Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 146: Ghostly Seduction

Luo Li is very talkative and probably knows more about Chinese history than I do. Probably because she had a bad appetite during the long journey, she only took a few bites of plain food and then put down her chopsticks: "Although I was born abroad, I am actually surrounded by Chinese people. Because everyone is living overseas, I have a strong affection for the motherland. Deep! I have listened to them talking about China’s history since I was a child, and I feel that our country is very great.”

Li Mazi nodded: "Of course, don't be too busy when you come back this time. Uncle will take you around and let you see the ancient buildings in China. That will be shocking."

Luo Li nodded cheerfully.

Li Mazi added: "Uncle will take you to the hotel later. You can choose any five-star hotel. Uncle is not short of money."

Luo Li shook her head: "uncle Li, before I came back this time, my father specifically asked me not to trouble you too much, so I booked a private house through the Internet when I was making preparations, because I will live here for about a month. , it is neither affordable nor troublesome to stay in a hotel all the time. I will tell you the address in a moment, just thank you and the driver for sending me there."

Saving a sum of accommodation fees was an unexpected blessing for Li Mazi, but he still pretended to be embarrassed: "Your father too, what is his relationship with me, and he is so alienated, I am here Your host, how can you not let me entertain you? But since you have rented the house, I don’t care. If you need anything, you must tell me, otherwise uncle will be angry. "

Luo Li smiled and agreed: "Thank you uncle Li."

After the meal, Li Mazi went to pay the bill. When he came back, his face was pale, and he knew how much he had eaten for the meal. I laughed secretly in my heart, and drove Luo Li to the rental house at the address she gave me.

The house is located in the old town and is not very eye-catching, but it looks pretty good from the outside.

In order to show his nobility, Li Mazi would inevitably complain about the poor sanitary environment and unknown public security conditions... Luo Li wanted to comfort him a few words at first, but then she was tired of dealing with it and simply shut her mouth. Because we had made an appointment in advance, the agents from the agency were already waiting at the door of the unit.

While she was eloquently introducing us to how wonderful the house was, she took us to the elevator. Generally speaking, I never believe what these people say. I always feel that they can do whatever it takes to make a business deal seem like something they don’t have. But after she opened the door and invited us into the house, I felt that she had not mentioned the benefits of the house at all.

Although this house has only one bedroom and one living room in a small layout, the decoration style is very simple and elegant, and the details are full of the careful thoughts of the previous owner. It is delicate and full of warmth, which is especially suitable for girls.

Luo Li didn't care much about the house. She signed the contract with the agent happily and paid the money. The staff handed her the keys and left.

Luo Li traveled across the entire Pacific Ocean. The flight was too long and she must have been exhausted. Mazi Li and I didn’t bother her too much. We told her safety tips such as locking the door, and we left happily.

On the way home, Li Mazi kept showing off to me: "How was it? Brother, did I perform well just now? Isn't it really like that?"

I parked the car on the side of the road, then opened the car door and dropped him off: "As the best supporting actor, I will accompany you until here, and the rest of the way is up to you."

After saying that, I drove away again, leaving Li Mazi standing stupidly on the side of the road in a daze.

Acting is already very tiring, let alone acting with Li Mazi. I was so tired that my back ached and I missed my warm bed so much. On the way back, it started to rain again. The raindrops hitting the car window, combined with the music playing in the car, reminded me of many things from the past. After parking the car, I suddenly saw the figure of a middle-aged woman lingering in front of my store.

She didn't hold an umbrella. Although the rain wasn't heavy, she was soaked because she had been waiting for so long, as if a water ghost had just climbed up from the bottom of the river.

I looked at her and was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but stop.

As if she heard some noise, the middle-aged woman raised her head and looked at me with a pair of particularly dull eyes between her wet hair, with a bit of uncomfortable expectation.

When she saw me, she ran over quickly. Without thinking, she knelt down at my feet, grabbed my trouser legs tightly and said, "Are you Master Zhang Jiulin? Please save my daughter." …”

As she spoke, she suppressed tears.

I looked confused and asked in confusion: "Sister, what happened to your daughter? If you don't understand what you said, and you suddenly knelt down in front of me, it will be difficult for me to help you."

The middle-aged woman hurriedly wiped her tears and said with sobs: "My daughter fell into a coma. She went to the hospital all over, but nothing was found. The doctor said that her physical characteristics were very obvious and did not look like she was sick. From a medical point of view, there was nothing wrong with her. Later, I asked someone to hire a doctor. He only took one look and said that my daughter’s soul had been taken away by a ghost. If I want to save my daughter, I must save her. Get your soul back first."

I frowned, thinking this was something special, so I invited her into the room: "This is not the place to talk. Come in with me."

After leading her to the study, I found a dry towel for her and made a pot of hot tea. After the middle-aged woman took two sips of water, she continued to tell me: "I want to save my daughter wholeheartedly, and of course I will do whatever I say, but this gentleman told me that his abilities are limited. If he wants to save his daughter, he has to find someone high-ranking." No one is allowed! He recommended you to me, so I hurriedly came over with the address."

Over the years, I have gained a good reputation in the world of ghosts. People often come here and even former victims introduce acquaintances to each other, so I didn’t think much about it, nodded and said: "When did your daughter fall into a coma? Before she fell into a coma. Did something strange happen?"

The middle-aged woman said with a look of remorse: "That's right, my name is Ma Yue, and I am the manager of a second-hand car dealership. After divorcing my ex-husband, I lived alone with my daughter. In order to give her the best life, I I work harder than others, so I often work overtime. Last Friday, my daughter came to the car dealership after kindergarten because a car she had sold had an accident. I had to communicate with the buyer and discuss solutions with the car dealership’s repair staff. I was busy until late at night. When I finally breathed a sigh of relief, I suddenly discovered that my daughter was missing..."

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