Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,465 The missing strange car

As if recalling the scene at that time, Ma Yue still looked shocked: "At that time, all the employees of the car dealership were off work, and I was the only one left. I was busy looking for my daughter, but no matter how I called her, she There was no response! At first, I thought she was tired and fell asleep somewhere. But when I took the car keys and looked for one car after another, I realized that things were not as simple as I imagined. .”

"While I called the police, I ran to the monitoring room to call up the monitoring. Finally, I saw my daughter's last figure appearing in front of a car. I hurriedly wrote down the license plate number, took the car key and ran to the sales hall again. But I checked it two or three times before I realized that there was no car with that license plate number in the surveillance. I was all hairy and anxious at the time, and there was no way I could do it. I thought I was too worried and was blinded by what I saw. I ran to the monitoring room and checked it again to make sure that the license plate number was correct. But the employees had already gone off work at that time, and the door was closed properly. How could a car suddenly disappear? "

"I returned to the hall in a daze. This time I saw the car at a glance. It was parked at the entrance, as if it had just driven in. My daughter was sitting in the passenger seat and fell asleep. I was relieved. After a breath, I hurriedly ran over and opened the car door to wake her up. My daughter looked at me sleepily and said, Mom, the place my uncle took me to was really fun. I didn’t have time to ask her about uncle and where he went, and she fell asleep again. It’s burning.”

"I was in a very confused mood at the time. I thought everything would be fine if I found my daughter, so I didn't think much about it and hurriedly carried her home. But when I got home, she had a high fever and then fell into a coma. I screamed no matter what. If you don’t wake up, you can’t get any results even if you take them to the hospital..."

When Ma Yue said this, she covered her face and cried helplessly: "It's all my fault. I didn't take it to heart at the time. It was me who harmed my daughter. If she had any shortcomings, I would still be alive. What's the strength?"

"Is that car still in the dealership?" Since the problem is entirely caused by a car, the best way to solve the problem is to start with the car.

Hearing my question, Ma Yue thought for a while and said uncertainly: "It should still be there. Since my daughter fell into a coma, I haven't worked in the car dealership for a long time. I don't know whether it has been sold."

I nodded: "That's good. I'll go with you to check on my daughter first, and then we'll go to the car dealership together to see what's weird about that car!"

Ma Yue nodded excitedly: "Okay, okay, okay, let's go now." She looked more anxious than me, but when she walked to the door, she suddenly paused and asked with some hesitation: "Master Zhang, You haven’t said yet how much you’ll charge for helping our mother and daughter.”

When she asked this question, I was startled. Looking at her cautious look, I couldn't help but sneer: "Your daughter is in danger, even if I want all your wealth, how dare you say no?"

Ma Yue was stunned for a while, then nodded: "As long as you can save my daughter, even if you want my life, I will give it to you unconditionally..."

What do I want with your life? I rolled my eyes and urged her not to waste time and get going.

Because the examination at the hospital was fruitless, Ma Yue had taken her daughter home and was currently lying on the bed, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep. I saw that she was breathing evenly and her expression was calm. From the outside, everything seemed to be normal, but no matter how Ma Yue called her, there was no response.

Ma Yue's daughter's name is Ma Xiaohuan. I gently held her wrist and felt her pulse.

Although the pulse beats, it slows down for a normal person, and each beat is weak, as if it will stop at any time. I'm not entirely sure that the current situation is related to the soul leaving the body. Why did the expert invited by Ma Yue tell the truth and even introduce me to her?

Who is this so-called master?

I asked Ma Yue about it, and she said she didn't know. A previous client introduced her to her specifically after knowing about her. Before her daughter's accident, she had neither heard anything about that gentleman nor had she ever seen him.

Seemingly sensing that I had some doubts about the gentleman's identity, she took out her cell phone to contact me. As soon as the call was dialed, she looked at me blankly.

A woman's mechanized voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone: The number you dialed is an empty number...

Ma Yue looked very confused: "How could it be? I only contacted you two days ago."

I couldn't help but wonder, could this matter have anything to do with Longquan Villa? When I thought about Longquan Villa's behavior, there was absolutely no good intention in leading me into this matter, and I suddenly felt like I wanted to withdraw from the world.

As a sales manager, Ma Yue faces customers every day and is very good at analyzing their psychology. She guessed my intentions as soon as she saw my face, and hurriedly knelt at my feet and cried: "Master Zhang, I really have no choice. There is no other way. If you don't help me, we and I won't be able to survive. Just be a good person and help us! Please! I will work like a cow to repay your kindness. Great Virtue!"

Although I wanted to stay out of it, firstly, the relationship between Ma Yue and my daughter made it impossible for me to withdraw. Secondly, I was also quite curious about this matter. I always felt that there seemed to be some secrets hidden in it that I didn’t know yet. , so my eager curiosity didn’t allow me to withdraw.

Curiosity killed the cat is indeed a wise saying!

Time was running out, so Ma Yue and I hurried to her car dealership. Because we caught up with the evening rush hour, when we arrived, the dealership had already finished get off work, the door was closed, and it was so dark inside that it was difficult to see anything.

Ma Yue hurriedly took out the key, opened the door, and invited me in. She skillfully found the switch on the wall and turned on the lights. With the shining of incandescent lights, rows of shiny cars appeared in front of us.

Although the car dealership where Ma Yue works is not well-known, its business is very prosperous and it covers a large area. The cars are neatly arranged and polished and waxed, which made me a little dazzled for a while.

Ma Yue didn't have time to care about anything else. She was anxious to take me to find the car that caused all this, but after walking around the huge hall a few times, she found nothing. Ma Yue was so busy that she was sweating. She looked at me in surprise and said, "The car has disappeared again. It was like this that day. Could something happen again?"

She was probably overly stimulated by the last incident, and now the slightest disturbance would make her as frightened as a bird. I thought about it and comforted her: "Don't be anxious. Could it be that the car was sold during your absence?"

My words reminded Ma Yue. She took out her mobile phone with trembling hands and dialed a number. The other party answered quickly. Ma Yue did not mince words and asked directly: "Is that silver gray BMW x5 sold? The one with the license plate number ending in 588."

The other party also replied happily: "Yes, I sold it the day before yesterday. The car had been on hold for a long time. The boss said I could give it a 20% discount, so the other party happily bought it."

Ma Yue agreed twice vaguely, then hung up the phone and asked me with a confused expression: "What should I do? The car was sold? Can my daughter be saved..."

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