Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,458 The battle between good and evil

When the defender saw that I had seen through his trump card, he couldn't help but be stunned. Then he gritted his teeth fiercely, said the word "good" three times in a row, and stood up slowly: "So what? Even if I don't run away, what can you do to me."

Indeed, although his ghost skills are not perfect, he is still very proficient.

Even though it was broad daylight, he couldn't come and go without a trace. But he was able to partially transform the moment the bullet penetrated his body. Coupled with the ghost poison he spread, the police had no way to do anything to him.

And, as he said, his ability is indeed better than mine, and he is even comparable to Bing Yinzi of Longquan Villa.

However, this is only the strength on the surface, I also have my trump card.

"Down!" I shouted, and violently tore the exorcism charm in my hand into pieces.

Puff thump, thump thump, with muffled sounds, the seven or eight people surrounding him fell to the ground one after another, revealing him.

Although the magic talisman can't do anything to him, it can rescue the few people controlled by him.

As soon as the hostage was released, several red dots immediately fell on his forehead and chest.

This is an infrared sight for a sniper rifle.

The defender snorted disdainfully and said, "Is this your trump card? If you were really afraid of these fire sticks, I would have run away a long time ago and will wait until now."

"But now, it's too late for you to escape!" I said, suddenly raising my arms.

Swish, swish, swish!

As soon as I raised my arm, countless rays of light immediately came from behind.

Assistant Zhao deserves to be highly regarded by Xu Guangsheng, and his execution ability is really strong.

I don’t know how many people he arranged to stand on both sides of the bridge. Each one held their lenses high and fired at them. The two sides of the bridge were so bright that it was hard to open their eyes.

The mirror light was like arrows, hitting the Taoist priests one after another, emitting streams of black smoke.

The defender shouted loudly and panicked, dodging again and again.

But the mirror light follows him like a shadow, so how can he be allowed to escape?

In an instant, black smoke billowed from this guy's body, like a lit explosive bag!

At this moment, a crisp gunshot suddenly sounded.

It may be that the police officer commanding the scene mistakenly regarded the black smoke as a weapon that endangers public safety, and decisively issued the sniper order.

A large bloody hole was immediately punched out on the defender's chest.

I don’t know if he lost the ability to avoid bullets due to the mirror light, or if he had other intentions, he took long strides towards me regardless.

Bang bang bang! Several more gunshots rang out in succession.

Several large holes were opened in the defender's head and chest.

His body shook a few times, and he fell to the ground. Immediately, a bone-chilling cold wind blew over him.

"Open!" I touched the Tiangong point and opened the Yin and Yang eyes. I saw the soul of the Taoist priest come out of its shell, wrapped in bursts of Yin energy, and fiercely rushed towards me!

At this time, the light was sufficient and the yang energy was abundant, so he was able to leave his body as a ghost, which shows his ability.

He wanted to enter his body as a ghost, take my body, or simply die with me.

Humph, I have expected this move of yours!

I calmly took a step back, bit my fingertips and drew in the air.

With a breath, golden light flashed out, and magic spells appeared, surrounding me.

When I was pretending to talk to him just now, I had already secretly picked up cinnabar and laid out a trapping spirit array behind me.

This ghost wants to break through the formation, it is simply wishful thinking.

The ghost of the Taoist priest was illuminated by this spell, and he grinned in pain. Although he was extremely vicious, he was not stupid enough to fight against the trapped spirit formation, so he quickly turned around and rushed towards the opposite side.

He wants to run!

What this guy practices is the ghost art. Even if the body dies, as long as the soul is still there, it can be regenerated through the body.

Although I had told the police officer to disperse the crowd, there were still many people watching from a distance outside Qiaotou.

Those policemen are protected by their police badges, so the ghosts dare not invade them, but what about the security guards and the people?

Besides, once this guy is successfully possessed, it will be even harder to find.

I didn't care about anything else at the moment, so I pulled out a high-quality magic talisman and chased after me. As a result, as soon as I took a few steps out of the magic circle, the defender showed an insidious sneer, turned his head suddenly, and rushed towards me again. come over.

At this time, I had already left the protection of the magic circle. It was too late to retreat, so I quickly tore up the magic talisman and threw it out.

He may have seen through my method a long time ago. Before the talisman could be gathered, he scattered it with his palm. The superior evil-suppressing talisman had no effect on him at all.

Seeing that he was less than one meter away from me, I quickly took out the invisible needle and threw it out, but it seemed like it was thrown into the water, making no waves!

"It's broken!" I had calculated everything, but I didn't expect that this guy's soul was so powerful!

Are you really going to be taken over by him?

When I was panicking, something suddenly trembled in my arms and jumped out.

The ghost of the Taoist priest was close to me, with a very proud and evil smile on his face. He suddenly turned pale in fright and turned to run away, but then it turned into a puff of black smoke and was sucked into my chest.

I took a closer look, and it turned out to be the ebony core passed to me by the gray pigeon. It was spinning in front of my chest, and the black smoke was sucked in by it.

The black smoke dissipated, and the ebony core got into the arms again.

But at the same time, I seemed to have been drained of all my strength. My eyesight was dazzled, and I fell to the ground with a thud.

Policemen on both sides of the bridge swarmed over, inspected the bodies of the defenders, and carried out everyone who had fainted.

Two other policemen also helped me walk towards the bridge.

"Master Zhang, are you okay?" Wu Dachuan and Assistant Zhao came forward and asked with concern.

My legs and feet were weak at this time, my whole body was weak, I couldn't say a word, I just shook my head gently.

"Young man, good job!" The police officer who was commanding at the scene also came over, patted me on the shoulder and said: "I angered the suspect and made him voluntarily abandon the hostage barrier, and then used the mirror light to distract him and prepare for the sniper attack. It’s a good idea to create conditions with your hands, but it’s a bit too reckless! Haha, but overall, it’s worthy of praise.”

I smiled helplessly. Is there more danger here?

"It's okay." The police officer said to Assistant Zhao: "Being so close to the suspect and being shocked by the gunshots is a normal reaction. Just take a rest and it will be fine. By the way, what is this young man's name? I have to Apply for him to be a brave citizen."

Although Assistant Zhao and Wu Dachuan didn't know what happened specifically, they also knew it was not as simple as the police officer said. But it was inconvenient to explain too much, so he quickly helped me into the car.

Only then did I gain some strength and said to Wu Dachuan: "Quick, jade, bring the jade quickly."

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