Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1451: Suspended Death

Wu Dachuan looked at me suspiciously and slowly put down his hand.

I walked to the corner, pointed at the floor and said, "Did you see it? There are scorch marks here, on the windowsill and on the ceiling. These scorch marks are in an octagonal shape, surrounding the safe. If I guess If I'm right, it should be Zhang Tianshi's Yin Locking Formation. Also, look at this..."

As I said that, I pointed to the edge of the break on the cabinet door: "There are still a few remaining charms here, and the break is neatly cut, leaving paper dust."

"There is no sign that the rest of your house has been tampered with. This man came directly to the safe. Obviously, his purpose was very clear - it was for this piece of jade. Look at his method of prying open the door and destroying the safe. The technology of the cabinet is completely different. It can be seen that this is not an ordinary thief, but a thief who is familiar with Taoism."

"Your jade is so bizarre, and the thief used Taoist magic to destroy the safe. Even if the police intervene, they may not be able to find it."

"This..." Wu Dachuan was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly: "Although this stone is very evil, I bought it for more than two million yuan. Although I thought about throwing it away, I never wanted to. Now it is He stole's good, I can be considered as having lost money and avoided disaster."

"It's useless." I shook my head: "The evil creature has identified you. No matter where it takes it, centipedes will still appear in your house, but you can't solve the source at all, which makes it even more troublesome."

"Then... what should we do?" When Wu Dachuan heard this, he was immediately confused.

"In this way, I will make a list of items for you. When daybreak, you have the things ready and I will help you find them."

Wu Dachuan nodded in thanks.

Early the next morning, Wu Dachuan ran out early and bought everything back according to the list I made.

I asked him to stir the glutinous rice, ginger, garlic, salt and cinnabar into a paste, then took out a medium-sized talisman and burned it into ashes, and put in a few crushed centipedes. Then he forced it into the mouth of a big cock.

After everything was ready, the big rooster crowed for a while, then walked into the back room with his chest raised and his head raised, circled around the safe twice, and then turned his head outward.

"You go drive and we follow it!" I ordered loudly.

The big rooster went downstairs and walked out of the community. Wu Dachuan and I sat in the car and followed him from a distance.

As we were walking, the big rooster suddenly started running fast, walking along the sidewalk like flying, and even passed many people who were jogging in the morning, which aroused the surprise of passers-by.

The big rooster ran faster and faster, as if he didn't know he was tired at all. He passed through several streets and got into a small alley.

The two of us quickly got out of the car and chased him all the way.

As they walked, Wu Dachuan said with some surprise: "Master Zhang, I have been to this place before."

"Have you been here?" I asked a little strangely, "What is this place?"

"The Taoist priest I invited lives here, and this is where I came to pick him up."

"What?" I frowned slightly: "So, it's most likely that he was the one responsible. Did you see him die with your own eyes at that time?"

"Yes!" Wu Dachuan nodded with certainty: "He died at the door of his house at that time. The neighbor who came home late called the police. The police found from his mobile phone that the last call was from me, and also I was called to the scene for questioning. I saw him dead with my own eyes. His whole body was covered with centipedes and was covered in bruises. I was afraid that it would have anything to do with me, so I said that I had hired him to suppress evil and settle the house, and I didn’t dare to talk about stones. thing."

"Then how did you know this Taoist priest?" I asked very puzzledly.

"It's just a small card." Wu Dachuan explained: "I was very annoyed by the sudden appearance of centipedes. The pest control company cleaned it several times, but still had no effect. Suddenly I found a small card pinned to the front glass of the car. On the card, it said "Exorcism Town House, Settlement Home", so I called him. He asked me to come here to pick him up."

"He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and carrying a big black bag. He looked no different from an ordinary person. I took him home and walked him around. Before I could say anything, he saw it and said it was causing a centipede fuss. The culprit of the house should be a stone, which is the Yin Centipede stone, and an altar must be set up to perform the ritual."

"Immediately, he took out his Taoist uniform from his big bag and put it on. He was holding a mahogany sword and a string of small bells hanging on his waist. He looked very capable. I followed his instructions and took out the stones and placed them in the living room. I circled the stone several times mumbling something, and finally bit off my index finger and dripped a drop of blood on it, telling me that the disaster was over and everything would be safe from now on. Who knows..."

"Has he been in the room where you kept the safe?" I shouted suddenly.

"I've been in." Wu Dachuan nodded: "Not only did he enter the house, he also posted a few talismans inside, saying they were to drive away evil spirits. He also asked me to leave a window to let the evil spirits escape. .”

"That's right." I nodded and said, "The thief is most likely him!"

"Is it him?" Wu Dachuan shuddered violently: "But he has been dead long ago."

"Death?" I snorted coldly: "Anyone who knows some yin and yang magic can easily pretend to be dead to hide the eyes of others, not to mention that the person who died may not be him!"

After what I said, Wu Dachuan also thought about it carefully, and then said with some fright: "There is something wrong! The man's face was bitten by centipedes and was so tattered that he could not recognize his true face at all. But I remember clearly He bit the tip of his finger, and when the body was being carried to the police car that day, his left hand dropped down and happened to pass in front of me. Those fingers were very good."

"This is simply a trap! He sent out small cards to lure you in, just to prepare for stealing the jade. The blood he dripped and the charms he put on were not to ward off evil spirits, but to help the piece of jade. Jade leads the way.”

"Guide the way for Jade?" Wu Dachuan was even more confused.

"Isn't there a big hole in your wooden door? It was broken by a stone, as was the hole in the safe. In other words, this time he didn't go to your house at all, but caused the stone to fly out on its own. Yes!" I replied.

"Fly out by yourself?" Wu Dachuan opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Yes!" I nodded: "Think about it, the gap in the safe and the big hole in the wooden door can just go through the stone? He asked you to leave a window because he was afraid of the sound of the window breaking through the glass. The sound attracts others' attention. This pretending to cast a spell is to guide the stone - that drop of blood is the source of activation. It seems that this guy has been targeting you for a long time. "

"Master Zhang, then, what should I do..." When Wu Dachuan heard what I said, his legs trembled and he became even more frightened.

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