buy all the Chinese medicine, and brought it to the store when it was getting late.

When he saw the man in the T-shirt who was unconscious on the bed, he couldn't help but startled, his nose twitched and he burst into tears.

"This is all my fault. I'm not a human being. I deserve to die!" After saying that, he started working and slapped his big mouth hard.

He knew that if he hadn't been greedy for money, I wouldn't have been entangled in the Magic Box, I wouldn't have pursued the Sword of Dusk, I wouldn't have entered the Devil's Valley, and there wouldn't have been so many tragedies.

I stopped him and said, "Mazi, I can't blame you. Longquan Villa will definitely not let me go. Even if they don't have this magic box, they will definitely come up with other things to harm me. You don't have to feel bad. Now it’s serious to let the first graders get well as soon as possible.”

Upon hearing this, Li Mazi suppressed his cry, grabbed the medicine bag and left without saying a word.

Thinking about the desperate fight of the T-shirt man, it must have been extremely thrilling. He was seriously injured, his hands and feet were weak, and he could not move. I could only feed him the boiled Chinese medicine one spoonful at a time.

Every time he took a sip, he frowned hard, and his facial features were distorted as if they were out of place, which was very difficult.

Li Mazi kept rubbing his hands with a grin on his face, and he must have felt very unhappy.

"Do you have White Rabbit toffee?" After drinking the medicine, I was about to help him lie down when the man in the T-shirt suddenly asked.

"What?" I thought I heard it wrong, which was very strange.

"Um...White Rabbit toffee, do you have any?" the man in the T-shirt repeated sheepishly.

"Yes! Yes! I'll buy it right now!" Li Mazi turned around and ran out.

I looked at the medicine bowl in my hand, then looked at the man in the T-shirt, and asked in confusion: "Does this medicine need to be combined with White Rabbit toffee to be effective?"

Until now, I thought I heard it wrong.

"This." The man in the T-shirt hesitated and said, "I'm most afraid of taking Chinese medicine, it's really too bitter! Every time I took medicine when I was a kid, the master would coax me and say he would give me two White Rabbit toffees after I finished eating, and then... …”

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