Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,456: Searching for the Taoist Priests (Additional update)

Assistant Zhao invited Wu Dachuan and I into the Xu family villa. As soon as we entered the house, Xu Guangsheng, wearing gold silk pajamas, greeted us.

I don't know how much he drank last night, but he still smells drunk.

He fought back the pain of a hangover and forced a smile to Wu Dachuan and me. After a brief greeting, he asked about the reason for this.

Wu Dachuan briefly recounted it, only saying that the Taoist priest possessed ghost skills and not only stole his jade, but also planted witchcraft poison in his body. After investigating all the way, we found that the Taoist priest got into Xu Guangsheng's car. He was afraid that Mr. Xu would also be harmed, so he and I hurried over.

What he said was so affectionate and meaningful that it even concealed the fact that he and the defender had known each other for a long time.

Although Xu Guangsheng was drunk and still dizzy, he was not a confused person. He naturally understood that the reason why Wu Dachuan was so dedicated and hard-working was just for his own safety. It's just that he couldn't say anything, so he said a lot of thanks over tea instead of wine.

At this moment, Assistant Zhao hurried over and told us that the whereabouts of Lao Dao had been discovered.

"Hurry up then." Wu Dachuan stood up in a hurry, but found that Xu Guangsheng and I didn't move. He couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Master Zhang..."

"I drank too much last night, and I'm still dizzy." Xu Guangsheng rubbed his temples and said very tiredly: "Now that we have found him, and Master Zhang has taken action, everything should be safe! Besides, , I won’t be able to help you much, so I won’t cause any more trouble. Brother Wu and Master Zhang will have to worry about this."

I understand what he means, this guy is afraid of getting into trouble.

Although his family has a big business and assets worth tens of billions, any troubles that come to him will be solved easily, but only these ghosts and gods make him helpless. Otherwise, the last incident in Dafeng Village would not have caused him such a headache.

At this time, although he had not guessed all the truth, he was sure that the Taoist with ghost skills and the so-called poison were not directed at him, but were caused by Wu Dachuan. He was just picked up by chance.

At this point, he may have some regrets. If he used so many contacts and resources to search for that Taoist, wouldn't it be worth the loss if it leaves any trouble?

Wu Dachuan was not a fool, and he guessed it roughly after a moment of surprise.

"That's fine." I nodded: "Thanks to Mr. Xu's efforts, we were able to find him so quickly. Since Mr. Xu is not feeling well, let me handle the matter. But please tell me what happened last night. Give me the clothes you wore, they are stained with Yin Qi, if you don't handle them well, I'm afraid there will be some trouble."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Master Zhang." Xu Guangsheng said repeatedly, thanked Wu Dachuan again, and then went upstairs with his head in his hands.

Wu Dachuan and I got into the vehicle arranged by Assistant Zhao and went straight to the scene. Before the car started, he handed me a big bag containing the clothes and shoes that Xu Guangsheng had changed.

Although the defender used the ghost technique to hide and escape, it was already broad daylight and the ghost technique could not be used, so he finally showed his true appearance.

Assistant Zhao said that he changed his clothes somewhere and pretended to be an elderly migrant worker, trying to cross the overpass and rush to the long-distance bus station.

But as soon as he showed his head, he was discovered by the huge net cast by Guangsheng Group.

Several security guards who were eager to make meritorious deeds and win a high bounty did not take the old man seriously at all. They wanted to rush up and hold him down, but were knocked to the ground by a cloud of black smoke released by the old man. But the old man was also blocked by the police who arrived later and surrounded him tightly on the overpass.

When we arrived at the scene, there were dense security guards on both sides of the bridge, and the police were completely surrounded. Several police cars were crossing the road, with lights flashing and sirens blaring loudly. It was like a filming scene for a police movie.

Several teams of special police officers dressed in black were rushing to the commanding heights, ready to snipe at any time!

Assistant Zhao stepped forward and said something in the ear of the big police officer commanding the scene. The police officer raised his head and looked at me suspiciously, then waved his hand forward.

The police blocking the front moved out of the way, and I could clearly see the scene inside.

There were seven or eight people standing in the middle of the overpass, all with dull faces and expressionless faces. The defender was sitting in a circle surrounded by a few of them.

Further on the ground, several young men in security uniforms were lying in random directions, each holding a plastic stick motionless.

The few policemen wearing gas masks on the innermost side were wearing heavy biochemical protective suits. There were also a few policemen holding guns in both hands, paying close attention to the movements of the defenders, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The police officer glanced at me and said, "Brother, there may be some deadly poisonous gas hidden in his body. The situation is very dangerous. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Quickly evacuate the crowd and call a fire truck." I turned around and looked around, but gave the order directly without answering his question.

Immediately, he whispered in Assistant Zhao's ear: "Did you see the sculpture opposite? Send more people to pour salt water on the statue, don't stop for a moment, the more the better! Go buy more small mirrors and distribute them , once they see me raising my hand, they all come together."

Although Assistant Zhao didn't know the reason, he had the experience of helping me buy peaches in Dafeng Village. He didn't dare to hesitate at the moment and hurriedly called and gave the order.

Then I took big steps and walked inside.

"You put on protective clothing!" the police officer yelled.

What the defenders used was ghost poison. Even if the protective clothing could block the poison gas, how could it withstand the invasion of ghosts?

I shook my head lightly, then took out the cinnabar and made a mark between my eyebrows.

Waves of cold wind were constantly surrounding me. This was a ghost that could only be controlled by him. Once it invaded his mind, he would immediately lose consciousness, just like the security guards surrounding him. It became his puppet barrier.

The defender looked to be in his fifties, with a dirty face, messy hair, and an old light blue coat. He was no different from an old migrant worker. He sat cross-legged in the center of a circle surrounded by several people, slightly closing his eyes. It wasn't until I was about seven or eight meters in front of him that he opened his eyes.

"I thought that Wu Dachuan, this ungrateful bitch, invited some kind of master from outside the world, but it turned out to be a boy! Although you can find my whereabouts, if you want to kill me, huh! You are still far from good. "He glanced at me with disdain.

I smiled slightly and said: "My moral practice is not deep, but it is enough, because - you don't want to kill anyone."

"Huh?" Upon hearing this, the Taoist priest looked at me again in confusion.

I took two more steps forward and sat down four or five meters away from him.

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