Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,459 The golden cicada escapes from its shell (additional update)

After my reminder, Wu Dachuan suddenly remembered that the source of this series of events was the piece of jade, and ran over quickly.

After a while, he hugged a gray cloth bag tightly and ran back in a hurry. The expression on his face was extremely panic: "Master Zhang, it's not good!"

As soon as I saw his expression, I immediately knew something must have happened again, and asked anxiously: "What's wrong?"

Wu Dachuan patted the gray cloth bag and exclaimed: "This is a fake, the real jade is missing!"

When I heard this, I was stunned. The defender had been planning for more than twenty years to obtain this monster stone. Once he gets it, he will never leave it easily, and no one can steal it from him. How could the jade disappear?

"Master Zhang, Mr. Wu." Assistant Zhao pushed up his glasses and said to the two of us: "Now that the culprit has been killed, it's time for me to go back. Mr. Xu will have a very important meeting in the afternoon. I You have to prepare first.”

His meaning was obvious. Since the demon who was slightly related to Mr. Xu was dead, the rest of the matter had nothing to do with Guangsheng Group. As for where the jade has gone and whether it can be found, it has nothing to do with Guangsheng Group.

Wu Dachuan naturally understood and smiled awkwardly at Assistant Zhao: "Xiao Zhao, you have done me a big favor this time. I will treat you alone another day."

Assistant Zhao smiled and said a few polite words, then turned to me and asked, "Master Zhang, what should I do with Mr. Xu's bag of clothes?"

"Sprinkle salt on it, burn it with fire, then press it with quicklime and bury it in the ground." I replied.

"Okay." Assistant Zhao nodded: "Master Zhang, Mr. Wu, then I'll go ahead." Then he ordered the driver in front of the car to pay attention to safety and make sure to get us to the right place before turning around and leaving. .

Wu Dachuan closed the car door and asked the driver to drive in the direction of my antique store.

Although he didn't know how thrilling the battle between me and the defender was, he saw that I didn't look well and planned to let me go back and rest first.

The ability of the defender cannot be underestimated, far beyond my imagination. Although I borrowed salt water and Jingguang had some advantage, I still almost got into his trap. If the ebony core hadn't been able to swallow evil spirits, I might have been finished by now. It's just that this time, it was extremely draining of energy. My whole body felt weak and I didn't even bother to move.

However, this matter is indeed a bit strange. Where did the jade go?

I closed my eyes and thought for a while, then motioned to Wu Dachuan to bring over the gray cloth bag.

The stone in his pocket was round and round, just an ordinary marble ball, as if it had just been smashed down from somewhere, and the stone stubble at the fracture was still new.

When Wu Dachuan saw the stone, he became furious and said angrily: "Damn it! I really can't figure out whether this old guy is too smart or just a complete fool who was fooled by others. Even Bao doesn’t know! Master Zhang, otherwise, we won’t look for him anymore, he’s dead anyway. I’ll just take it for granted and cut a piece of granite.”

Although this stone cost him more than two million, it was not a big deal to Wu Dachuan. In the business of cutting stones and gambling on jade, it is inevitable to make mistakes.

"No." I shook my head resolutely: "To you, this may be just a stone worth two million, no different from a pile of RMB, but in the eyes of the ghost merchant, it is a scourge. If there is another Someone like a moral defender... quickly, turn around!" Suddenly, something suddenly occurred to me and I shouted loudly.

The driver was stunned when he heard this, and while slowing down and braking, he asked me very confused: "Where are you going?"

"Go back to Xu's villa, hurry up!" I shouted.

"Ah? Master Zhang...this." Wu Dachuan was also a little stunned and looked at me in confusion.

"Hurry up and call Assistant Zhao! Hurry up, why are you still standing there?! Hurry up and call him." When I saw Wu Dachuan, I was still hesitant and urged him urgently.

"Oh, okay!" Wu Dachuan couldn't figure out what happened. It could be seen that I was so anxious and guessed that something was wrong, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and called.

"Mr. Wu, are you home?" As soon as Assistant Zhao answered, I grabbed him and said, "Assistant Zhao, this is Zhang Jiulin. Listen to me. Don't burn your clothes first. Check immediately to see if there is a missing person in the Xu family villa. Marble ball? Also, watch Mr. Xu immediately and don’t let him get out! I’ll be there soon.”

"Ah? Master Zhang, what's going on?" Assistant Zhao on the other end of the phone was also confused.

"It's too late to explain to you. Let's do it now! Otherwise, Mr. Xu may be in danger." After saying that, I hung up the phone and urged the driver: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Wu Dachuan also noticed that something was wrong and said to the driver: "Don't worry about whether the light is red or not, whether it's going in reverse or not, just drive as fast as you want. As long as you don't hit anyone, I'll be responsible for anything that happens."

When the driver heard that Mr. Xu's safety was involved, and Wu Dachuan was the guarantor, he immediately stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for the Xu family villa like lightning.

On the way, Assistant Zhao called again.

He said that after detailed investigation, there was indeed a marble ball missing from the Xu family villa. The stone ball was on the balcony on the top floor and was not found earlier.

Also, Mr. Xu had already driven out alone. The bodyguards did not dare to stop him, so they had to follow closely behind him and call him to report. Assistant Zhao made more than a dozen calls, but Xu Guangsheng didn't answer any of them. He was driving quickly towards the river.

"Tell the bodyguards to hold him down immediately, otherwise Xu Guangsheng will die!" I yelled and hung up the phone, and told the driver: "Quick! Divert to the riverside."

"Master Zhang, what on earth is going on?" Wu Dachuan asked in great fear.

"We fell into a trap." I clenched my fists and said with great annoyance: "This old guy is so cunning! He has already set up a magic circle in the rental house. After being stepped on by the big rooster, he has already After noticing it, a enchantment formation was set up."

"Ecstasy array?" Wu Dachuan was stunned for a moment and asked in shock: "You mean... the Taoist defender is not dead?"

"His ghosting skills are nearly perfect, and he has long since been able to separate his body. It was only his body that died just now, and his shadow is still attached to Xu Guangsheng."

"I was careless for a moment!"

"Do you still remember? When I saw Xu Guangsheng in the morning, he kept covering his head. At that time, I thought he had drunk too much and was not feeling well. But now I remembered that there was a mirror hanging beside him. The reflection of the mirror, Just enough to catch him! Also, there is no shadow of the defender on the overpass."

"He deliberately delayed time there, not only to create conditions for the physical body to escape, but also to buy time for the shadow! He is now inhabiting Xu Guangsheng and escaped with the jade! If I guessed correctly, he would have been in Jiang He set up the altar, and once we are a little late, he will be done! By then, not only will Xu Guangsheng be alive, but he will also have reached the peak of his ghosting skills, and no one can do anything to him." I shouted hysterically.

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