Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,449 The Heroic Spirit Lives Forever

His request was really weird.

If he hadn't been lying on the bed in a very serious condition at the moment, I might have laughed out loud. A moment later, Li Mazi came back. This time he was no longer stingy, but brought back a full hundred pounds of White Rabbit toffee... …

From that night on, Li Mazi also lived in the shop. He held a cattail leaf fan and burned the medicine stove every day, leaving his face covered in black ash.

I don't know whether he was still feeling guilty and crying secretly, or whether he was smoked by the fireworks, and his little eyes were always red and swollen.

Seventy-eight days later, the man in the T-shirt finally recovered from his injury. He was able to drink medicine on his own and even get out of bed and walk around for a while.

At this time, I discovered another hobby of his. He loved drinking jasmine tea, and he brewed it very strongly. He had to drink four or five cups of it every day to be satisfied.

Seeing him gradually getting better, I finally felt relieved, and Li Mazi slowly showed a smile.

After another twenty days, the man in the T-shirt finally recovered as before. In addition to meditating, he also practices swordplay every day.

Judging from his performance when practicing swordsmanship, he was even far more powerful than before.

In particular, his figure glowed faintly in the shining sword light, as if there were thousands of thunders hidden, and he had an unstoppable momentum!

As soon as he saw that he had recovered, he asked to leave, and I forced him to stay for a few more days.

On this day, he packed up and told me that he had to leave. He had been out for so long and there was still a lot of business to deal with there.

I nodded and said, "Okay, but I want to take you to a place."

The two of us drove out of Wuhan and stopped in front of a hill.

The mountains are covered with pines and cypresses, which are green and eye-catching, forming a sharp contrast with the vast dark yellow surrounding them.

The man in the T-shirt glanced at me, as if he had guessed something, but said nothing, but his face became extremely solemn.

Slowly going up the stone steps, a luxurious cemetery appeared in front of you, with bronze busts standing there, overlooking everything.

The two of us walked slowly in front of the statue. Every figure was so kind and familiar.

Grandpa, Zen Master Baimei, Senior Shu, Master Feng, Granny Linglong, Chu Chu...

In fact, after I came back from Devil's Valley, I invested 10 million to hire an engineering team to secretly build this cemetery. To be precise, it is a cenotaph, because most of them didn't even leave their bones.

Buried here are all the heroic spirits who died in the struggle against Longquan Villa.

Originally, the cemetery has not been completed yet, but in the past few days, I saw that the man in the T-shirt couldn't wait to leave, so I took him to visit it first.

The man in the T-shirt was trembling slightly and walked very slowly, carefully focusing on every statue and every face, as if these old friends had come to life one by one...

Everything in the cemetery was designed according to my drawings, but when I set foot there again, I still felt extremely heavy. It felt like there was a huge stone weighing heavily on my chest. It was extremely heavy...

After walking slowly past the last statue, the man in the T-shirt stopped, closed his eyes tightly, and remained silent for a long time.

A gust of west wind blew across the sky, causing dead leaves to fall from the sky.

"Jilin, you have a heart!" The man in the T-shirt suddenly opened his eyes: "But you don't have to be too sad. A year has spring, summer, autumn and winter, and people also have birth, old age, illness and death. The most important thing in a person's life is not how he lives. But how to die, just like this fallen leaf."

After speaking, he pointed to the leaves flying in the sky and said: "The fallen leaves return to their roots and use their lives to nourish the next generation. This is their mission. What they hope to be seen is not their own withering and decay, but the sprouting of new buds in the coming year." , one green fills the world!”

"This is the reason why traders of ghostly things have never been known to people, but they continue to thrive, do you understand?" the man in the T-shirt warned.

I nodded heavily and said, "I know, but some names and some things should be remembered after all. I really hope that history can leave traces of their existence."

After that, I opened a bottle of Maotai, took a sip, and then poured some for the first tombstone.

The figure on the tombstone is wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with a solemn face and a pair of bright eyes, but his face is covered with wrinkles. It is Grandpa.

I patted the tombstone and said: "Grandpa, in fact, I really hate you in my heart. I hate why you offended Longquan Villa and caused your grandson to be homeless for the rest of his life! I hate why you insisted on me being a ghost dealer and hurt your grandson." I can’t live a normal life.”

"But I am even more grateful to you. It is you who have taught you what righteousness is and what the ethics of a trader of evil things are. Even your enemy Gray Pigeon gave you a thumbs up. I toast you this glass of wine!"

After that, I came to the tombstone of Senior Rat. Looking at the statue of the old man with a wretched face and a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, I couldn't help but smile.

"Master Mouse, are you okay?"

"I can't imitate you as a human being. You are really a failure in this life! Being chased by your enemies, you are hiding in Tibet, and you can only keep company with a mouse; you are so stingy that even Ma Huateng, who lost in Landlord, laughed; the only church He had an outstanding apprentice, Li Mulong, but he still couldn't stop her from going astray, and he didn't even dare to say: I love you when he sent her away."

"But the moment you died, all your past moments were restored. You had been a coward all your life, but you died in the greatest way of a hero. I admire you."

I poured down a glass of wine heavily, and the memories of the scenes with Senior Rat kept lingering in my brain.

Next are Zen Master Baimei and Granny Linglong. Zen Master Baimei is dressed in cassock, and Granny Linglong is old but still retains her charm. This time I didn't pour the wine, but took out a red thread from my pocket and carefully tied the two people's hands together.

"Zen Master Baimei, you have saved all sentient beings for your whole life. Now you can finally take a good rest. Be with your sweetheart, Granny Linglong. Say all the words hidden in your heart and find back all the love you lost for the Bodhisattva!"

I said with wet eyes: "There are two perfect laws in the world. I can't live up to the Tathagata and I can't live up to you."

In front of Chu Chu's statue, I paused slightly, then sighed and said: "Chu Chu, how I hope you can go to the end with Li Mazi, but don't worry, I will take good care of Mazi, and Mazi now has a new life. , Xiaomeng and the others...are all fine."

"By the way, the peach blossom forest that Mazi planted for you is about to bloom. I believe it will be beautiful."

Finally, I came to the statue of Master Feng, squatted down, and spilled the rest of the Maotai wine: "Master Feng, thank you for your silent efforts for me all the time. If it weren't for the Devil's Valley, I wouldn't even know you are around me. There is such a senior.”

"I don't know your real name, let alone your story, but I know that you used your life to light up the way for us to retreat..."

At the end, I suddenly smashed the bottle to the ground and shouted loudly: "Seniors, you sacrificed your life to protect me. I, Zhang Jiulin, will bear all of this in my heart."

"Your blood will not be shed in vain, and I will help you get it back twice as much!"

"Your wish will not come true, I will definitely help you fulfill it!"

"I want the blood debt of Longquan Villa to be repaid with blood, and I want to use Long Qingqiu's head to pay homage to your heroic spirit!"


As my last word fell, a thunder suddenly sounded in the clear sky, as if grandpa, senior rat and others heard my call.

I said and bowed again to the tomb.

He clenched his fists tightly, tears flashing in his eyes, but he kept holding back the tears.

Now is not the time to be sad and cry, I will continue to be strong, let Longquan Villa pay the due price, and give all the seniors a perfect answer!

The man in the T-shirt patted my shoulder and said nothing, just looking at the statues quietly.

After a long time, we both came back with solemn faces.

At this time, I suddenly found a bouquet of white roses at the door of the cemetery.

When we passed by just now, we didn't see it. Was this... did someone come just now?

Who is it? His skills are so good that even the man in the t-shirt and I can't detect him!

I walked closer and discovered that there was a small badge placed next to the rose. The badge was engraved with a glaring golden tiger head, which was the unique symbol of the Zhang family in Jiangbei.

There was a piece of paper underneath the badge. I picked it up and saw a line of writing written in blood like dragons and phoenixes.

"No one's death will be in vain. The Zhang family's counterattack is not far away!" The signature at the back was Zhang Yaowu, the patriarch of the Zhang family.

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