Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1460: Go forward, don’t look back

Although Wu Dachuan couldn't figure out what ghost shadowing was, he knew very well what terrible consequences there would be if the defender succeeded! I was sweating profusely and kept urging the driver to go faster.

Although it was the peak traffic period at this time, there were simply very few vehicles along Linjiang Road.

By the time we arrived at the location reported by Assistant Zhao, the scene was already in a mess.

The extremely expensive Bentley 728 and two Hummers collided violently, blocking the entire intersection leading to the river. A dozen tall bodyguards were lying on the ground. Among them, two black bodyguards two meters away were covered in blood, their arms and legs were broken, and they were rolling on the ground in extreme pain.

Before the car could stop, Assistant Zhao ran all the way to meet it.

"Master Zhang, Mr. Wu, you are finally here!" He was so anxious that his head was covered with sweat, and his usually meticulous tie was tilted to one side.

"What's going on?" I opened the car door and jumped out and asked urgently.

"Mr. Xu seemed to have gone crazy suddenly. He drove straight towards the river. I was afraid of any accidents, so I asked the bodyguards to stop the car as you ordered. But..." Assistant Zhao glanced at the man lying on the ground. The bodyguards said with lingering fear: "But Mr. Xu seemed to have changed. He knocked down the bodyguards who were trying to hold him down and ran towards the mouth of the river."

When Wu Dachuan heard this, he swallowed hard and couldn't believe his ears. This was actually done by Xu Guangsheng!

"What about others now?" I realized that this situation was extremely bad.

"Over there!" Assistant Zhao pointed forward at the little black dot that was going away and said, "That's Mr. Xu. He ran very fast and was about to jump into the river, but none of us could catch up. Come on, Master Zhang, what should we do..."

This boy is extremely loyal to Xu Guangsheng, and he is about to burst into tears just by looking at him.

"Don't worry, I'll think about it again." I clenched my fists and kept spinning in circles.

Originally, I thought that by the time we arrived at the scene, Xu Guangsheng would have been pinned down, and all we had to do was dispel the shadow on him, but I didn't expect that he would still make such a fuss.

The intersection has been blocked and vehicles cannot pass at all. Besides, my vitality is severely damaged now. Even if I catch up with him, I may not be able to subdue him. If he really succeeds in refining this monster stone, I will be in trouble.

I kept spinning in circles. Assistant Zhao looked at me for a while, and then at Xu Guangsheng who was drifting away, wiping the sweat away.

Wu Dachuan rubbed his hands anxiously, but there was nothing he could do.

"Clothes!" I suddenly shouted loudly: "Are those Mr. Xu's clothes still there that I asked you to burn?"

"Ah? Yes." Assistant Zhao responded repeatedly: "I called you just when I was about to burn you. It's still in the car."

"Bring it here quickly!" I ordered loudly.

Assistant Zhao didn't have time to ask any more questions, so he hurried back to the car and took the bag of clothes back.

"Hurry up and put it on!" I directly ordered Assistant Zhao who was out of breath.

Assistant Zhao hurriedly changed clothes without saying a word, and Wu Dachuan also hurried over to help.

"When is Mr. Xu's birthday?" I asked anxiously.

"July 22, 1972." Assistant Zhao replied breathlessly, putting on his suit and grabbing his pants.

I quickly calculated my birthday, bit my fingertips, and wrote it on the back of my suit with blood.

"Don't worry about anything now. Keep moving forward. No matter what happens, never look back. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Assistant Zhao nodded firmly.

"Okay! Let's go!" As soon as I said "go", I slapped him on the back.

Assistant Zhao gritted his teeth and took an extremely difficult step forward. His body swayed suddenly and he almost fell.

Wu Dachuan hurriedly stood aside and encouraged loudly: "Xiao Zhao, hold on!"

As he took this step, the shadow behind him was stretched out into a long line like sticky candy.

With the support of Wu Dachuan, Assistant Zhao took another step, and the shadow became more slender.

Then, like a fast-moving train, it flew straight to the river.

The little black spot that was already approaching the river suddenly froze and struggled hard.

With a crash, Assistant Zhao dropped it and hit it firmly on the ground.

The glasses were broken and there was blood on his forehead.

But this kid didn't even hum and continued to crawl forward.

The black shadow trailing behind him turned into an almost invisible thin line, pulling him firmly.

Wu Dachuan also understood that the situation was extremely critical at this moment. He hurriedly pulled hard and shouted at the others: "What are you looking at? Come here and help!"

After he shouted, the driver who had just driven us and the bodyguards who were not seriously injured also ran over.

With the support of everyone, Assistant Zhao took another step forward with great difficulty. But he seemed to have suffered some extremely unbearable pain. Sweat rolled down his forehead and veins popped up.

But this kid still gritted his teeth and kept moving forward!

"Xiao Zhao, hold on!" Wu Dachuan held his shoulders, dragged him hard, and encouraged him loudly.

Everyone else also pulled and pushed, surrounded Assistant Zhao, and walked forward step by step.

As he moved forward step by step, the shadow lines on the ground gradually became thicker, and the small black dot in the distance was pulled back again and again.

Assistant Zhao and the little black dot were hundreds of meters apart, but they were firmly tied together by a shadow line.

It's like a tug-of-war, one side is moving forward, and the other side can only retreat!

There were more than a dozen people on Assistant Zhao's side, and they all gritted their teeth and tried their best, but there was only a small black spot on the other end.

It seems extremely unfair, but it is evenly matched!

Every step they took was extremely difficult. Assistant Zhao bit his gums and his mouth was full of blood.

Wu Dachuan's whole body was trembling with fat, and the others were sweating profusely from exhaustion.

I continued walking a few dozen meters, took out a few magic talismans, and placed a hexagonal array on the ground. I quietly waited for the end of the competition while sitting cross-legged and slowly recovering my strength. After all, the final blow still has to be done by me.

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