Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,467 The eyes under the mask

I looked at him with a mixture of laughter and laughter: "Li Mazi, what's the matter? I'm just asking you to do me a little favor. I'm so scared that you're like this. Are you a man?"

Li Mazi rolled his eyes, rubbed the big bump on his forehead and shouted: "A small favor? Since the day I met you Zhang Jiulin, when did you ask me to do a small favor? When did you not put your head in the waistband of your pants? Go up? Let me tell you, I have sworn that I will never help you again from now on."

"You really won't help?" I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"No help!" Li Mazi said very firmly.

I nodded: "Okay, I won't force it."

Li Mazi was overjoyed: "Really? Brother Zhang, I know you care about me the most..."

Before he could finish his words, I said with a cold face: "I'm going to go find Luo Li and tell her about you pretending to be the big boss. When she returns to the United States, she will talk to her father about it. Become famous."

Li Mazi hurriedly stopped me: "Brother, hit someone without slapping someone in the face, expose someone without exposing their shortcomings. How can you do such immoral things?"

"I learned from you, no one is a poisonous man, no husband!" I walked around him and continued walking.

Li Mazi grabbed my arm tightly: "Brother Zhang, I was wrong. I was just joking with you. Tell me! What kind of help do you need from me, Li Mazi, as long as I can do it..."

"This thing is very simple. You can definitely do it." I told him the name of the car dealership where Ma Yue worked: "Please ask me about the background of this car dealership and what it did in the past. .”

Li Mazi was slightly startled: "Car dealer? You want to buy a car again. Do you still have room at home? Why don't you put your latest Lamborghini at my home?"

I kicked him on the butt: "Get out of here!"

"Get out?" Li Mazi blinked: "I've already helped you, do you have to show your respect for me?"

express? I looked at him puzzled, not knowing how to express it.

Li Mazi chuckled: "We haven't finished yesterday's play yet."

He asked me to pretend to be a driver to coax Luo Li again. I was too lazy to pay attention to him and turned away. Li Mazi hurriedly caught up with me and begged me tirelessly. I had no choice but to tell her the truth about what Ma Yuelai had asked me to do. I thought that after hearing this, Li Mazi knew that I had something serious to do and would leave, but who knew that Li Mazi said, "This matter does not conflict with being my driver. Anyway, Luo Li came back to study these ghosts and ghosts in China, so she might be very interested in this matter!"

In the end, we couldn't make trouble with Li Mazi, so I appointed him as Boss Li's driver and drove him to where Luo Li lived.

After knocking on the door a few times, there was no response in the room. Li Mazi also explained to me: "I must have been on a plane for too long and was jet-lagged, so I haven't woken up yet."

After knocking on the door for a while, there was still no sound inside. Now Li Mazi became uneasy: "Brother Zhang, is there anything going on inside?"

Just a second before we were about to break in, Luo Li finally opened the door. Her face was pale and haggard, and she weakly asked us to come in and sit down.

The curtains were drawn in the room and the light was very dark. Luo Li said apologetically as she opened the curtains: "I slept very late last night, so I didn't hear the knock on the door, sorry."

"It's okay, no need to show off!" Li Mazi said with a smile: "How's it going? Did you have a good rest last night?"

"It's okay...this is the house..." Luo Li hesitated to speak.

Li Mazi hurriedly said: "What's wrong? Is the house not spacious enough? Is it too noisy outside? Let's do this. You pack your things now and I will send you to a five-star hotel immediately. Not only is the room good, but the service is also first-class. A great one.”

When Luo Li heard what he said, she quickly shook her head: "You're welcome, thank you, Uncle Li."

Li Mazi nodded: "Your father and I have been old friends for many years. You are just like my own daughter. If you have anything to do, don't be polite to your uncle. You must tell me! We are not short of money!"

Luo Li smiled slightly: "Okay, I won't see you outside." She looked at me and then at Li Mazi: "uncle Li, where are we going today? Because my vacation is very short, So I really want to seize the time to sort out the required information.”

Li Mazi said: "Okay, okay!" He agreed very happily, but turned his head and asked me expectantly: "Where are we going?"

I rolled my eyes speechlessly. Li Mazi was worried that things were going wrong and winked at me frequently. I had to think about it carefully and then told him: "Miss Luo Li wants to understand China's funeral culture, but it is neither Qingming Festival nor Ten Days." Five, I think it’s better to go to the cemetery.”

Before Luo Li could answer, Li Mazi had already shaken his head: "No, no, she's a girl, how can she go to a place like that? Her father handed her over to me, and I have to ensure her safety."

Luo Li giggled a few times: "Uncle Li, I'm very brave, you don't have to worry about me anymore!" Then she looked at me with great gratitude: "Brother, your suggestion is very good, thank you. I am now Just go wash up and change clothes, and then you can set off. There is mineral water in the refrigerator, you can use it yourself."

After Luo Li finished speaking, she went to the bathroom and started washing herself.

When Li Mazi saw her leaving, he hurriedly came over and said, "Brother Zhang, why are you going to the cemetery?"

"Don't she want to understand the funeral culture? Where are the funerals? I really can't think of any other place except the cemetery." I was too lazy to pay attention to him, so I bypassed him and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of mineral water. When passing by the living room, I suddenly noticed a very delicate mask hanging on the wall.

The mask is made of wood, carved with complex patterns, and decorated with some beautiful feathers. Although the shape is very similar to the masks used in masquerades, it has a strong Chinese style.

The strangest thing is that when I passed by it, I actually felt a pair of eyes staring at me from the two hollowed out holes. But when I stood there and looked at it, those eyes were gone again.

I couldn't help but look at this house, but apart from this strange mask, there was nothing special about it.

Li Mazi came over and said, "What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

I shook my head quickly: "It's okay."

Li Mazi followed my line of sight and saw the mask hanging on the wall at a glance. He smiled and said, "That little girl Luo Li must have brought this back from abroad." He stretched out his hand to take off the mask. Come down and study it carefully.

At this moment, Luo Li had already changed her clothes and came out: "I'm OK, we can go."

Li Mazi quickly retracted his hand: "Okay, okay, let's leave now." He dragged me and Luo Li out of the house together.

It happened that the house Luo Li rented was opposite the door and she was getting ready to go to work. A gentle boy wearing glasses was obviously shocked when he saw us walking out of the house. He looked at me with wide eyes, as if he had seen a ghost!

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