Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,455 Shadowless Man

The method is to hang a newly deceased corpse in the sun and sit in the shadow of the corpse without eating or drinking for seven days.

After that, I took a short rest and got a new corpse for another seven days.

After seven new corpses are replaced in a row, one's own shadow will disappear and become a shadowless person after seven or forty-nine days.

Immediately afterwards, there will be no light for half a year, and they will feed exclusively on corpse liver. At this point, the ghosting technique is complete.

From then on, when you walk at night, you will be silent and cannot be detected with the naked eye. You can even walk through windows and cracks like a ghost.

Once you master the ghost technique, you will be half human and half ghost, not human at all!

However, his biggest nemesis is the mirror - under the reflection of the mirror, all traces will be revealed.

I held up my lenses and followed the road while muttering to myself, who is this guy?

The spell of bitterness, the art of attracting people, the art of ghosting... Why did he bother so much with this piece of jade?

After chasing after him, the footprints under the lenses suddenly disappeared.

I took photos carefully all over ten meters away and around, but still couldn't find any trace.

"Strange, where has this guy gone?"

"Oh, who did this? It's immoral or not!" At this time, Wu Dachuan was holding up his pants and stamping his feet in great annoyance.

It turned out that he ran to the wall for convenience, but accidentally stepped on a piece of vomit.

now it's right!

It seemed that the Taoist defender was very scheming and was afraid that someone would see through the trick, so he climbed onto the drunkard's back and let the man carry him out.

The black footprints were interrupted, but a new footprint full of vomit appeared.

The footprints were messy, with a tire mark on them.

This place is close to a green belt, it is a sidewalk, and it is not a fork in the road. Generally, no vehicles stop here. It is most likely that it was left by the vomiting person.

But this is a blind spot for surveillance, and it's also the main street. Not to mention during the day, even at night, cars come and go. I'm afraid even the devil doesn't know how many cars will pass by here, and which car is here. Stopped.

After tracing all the way here, the clues were completely interrupted.

"Master Zhang, do you think the Taoist priests left in this car?" Wu Dachuan followed me for a long time and saw some clues. He squatted there and pointed at a rut and asked.

"It's very possible, but how many cars must pass by here in one night? There's not even a camera, so where can I find one?" I said helplessly.

"If that's really the case, it would be easy to handle." Wu Dachuan stood up confidently.

"What, you have a way?" This time, it was my turn to be surprised.

"Yes." Wu Dachuan nodded with certainty: "This is the rut of the Bentley Yazhi 728. We don't have many in Wuhan, and I happen to know the owners of those cars. I asked them one by one, who came from last night? Just pass by here.”

"This..." Upon hearing this, I was a little confused.

The world of rich people is really different!

As Wu Dachuan spoke, he took out his phone and made several calls in succession, and soon got the result.

"Master Zhang, most of these people are not in Wuhan. Only Mr. Xu from Guangsheng Group left here last night. It happened that he also drank too much and vomited here. It seems that the defender is sitting there. Get in his car.”

I know Xu Guangsheng of the Guangsheng Group, and he helped them resolve the crisis in Dafeng Village. Afterwards, he offered me a high salary and a good position as their metaphysical consultant, but I declined.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that he stopped right here, and the defender just happened to get into his car.

It’ll be easier now!

We didn't have time to run back and drive, so we hailed a taxi and ran straight to the Xu family villa.

As soon as I got in the car, I told Wu Dachuan: "He can't be invisible as soon as dawn comes. Let them search everywhere quickly. Even if he runs out of the Xu family villa, he won't be able to get far!"

"Okay!" Wu Dachuan quickly called again.

This time I heard it. The person who answered the phone was Assistant Zhao who handled the Dafeng Village incident last time. He replied very politely: "Mr. Wu, I am really sorry. Mr. Xu drank too much last night and is not awake yet." , it’s not convenient to see guests. Can you wait until Mr. Xu wakes up? Or is it convenient for me to convey it to you? "

There is no time to delay, how can we wait for him to wake up?

I grabbed the phone directly: "Assistant Zhao, this is Zhang Jiulin. There is a murderer with ghost skills now, and it is very likely that he ran into Mr. Xu's house. If you don't want anything to happen to him, I hope you will do it immediately."

Assistant Zhao paused suddenly, and then said continuously: "It's Master Zhang. What happened? What do we need to do?"

I replied briefly and concisely: "Mobilize all security immediately, search inside and outside the villa, looking for an old man with a ball the size of a mango. Remember! You are only responsible for searching and tracking, but don't do anything."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!" Assistant Zhao responded repeatedly and hung up the phone.

In the last incident in Dafeng Village, although he did not see with his own eyes what my abilities were, so many so-called masters were killed on the spot. In the end, only I survived and successfully eliminated the evil Japanese spirit that plagued the construction site. , naturally very convinced of me. When I heard that a murderer with occult skills ran into Mr. Xu's house, how could I dare to neglect him?

When I put down the phone, I saw in the rearview mirror in the car that the driver's face was covered with black lines.

He might have thought he was pulling two lunatics!

After the two of us urged repeatedly and Wu Dachuan threw out a thousand yuan in cash, the driver no longer cared about being crazy or not. He started to overtake all the way, ran two red lights, and rushed to the Xu family villa like lightning. .

Assistant Zhao was standing at the gate waiting for us. Behind him were a dozen security guards holding plastic sticks and holding Tibetan mastiffs.

"Master Zhang, Mr. Wu, what's going on?" Assistant Zhao came up to the car before it stopped and asked eagerly.

"To make a long story short, this guy is scarier than a first-level wanted criminal. All you need to do is find him, and I will handle the rest." I ordered.

"I have dispatched everyone from the security department, and also contacted the security company to ask them to mobilize manpower quickly, and also informed Director Han of the Municipal Bureau. All patrol police and traffic police have received orders to assist in the investigation, as well as the criminal police team and the special police detachment. We are all ready to attack at any time, Master Zhang, do you think there is anything else that needs to be prepared?"

"Well, it's great to have money!" I couldn't help but sigh to myself.

"Then it's okay. We can just wait for the news now. However, we must remind them not to do anything. That guy is not an ordinary danger!"

"Yes, it's very dangerous!" Wu Dachuan also responded solemnly.

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