Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,457 How can a tiger be a tiger if it doesn’t hurt people?

"If you really want to kill someone, the police won't be able to surround you at all." I pointed to the security guard lying on the ground and the few people surrounding him with dull expressions: "They would have been dead a long time ago. .”

"The reason why you didn't take action is precisely because you haven't completely turned into a ghost yet and still maintain a kind heart."

"It wasn't until just now that I figured out that the forbidden spell you left in the rental house was just to cut off the ghost spirit and avoid being traced. If ordinary people stepped on it, nothing would happen. It's just a pity that my one Big cock…”

"The centipede you printed on Wu Dachuan's chest was just a warning. You didn't even think about killing him. You let small centipedes keep coming out of their house, and you just scared him away from living at home. Well, It was convenient to steal the jade, but you never thought about killing anyone from beginning to end, otherwise there would be no need to go to such trouble."

"You have mastered 90% of your ghost skills. You only need the last step before you can completely turn into a ghost and no longer be restricted by the human world! But at the same time, you will also lose your mind. You still have some unfulfilled wishes, so I’ve been reluctant to take that final step.”

"It is extremely simple to complete this last step, just kill another person and absorb his shadow. But you have a long-cherished wish that has not yet been completed, and you don't want to do it at all. I guess your long-cherished wish is related to the stone you stole. Regarding - am I right?" I asked confidently.

The defender listened quietly to what I said, and was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "I underestimated you! Heroes come from young, and what you guessed is the truth. More than twenty years ago , I discovered this piece of jade, but it was bought first by a wealthy businessman from Myanmar. Their family had a native Buddha to protect them, so there was no way to buy it. But his son was a complete spendthrift. I had expected this. The stone will be sold one day, so..."

"So, you laid the chess piece of Wu Dachuan. If my guess is correct, in addition to cultivating a jade merchant, you must have also planted many secrets - no matter what means you use, you must get this jade Got it."

"That's right!" The Taoist priest nodded and said: "Although the Burmese jade dealer didn't understand what was inside this stone, he listened to the advice of the eminent monk and was very fond of this stone. He hid it by the bedside like a treasure. As long as he I have no chance if I live even one day. The simple thing is that he is old and cannot survive for long. His only son is not only a layman, but also a prodigal. With a little trick, he can get this thing out. "

"In addition to bidding, I have indeed buried many secret chess pieces - it would be best if I can get it safely without causing any trouble. But I didn't expect that Wu Dachuan, this ungrateful bitch, not only secretly cut open You were reluctant to give me the jade. This forced me to take action." When the defender said this, his black beard shook in anger.

I smiled: "Wu Dachuan is indeed a villain if he doesn't repay his kindness. If you weren't at a critical moment now and couldn't hurt anyone, how could you have kept him?"

"Young Taoist friend." The Taoist priest said calmly: "No matter in terms of Taoism or age, you are a junior. But I didn't expect that you have such a deep understanding of the ghost art, and you can talk to me like this. Such speculation, you understand my intention very well. If the situation did not allow it, I would really like to have a drink with you!"

The Taoist priest sighed repeatedly, quite expressing his regret at seeing each other so late.

"Now that you have seen that I don't want to kill anyone - in fact, I have not caused any harm to anyone. Just pretend that this has never happened and continue to be your master. I will fulfill my long-cherished wish. This way Once this happens, wouldn’t it be better for both parties?”

"I'm afraid that's not possible." I shook my head slightly, and a sharp cold light shot out from my eyes: "You haven't killed anyone now, but how did you master the ghost shadow technique that has reached 90%? It's up to you to die. I'm afraid there are no less than a few hundred people in the hand, right? And this jade, although I still don't know what it is, but I can guess that the person living in it must be a Gu spirit, right? You are so deliberate I got it not just for collection.”

"You don't want to kill anyone now, you are just afraid that you will become a mindless ghost. You are not kind and kind!"

"If you wait until you sacrifice the Gu spirit and cultivate the ghost and Gu into one, then who will be able to defeat you?"

"In order to maintain the human form and the ghost state, you must hunt and kill one person every day to capture the Yang Qi. At that time, do you still have any kind heart?" I asked aggressively.

"You are like a young tiger and a wolf at this moment. You are not killing people yet, but the time has not yet come. But if a tiger doesn't hurt people, why is it a tiger? If a ghost doesn't kill people, why should ghosts be afraid? Today is your day to die." I After saying that, he pulled out a magic talisman and stood up.

The defender was suddenly startled, then his eyes widened, and he said viciously: "Boy, you already knew this?"

Of course I already knew it.

All the sorcery methods are recorded in great detail in the "Yin Fu Jing".

When the ghost technique is first developed, seven lives will be lost, and with each further step, it will cost dozens more lives. If he can cultivate to this level, how can he still have an innocent body and a kind heart!

"Good boy!" Chief Wei gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "So, you were just acting with me, weren't you?"

I snorted coldly: "Isn't it you? You can't take human lives for the time being, and you are trapped here with no way to escape. What are you using these security guards as hostages, deliberately delaying the waiting? So many You didn't take a dark alley, but chose this overpass, which is the most eye-catching, what are you trying to do? Aren't you just waiting for this?"

As I said that, I pointed toward the opposite side.

Opposite the overpass is a small square with a statue more than ten meters high in the middle.

The statue grew longer and longer under the sunlight, and was about to merge with the overpass.

The reason why he was talking so much to me just now was because he wanted to delay time until the two shadows merged together.

Once the two shadows are combined, he can use the ghost shadow technique. If you want to escape, you can escape to the other side; if you want to fight, I am no match for a few more!

This guy is inherently cunning, but in order not to alert the great powers of the underworld, he has been hiding in hiding for more than twenty years. If he escapes again this time and completes the refining and sacrifice of the monster Gu stone, some trouble may happen!

Just like what Gray Pigeon said, such insidious and evil people must not be allowed to exist in the world.

Today, I will use yin to control yin and eliminate this scourge!

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