Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,450 The Disaster of the Centipede

A message from the head of the Zhang family made me excited and nervous at the same time.

After being suppressed by Longquan Villa for so long, are the Zhang family finally ready to fight back across the board? I'm really looking forward to that day.

However, after sending away the T-shirt man, my life returned to peace again.

That night, I had just read a section of the "Yin Fu Sutra" left by Gray Pigeon, and was pondering the knowledge in it, when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I came to my senses and responded.

After the door opened, a tall middle-aged man walked in. He was very tall and strong. The hair on his head had fallen out. He blinked his small eyes and looked around, and then said: "Excuse me for being rude. , are you Master Zhang Jiulin?"

"It's me." I nodded and pointed to the chair next to me: "Please sit down and tell me what you have to say slowly."

There was a hint of fright and panic in his expression. He must have encountered something strange and came to seek help.

He thanked me very politely, then sat down and told me the reason.

He said his name was Wu Dachuan, a jade businessman, and an incredible and strange thing suddenly happened at home recently.

Many small centipedes appeared inexplicably at home - they appeared in the water glass when drinking water, appeared in the rice bowl when eating, crawled onto the bed when sleeping, and were almost everywhere.

He initially thought that there were just insect eggs breeding somewhere, so he hired a professional pest control company to clean it several times, and sprayed insecticide water around the windows and doors, but it still didn't work at all. Those centipedes were like Like a shadow, he will appear wherever he is and cannot be shaken off no matter how hard he is.

His wife and children couldn't bear the trouble and they all moved out. He didn't want to live with a centipede for the rest of his life, so he found me through a friend's introduction.

After listening to his narration, I asked back: "Before this strange thing happened, had you come into contact with any special objects or encountered any strange events?"

"Yes!" Wu Dachuan nodded with certainty, "When I was gambling on jade in Myanmar, I cut out a stone. There was a big centipede on the stone, and I always thought it had something to do with it."

"To be honest, before I heard about Master Zhang, I also found a Taoist priest and performed a ritual ceremony, but..."

I saw his expression suddenly changed and he was hesitant to speak, so I asked, "But what?"

"But...but the Taoist priest died the next day after performing the ritual. He was bitten to death by a large group of centipedes. When I saw that something was getting worse, I became even more anxious, but I was entangled by centipedes, and The news that even the Taoist priest who performed the ritual for me was killed has long been spread, and no one dared to intervene anymore. I was helpless when I suddenly heard that Master Zhang was very capable and had solved many strange things for many people, so I rashly Come to the door..."

He suddenly stopped mid-sentence and hesitated to speak.

I understood what he meant. Although he suffered terribly from it, the Taoist priest who helped him get rid of the centipedes was dead, and he didn't want me to take my life again. If I'm not sure, then forget it.

This person is quite down-to-earth. If it were someone else, he might not reveal it to me at all.

For example, Fatty Zhao last time never mentioned that he had found someone to deal with the cornucopia. He only revealed the truth after my questioning.

I took a sip of tea, thought for a while and said, "Well, since it's a ghost thing, you've come to the right door. No matter how good I am, I will always come and have a look. Come on, take me to see that place." Stone."

With that said, I put down the teacup and stood up.

"Uh, okay." Gao Dachuan nodded in surprise. Maybe he didn't expect that I dared to come and check.

Since I am in the business of being a femininity dealer, there is no reason to retreat without any reason. Let’s talk about the Devil’s Valley trip, which made me realize that I shoulder an extremely important mission, and celebrities from all over the world hope that I will become stronger as soon as possible. I will seize every opportunity and continue to hone myself.

I followed Wu Dachuan into the car and drove straight to their house.

Sure enough, as he said, three or four centipedes climbed onto his seat and steering wheel along the way.

I pinched one and looked at it. The centipede was very small and light red in color. It was no different from the common centipedes in life. It just exuded a faint yin energy. It was indeed an evil thing.

But what kind of evil thing can attract centipedes?

Wu Dachuan's home is in the villa area in the north of the city. It is a three-story small bungalow. The area is lined with trees and pavilions, and has a unique scenery. It can be seen that his living conditions are very superior.

He opened the door, turned on the light, and introduced to me: "Since the centipedes have been raging, my wife and children have all moved away, and I dare not come back to live there. You saw it just now, and I still have centipedes coming out outside." , it would be even worse if you were at home. If you couldn’t stay there for even half an hour, there would be a large area of ​​people crawling around you. You can’t even count them!”

"I'm so restless now that I can't do anything. I'm afraid that another one will pop out from somewhere. Even my dreams are full of pieces of big centipedes. I'm often scared... Huh?" Suddenly, he screamed in surprise. .

There was a big bright hole in the wooden door he was leading me towards, and the exposed wood stubble was brand new.

Wu Dachuan opened the door, glanced towards the corner, and exclaimed: "The safe has been broken into! There is a thief in the house."

As he said this, he subconsciously took out his cell phone and wanted to call the police.

I stopped him: "Did you hide that stone in the safe?"

"Yes!" He nodded: "This cabinet is specially used to store jade, because all my colleagues knew that something happened to this stone, and I couldn't do anything about it for a while, so I kept it locked here. Since the accident, I have been locked here for a long time. If you don’t live at home anymore, why did you get robbed?”

"You don't need to call the police. I can help you catch the thief." After saying that, I opened the door and walked in mysteriously.

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