Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1468: One Day Tour to the Cemetery

When Li Mazi looked at him like this, he immediately became furious: "What are you looking at?"

The young boy was stunned, pushed up his glasses, slammed the door, and did not dare to come out. Li Mazi cursed him as crazy and led us downstairs without looking back.

On the way to the cemetery, I received a call from Ma Yue. She had obtained the owner's information of the silver-gray BMW through her own connections. She looked very anxious on the other end of the phone and asked me what should I do next? Because there were Luo Li and Li Mazi in the car, I could only vaguely agree, telling her that I was also thinking of a solution and asked her not to worry.

After the car drove to the cemetery in the suburbs, while Luo Li was going to the bathroom, I hurriedly pulled Mazi Li aside and urged: "Hurry up and find someone to investigate the situation at the car dealership. I'm worried."

Li Mazi looked impatient, so I had to sneer and add: "If you don't let me handle this matter, I will tell Luo Li a little secret now."

"Help, help, can't you help me?" Li Mazi gave in and hurriedly took out his phone and started looking for someone. When Luo Li came out of the bathroom and saw this scene, she asked me with a smile: "What is uncle Li doing?"

I cleared my throat and said in a pretentious manner: "Mr. Li has a lot to do every day and has a lot of work."

Luo Li nodded: "If that's the case, you don't actually need to accompany me."

After Li Mazi came back, Luo Li had to express her gratitude to him. Li Mazi gave me a reassuring look, and asked me very puzzledly what Luoli meant. I just smiled and didn't answer.

People are born every day in this world, and people die every day. If there is any place in the world that is the most miserable, it must be the cemetery. When we came, there happened to be a family holding a burial ceremony. With the relatives crying, Mr. Yin Yang began to follow the procedures to place the urn.

Luo Li hurriedly took out a notebook from her backpack and recorded it carefully.

Because we didn’t know each other, we couldn’t get too close together, so we just looked at each other from a distance. Li Mazi looked at the luxurious family tomb that the other party bought, and said with envy: "The price of this cemetery has almost caught up with the houses in the city. They have so much money that they have no place to spend it. Everyone is dead, so they still buy such an expensive one." What does a cemetery do?”

The ashes were finally placed, and Mr. Yin Yang received the reward and turned to leave. It didn't matter that he turned around, he actually saw Li Mazi. Obviously he and Li Mazi were old acquaintances, and he greeted him with a smile. Li Mazi's expression became very strange. He hurriedly stepped forward, covered the other person's mouth that wanted to say hello, and dragged him to a corner to explain a few words. When he came back, Mr. Yin Yang still didn't reply. God's expression.

Li Mazi introduced to Luo Li without any shame: "This is the person I specially arranged for you. If you don't understand anything, just ask him."

Luo Li was very happy. After thanking her uncle, she took Mr. Yin Yang aside and asked him carefully. While asking and recording at the same time, Mr. Yin and Yang, who was a monk of two feet and two feet, was confused and confused.

Li Mazi breathed a sigh of relief: "Damn, knowing too many people is not necessarily a good thing!" Just as he was talking, his phone rang. He glanced at the screen and said to me: "Maybe there is a letter from the car dealership. Son."

He dragged me to a corner and turned on his phone.

The other party was an older man who should be familiar with Li Mazi. He didn't mince words and said straight to the point: "I asked around and found that the car dealership has only been open for less than three years, but its business is very good and it almost monopolizes the entire Wuhan. second-hand car market! Earlier, some colleagues were not convinced and wanted to make some secret stumbling blocks, but they were unsuccessful. I heard that the manager of this car dealership was just a puppet, and the big boss behind the scenes was very important. It is said that there was The underworld supports it.”

Li Mazi interrupted him impatiently: "Who asked you this? Is there anything fishy about me asking you to check the location of the car dealership?"

"That's not true." The other party replied without thinking: "This car dealership was originally a textile factory. It went bankrupt at the end of the 2000s, and the factory has been empty since then. There are rumors that the reason why the factory went bankrupt is because of the A fire broke out and a group of textile workers who were working overtime were burned to death on the spot, so it has been haunted ever since. I specifically asked a few elderly people to inquire about this, and also found the workshop director of the textile factory at the time. He said that after the fire The story was completely false. It was false news that a construction developer wanted to buy the old site of the factory at a low price. However, because of this false news, the factory could not be sold, and it was delayed for more than ten years. It was only a few years ago that it was sold. Someone bought it and later converted it into the car dealership it is today.”

Li Mazi raised his eyebrows at me, indicating if I had any questions.

I thought about it and said, "This car dealership started very late, but its business is very good. Is there any problem in this?"

The other party pondered for a moment: "There must be some problems here, but we are not insiders, so it is difficult to get information..."

Li Mazi thanked the other party, hung up the phone and asked me: "How was it? Did you gain anything?"

It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing at all. The other party said that if you are not an insider, you cannot get valuable information, but Ma Yue should be considered an insider, right?

Luo Li, who was chatting with Mr. Yin-Yang on the other side, also finished her conversation. Mr. Yin-Yang was sweating profusely from her questions. She said hello to Li Mazi and slipped away without looking back. Luo Li gained a lot and said happily: "Uncle Li, you are really amazing. You actually helped me contact such a Chinese expert. Thank you very much."

Li Mazi was naturally very proud.

When leaving the cemetery, there were rows of tombstones on both sides of the road. Li Mazi said with some emotion: "Hey, when people are alive, they strive for power and gain, but after death, they only have a place as big as a palm, and they can't survive." What’s the point of bringing death but not taking it away?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Li's footsteps suddenly stopped, and she looked at a granite tombstone in trance. Li Mazi asked her puzzledly: "What's wrong?"

"I seem to know this person." Luo Li stared at the photo on the tombstone and said with some uncertainty.

Li Mazi leaned over and took a look. The black and white photo on the tombstone showed a rather charming-looking woman, with a pair of loving eyes that seemed to be flowing with spring water, making people unable to take their eyes away from her. Li Mazi was stunned: "Hey, this woman is quite beautiful."

I also walked over and took a look, and then looked at the name engraved on the tombstone: Li Menglu.

There were no birth and death dates, and there were no offerings in front of the tombstone. It was obvious that no one had visited her for a long time.

Li Mazi asked Luo Li: "You were born in Chinatown since you were a child and have never been back to China. How can you possibly know her? Has she ever been to Chinatown?"

Luo Li shook her head: "I... don't know, I just saw her photo and thought she looked familiar."

Li Mazi said: "Maybe it just looks familiar. Stop talking nonsense. Let's go."

Just then a gust of cool wind blew, scaring Li Mazi and running away. Luo Li was still staring at the tombstone with a puzzled expression, but I suddenly felt that the woman in the black and white photo was smiling strangely!

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