Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1462: Through the vicissitudes of life, my king will always be with you

The stone looked tattered and full of pits.

A fist-sized opening was cut on the front, revealing the green jade inside.

The green jade is like water, like a clear pool with blue waves, but deep in the jade lies a large fiery red centipede!

The centipede is lifelike, with its legs stretched out, as if it will crawl out of the jade at any time. And at the same time, there was an extremely strong yin energy that made people dare not stare.

It is indeed a very powerful femininity!

The Taoist priest deliberately wanted to get this jade stone, just to practice this stone and achieve the highest level of ghost shadow art.

But there is a problem here.

It was after he realized that he was being followed that he improvised the technique of shadow splitting.

In other words, the place where he originally planned to perform the sacrifice was probably not here, but why did he rush to the riverside in a hurry?

Could it be that... there is another place here that can awaken the Yin spirit in jade?

This time the yin object is different from the past, it is just a piece of jade. Just from the appearance, it is impossible to tell the age and location, let alone what kind of ghost is hidden inside.

Since the defender rushed to the river in a hurry, there must be some clues there, right?

I thought for a while, stood up, and walked along the riverside with the jade in hand.

The Yangtze River surged past, cutting Wuhan into three parts. I walked along the river for a long time, and then immersed the jade in the water and looked at it. There was still no change. It seemed to have nothing to do with the river.

So what is it?

I was wondering to myself when suddenly the jade stone trembled without any warning.

It's around here! I tried turning it several times, and finally found the direction that made it tremble more violently.

It was a bluestone monument standing by the river.

A few lines of poetry are engraved on the stele: "The rolling waves of the river are full of ministers on the bank, and it is hard to hear the harp harp. I will enjoy the Kangping, Yong and Qian dynasties forever. I was born in bliss, so why bother the people." The title is signed by Zhou Anzheng, the inspector of the Qing Dynasty.

It should be a poem that this guy offered when he was traveling here and took advantage of the scenery. But what does it have to do with this stone?

Could it be that the Yin spirit residing in the jade is related to this unknown inspector?

I was wondering when the jade suddenly flew out of my hand and hit the stone tablet.

With a click, the stone tablet was knocked out with a long crack, and the jade stone fell to the ground, and then flew up again, like crazy, hitting the stone tablet again and again, and the stone itself was splashed with debris and scarred.

Only then did I realize that it hit the same place every time: the first words of the first two lines of the poem.

Jiang Chong!

Under the continuous impact of the jade, the stone tablet was violently smashed into a big crater, especially the word "Jiang Chong" was blurred and the jade was broken into dozens of pieces. The scattered stone foam was burned to ashes by a black fire before it even hit the ground.

This is the real jade and stone dying together!

In the blink of an eye, the jade was only the size of a fist, and the fiery red centipede seemed to come to life all of a sudden, trying to crawl out with its teeth and claws.

Just as I was about to step forward and step on it, I saw a flash of light, and a figure emerged from the jade stone and continued to slam into the stone monument.

The figure was blurry and hard to see clearly, but she could still tell that it was a woman.

She was wearing an extremely luxurious long-sleeved dress, and the hairpin on her head was even more resplendent. Far from being worn by ordinary wealthy people, it was more like a crested crown that could only be worn by empresses in the harem during the Qin and Han Dynasties.

The queen of the Qin and Han dynasties, the Gu Stone, Jiang Chong, the Taoist priest...

Suddenly, my mind lit up and I probably guessed who this was!

Wei Zifu!

Wei Zifu is one of the most famous women in history. She was the empress of Emperor Liu Che of Han Dynasty, the sister of General Wei Qing, and the aunt of Huo Qubing.

In the first half of his life, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was wise and powerful, expelling the Xiongnu, expanding his territory, and building the Han Dynasty into the strongest country in the world at that time. But in his later years, he became increasingly mediocre and raised a large group of charlatan sorcerers, believing that they would bring him the art of immortality.

Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty fell ill and searched for famous doctors to no avail. Finally, one of them, Jiang Chong, said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was cursed by a witchcraft. If the witchcraft was not removed, his illness would naturally not be cured. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious and ordered Jiang Chong to find the person who caused the poison no matter what!

How did he know that Jiang Chong had other plans? So Jiang Chong took the opportunity to frame Queen Wei Zifu and the prince for conspiring to kill Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty with witchcraft, and dug up a large number of centipedes from the ground in the back garden in front of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious and ordered those involved to be imprisoned. Put to death together.

The prince was forced to rebel and fought in the imperial city for three days and three nights, resulting in tens of thousands of casualties. In the end, he was defeated and committed suicide.

Wei Zifu, a female prostitute, could not defend himself, so he had no choice but to commit suicide. This was the biggest unjust case in the Han Dynasty, the "scourge of witchcraft"!

Poor Wei Zifu, who was loyal to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was forced to death by his own husband in the end. It was really sad.

It must have been that Wei Zifu was filled with resentment after his death and was unable to be reincarnated, so the undead soul was attached to the witchcraft. By chance, the witchcraft lay dormant in a piece of jade for thousands of years until it appeared at the auction.

Although it has been dormant for thousands of years, Wei Zifu's resentment has not disappeared at all, but has become stronger and stronger. She was gnashing her teeth against Jiang Chong, but as soon as she saw the word Jiang Chong, her evil spirit suddenly appeared, and she would rather die than smash him to pieces.

It turns out that this is the purpose of the defenders.

As the light faded, Wei Zifu's image became increasingly blurry, but the force of the impact on the stone tablet became stronger and stronger, causing the entire foundation to tremble.

"Queen Wei, please calm down. This is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with the stone tablet." I took two steps forward to stop him: "Besides, this was a thousand years ago."

Wei Zifu was suddenly startled, turned his head slowly, and asked with a somewhat surprised expression: "Thousand years?"

"Yes." I nodded and said: "It has been more than two thousand years since the second year of Zhenghe. After your death, a trace of obsession entered this jade stone, and it was released today. Could it be that you Do you want to fight tooth and nail for such an unknown stone tablet? If you have any unfulfilled wishes, I can help you fulfill them."

Wei Zifu trembled and remained speechless for a while, then suddenly asked: "Where is your Majesty?"

"Buried in Maoling." I replied, "Wei Qing and Huo Guang are both around."

The sun is getting stronger and stronger, and Wei Zifu's figure is getting fainter. She nodded, gave me a deep salute, and then turned into a wisp of black smoke and got back into the broken jade.

Although she didn't say anything, I already knew that her wish was to stay with Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Although it was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who hurt her and killed her, what he loved most was still the once wise and mighty husband. .

Through the vicissitudes of life, you will always be with my king.

At this moment, Xu Guangsheng walked over from a distance with the support of Wu Dachuan.

I picked up the piece of jade from the ground, walked over and handed it to Wu Dachuan, saying: "The ghost inside the jade is Queen Wei Zifu of the Western Han Dynasty. She wanted to be buried in Maoling with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. As long as her long-cherished wish is fulfilled, Wei Zifu will The evil spell that the Taoist priest set on you will naturally be broken."

Wu Dachuan was stunned for a moment, nodded and replied: "Okay, I will definitely find a relationship to send this stone to the imperial mausoleum."

Xu Guangsheng's face was pale, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth. He bowed deeply to me and said, "Master Zhang, counting this time, I have already owed you two favors. I really don't know how to thank you." !”

At this time, I was extremely tired, so I just waved to him, said nothing more, and sat down against the willow tree by the river.

Wu Dachuan and Xu Guangsheng, two top tycoons, also sat down next to me in embarrassment, looking at the turbulent river, silent for a long time...

Three days later, they both came to my shop together and brought me a 'big gift'.

Guangsheng Group and Wu Dachuan each contributed 20 million to establish a student aid foundation to help children who cannot afford to go to school.

I was very pleased to see this generous gift. Suddenly I felt as if someone was missing, and then I remembered that it was Assistant Zhao.

Xu Guangsheng explained: "I wouldn't have known it until this incident. Xiao Zhao's family background is very difficult. He graduated from university with donations. When he first came to our group, he was promoted by me, so he was grateful. He tried his best to save me... After the foundation was established, he took the initiative to apply to work there and wanted to do something more meaningful, so Brother Wu and I decided to let him be the president of the foundation! He had already We are heading to Dashan, Guangxi with the first batch of aid supplies, and please convey our gratitude to you."

I smiled and nodded: "The more you do good, the more you will be blessed. No matter what happens, God will help you!"

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