Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1461: Shadow vs. Shadow

There was a lot of noise ahead, the passing vehicles stopped, and the crowd of onlookers became increasingly dense.

The luxury car collided, and the ground was full of injured people. There were more than a dozen people walking forward like trackers with great difficulty, which immediately aroused everyone's curiosity!

Some people helped up the injured bodyguard, some asked Wu Dachuan what happened to them, and some immediately took out their mobile phones and kept taking pictures and forwarding them to their WeChat Moments.

The ambulance came, the traffic police came, and the whole scene was surrounded by water.

I don't know if they recognized Wu Dachuan, or guessed the owner of the Bentley, Xu Guangsheng, or they had good intentions. More and more people joined in this seemingly absurd tug-of-war competition. .

There were also many people who were extremely curious about this scene and walked straight to the river, but they were all blocked by the fog I cast.

The world is so beautiful, and I don’t want more people to know that there is another extremely terrifying and far-unbelievable dark side in this world, and there are so many unimaginable existences.

As the shadow lines on the ground grew longer and thicker, the small black dot in the distance gradually became clearer.

It was a figure struggling forward desperately. Although his face could not be seen clearly, he could still identify it as Xu Guangsheng through his body shape.

He was still wearing the nightgown embroidered with gold threads from the morning, his feet were bare, and he was holding a black leather bag tightly in his hand, which must have contained the Gu Stone!

He leaned forward with all his strength, trying to get out.

But with so many people pulling hard, he could only retreat step by step, faster and faster.

He seemed to have noticed that I was staring at him, and turned around to glare at me fiercely.

With that look in his eyes, I recognized him as a moral defender.

Aren't you good at ghosting? Well, I'll treat him the way he wants!

As Gray Pigeon said, the spells are still the same. Just change the order and they can turn from evil to good.

If you use ghosting to harm people, I can also use ghosting to save people!

Although I have not borrowed the shadow of a dead corpse or practiced any ghosting techniques, the remaining Yin Qi of the defender is left on that piece of clothing.

I just condensed some Yin Qi into a shadow, and then used the eight-character Cynomorium Array to connect it with Xu Guangsheng's body.

At this time, Xu Guangsheng's mind was confused, and only a body was left. He kept struggling and twisting, but everything was in vain.

Every time Assistant Zhao takes a step, he will take three steps back, and the black shadow on the ground will become more dignified.

Seeing the shadow getting thicker and thicker, he got closer and closer to me.

I took out my lighter and lit the first talisman.

"Suppress!" I yelled, and Xu Guangsheng's body suddenly stopped. The power of the shadow was temporarily suppressed, and he stepped back seven or eight steps. This was a reference to the Qimen formation of Zhiduoxing.

"Lock!" I lit the second talisman.

Black lines spread out, trapped his feet, and spread up like a snake. He was immediately locked tightly, unable to move at all.

Shadow turns into a snake shape!

This is a new skill I learned from Jin Shesou's Golden Snake Net after studying half of the Yin Fu Sutra.

"Stab!" Another talisman burned out.

A ray of light rushed away, like laser lightning, hitting Xu Guangsheng.

Xu Guangsheng trembled violently, staggered and almost fell.

This is borrowed from Bing Yinzi's Ice Thorn, which uses light to create shadows, which is most appropriate!

After three consecutive shouts, Xu Guangsheng was no longer able to struggle. The hexagonal array I set up on the ground also shone with three brilliant rays of light, as if all the sunlight was concentrated here. The light shone in all directions, making it almost impossible to look directly at it.

Xu Guangsheng, whose body had been taken away by the Taoist warriors, was bleeding from the corner of his mouth. He glared at me with a fierce look and said: "Boy, I underestimate you. Not only can you detect my shadow splitting technique, but you also hide such a clever trick! "

I snorted coldly and said: "How can I deal with you crooked people without using some powerful means? This is like the devil is as high as one foot, and the Tao is as high as ten feet!" As I said that, I lit another magic talisman.


The light flashed and a pale white mark was drawn on the road.

At the same time, the long shadow line was cut open, completely divided into two.

Xu Guangsheng shook violently, and his shadow appeared again, but next to that figure, there was a taller shadow. This was the origin of the shadow that the defender invaded Xu Guangsheng's body.

"Kill!" Before he could react, another talisman ignited.

A ray of light rose in the sky, one shadow turned into three, and three shadows turned into six. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of rays of light appeared, and they penetrated into the vital points of the shadow's body. This is the differentiation learned from the Lazy Arhat's Sun-Destroying Knife. technique.

The shadow of the defender was immediately pierced and mottled in all directions, as fragmented as the sunlight shining through the window lattice.

" can't be nice..." The defender screamed in an extremely pitiful and vicious manner.

Before I could finish my sentence, I lit the last talisman: "Destroy!"

As this spiritual talisman was sacrificed, the six-pointed stars lit up at the same time, surrounding the shadow and emitting white light at the same time. The gathering place is the heart of the defender, which is due to the golden talisman array set up by the gray pigeon for the father of Satan.

With a bang, the black shadow dissipated and turned into smoke.


Xu Guangsheng, who was already unconscious, lost control of the defender and immediately fell to the ground.

After this, my spiritual energy was exhausted, my whole body trembled, I could hardly sit still, and I lay down on my back.

The fog blocking the front slowly dispersed, and Wu Dachuan, who was guarding outside, ran in quickly and helped me up: "Master Zhang, are you okay?"

I turned around and looked around. The crowd of onlookers had been blocked by the security guards from Guangsheng Group. Wu Dachuan and I were the only ones within a hundred meters.

"Where's Assistant Zhao?" I asked softly, barely sitting upright.

I had met this young man during the Dafeng Village incident. At that time, I just thought he was very capable. It wasn't until just now that I saw that he had such a loyal and persevering side, which left a very deep impression on me.

"Xiao Zhao... was too seriously injured. As soon as the black line was severed, he passed out and was sent to the hospital with the bodyguards. Is Mr. Xu okay?"

"It's okay..." I took a long breath and pointed to the willow tree on the roadside: "It's just that the Yin Qi has been infected for too long. Just drink two cups of willow water and it will be fine. Get that jade quickly. , let me see what it is."

"Okay!" Wu Dachuan shouted to the two security guards and asked them to get some water for Mr. Xu. He then picked up the black leather bag from the ground and handed it to me.

I opened the bag and saw a stone the size of a mango inside.

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