Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,466 The details of the car dealership (additional update)

Seeing her panicked look, I had no choice but to comfort her again: "Don't worry, have you saved the surveillance video from that night? Take me to take a look."

Ma Yue nodded quickly and took me to a small room in the corner of the second floor. There are computer equipment inside, and the screen is still on, showing images from every corner of the entire car dealership.

Because Ma Yue was the manager, she had the computer password, so she quickly retrieved the computer screen from the day of the incident.

At about 5:30 in the afternoon, Ma Xiaohuan came to the car dealership after kindergarten. You can see from the screen that she and Ma Yue briefly exchanged a few words. Because she was busy introducing the vehicle situation to the customer, Ma Yue gave Ma Xiaohuan some change. Ma Xiaohuan She left the car dealership at 5:50, and came back fifteen minutes later with the snacks she bought.

After seeing that her mother was still busy, she obediently found a corner to sit and eat snacks while reading the picture album.

At about 6:20, an employee passed by and spotted Ma Xiaohuan. It seemed that he was worried that Ma Xiaohuan would get sick sitting on the cold ground, so the employee took out the key and opened the door of a car and asked Ma Xiaohuan to sit and play in the car.

I took a closer look at the Peugeot of the car. It was not a BMW, and the license plate number did not end with 588. It seemed that this car was not the vehicle that left with Ma Xiaohuan.

Ma Xiaohuan played in the car for a while, probably because she was too bored, and got out of the car again at 7:10, wanting to talk to her mother. But Ma Yue's deal at that time had reached the most critical moment, so after seeing her daughter, she used her eyes to signal her daughter not to disturb her. The smart and well-behaved Ma Xiaohuan had to stop halfway and walked back dejectedly.

Seeing this scene, Ma Yue thought about the situation that day, regretted and blamed herself, and couldn't stop crying.

Ma Xiaohuan wanted to get back to the car, but she couldn't remember which car she got off from. She wandered for a while, then suddenly turned around and walked in another direction.

I looked at the time on the surveillance screen. It was close to 7:30, and the employees of the car dealership began to leave work one after another. Because Ma Xiaohuan often came to the car dealership, she knew the layout of the place very well, and soon found a large bunch of car keys in the drawer of the studio.

She took the key and opened the door of a car at random. That car was a silver-gray BMW with a license plate number ending in 588!

After that, she sat in the car and played alone for a while, but soon fell asleep leaning on the passenger seat. At this time, Ma Yue had just completed a business deal and was doing record-keeping and follow-up work, completely ignoring her daughter. At this moment, the lights in the car dealership's lobby suddenly went out, and the entire hall fell into darkness.

At 8:13, Ma Yue finished her work and stretched. It was only then that she thought of her daughter. She hurriedly turned on the lights in the hall and called her daughter's name but got no response.

By this time, the silver-gray BMW with tail number 588 had disappeared...

Ma Yue searched around the entire car dealership. As time passed, she became more and more panicked. She searched for her daughter's lovely figure in each car, but found nothing. There was no other way. At nine o'clock, she ran back to the office and picked up the phone to call the police. At this time, I noticed that the light in the hall that Ma Yue turned on automatically went out again.

I pointed at the computer screen and asked, "Are you sure you were the only one in the dealership at that time?"

Ma Yue obviously noticed that the lights were turned off. She looked pale and nodded with some fear: "I was the only one there at the time. How could the lights turn off by themselves?"

This thing is indeed a bit strange, but I don’t know if it has something to do with that car or this car dealership.

After calling the police, Ma Yue in the surveillance screen anxiously ran back to the lobby. At this time, the lights had turned on, and the silver-gray BMW had reappeared in the lobby, but its position had changed. Arrive at the exit.

Ma Yue was stunned for a moment, then moved forward carefully. When she saw Ma Xiaohuan sleeping in the passenger seat, Ma Yue was overjoyed and ran over to open the door and took Ma Xiaohuan out.

Ma Yue saw this and said to me: "That's what happened that day. My daughter fell into a coma after getting off the car... It's all my fault. If it weren't for my negligence, nothing would have happened to her. I'm incompetent. I Not worthy of being a mother!”

As she spoke, she slapped herself twice in remorse, and her face suddenly became swollen.

Seeing that she had no intention of stopping, I hurriedly stopped her and said, "Now is not the time to blame yourself. Your daughter is still lying in bed waiting for you to save her. What's the use of just crying and crying?"

Ma Yue regained her composure: "Master Zhang, what should we do now?"

"Now we can start from two aspects. First, I will find a friend to check the details of your car dealership. You can get the buyer's information of the silver gray BMW." I said.

When Ma Yue heard that I wanted to investigate the details of the car dealership, she was obviously a little panicked: "Master Zhang, why do you want to investigate the car dealership?"

I looked at her as if she was hiding something unspeakable. Is there really something wrong with this car dealership? She stared at me, and after seeing the doubt on my face, she hurriedly said: "I mean, is there anything you need my help with? After all, I have worked here for many years and I know some things." That's what she said, but she But his eyes kept evading, obviously he didn't want me to find out something inside him.

I sneered in my heart and didn't bother to expose her: "I want to know what this car dealership used to do and whether there is a cemetery underneath it. Do you know this too?"

Ma Yue was obviously relieved: "I don't know about these things. If you are investigating this issue, it will be difficult for me to help."

I smiled slightly: "Then let's work separately and keep in touch at any time."

After saying this, I didn't bother to pay attention to her and left the dealership. Ma Yue seemed to notice that I was angry, so she didn't stop me and sent me to the gate.

On the way home, I felt uneasy. I was obviously trying to help her, but she was actually on guard against me. If I hadn't seen Ma Xiaohuan pitiful, I would have turned around and left, never talking to this kind of person again!

It was getting late when I returned to the antique store. There was a note on the door with several big words written on it like a dog crawling: Zhang Jiulin, you are so unjust!

As soon as I saw it, I knew it was Li Mazi's handiwork. It seemed that he was very depressed after I left him halfway, so he chased me to the store, only to find that I was not there, so he could only write a note to vent his anger.

I couldn't help laughing, tore the note in my hand, returned to the bedroom and fell asleep. Early the next morning, Li Mazi came to the door again. He stared at me with a look of resentment: "You are such a heartless man, you actually left me in the middle of the road? Are you still not a human being?"

I yawned and smiled at him: "I had something to ask you for help, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself."

As soon as he heard that I had something to ask for, Li Mazi turned around and ran away without thinking. Because he ran too fast, he hit the door panel with a bang, and a big bump suddenly appeared on his forehead.

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