Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,469 New Car Owner (Additional Update)

Luo Li looked at it for a while, and then I said: "We live in this world just to deal with people. There are countless people who pass by you every day. Maybe she just looks very similar to the people you have met before. It’s just like that, don’t worry about it, let’s go.”

When Luo Li heard what I said, she smiled with relief: "You're right." She followed my footsteps and left along the way we came.

Halfway through, she suddenly took my arm and asked: "Brother, I find you are very interesting, and your words are also very meaningful. How do you know me, Uncle Li?"

"Don't mention it, it's a bad relationship." I joked, pretending to be relaxed.

Luo Li shook her head and did not answer. Li Mazi and I sent Luo Li back to her residence again. Luo Li waved goodbye to us: "I gained a lot today, thank you."

Li Mazi pretended to be polite, and Luo Li went upstairs with a smile. After her figure completely disappeared from sight, Li Mazi took a deep breath and said, "Oh my god, I'm so exhausted from acting! Brother Zhang, please go home quickly. I want to lie down and rest." "

I agreed happily and drove the car directly towards Ma Yue's house. When Li Mazi realized something was wrong, he had already arrived downstairs at Ma Yue's house. He asked me in surprise: "Where is this?"

"I've been helping you all morning, now it's your turn to help me, get out of the car." I greeted and pulled the reluctant Li Mazi upstairs.

Ma Yue was waiting for me anxiously at home. When she saw me, she felt like she had seen a savior. She ignored Li Mazi and invited me in. She took out a piece of paper with my name and address and handed it to me: "This is Buyer’s information, what should we do next?”

I took the paper and said, "The next step is up to me. You should take good care of Xiaohuan at home. If anything happens, I will contact you at any time."

Ma Yue was still a little worried, so I had to say: "What if I get your daughter's soul back, but your daughter has already died because no one took care of her? What if you were the night of the accident?" If I could keep my daughter by my side, today's tragedy would never have happened. Instead of blaming myself in vain, it would be better to stay by her side."

Ma Yue heard what I said, looked at her unconscious daughter on the bed, and nodded while crying.

Li Mazi and I said goodbye and left. On the way back, Li Mazi looked at me with evil intentions: "Brother, if you confess, you will be lenient and if you refuse to be strict, have you done something that is sorry for Sister-in-law Xinyue? That woman and daughter are what happened."

I wanted to kick him out of the car window: "What are you talking about? You think I am you."

Li Mazi and I did not go home directly, but rushed to the buyer's house according to the address Ma Yue gave me. The new buyer of the silver-gray BMW was named Zheng Yi. Since he was willing to buy a second-hand car, he was definitely not a particularly wealthy person, and his home was in a remote location. Li Mazi and I parked the car on the side of the road and looked for it according to the address.

The Zheng family lived on the second floor of an old building. There were neither lights on nor sounds of people, and there was no trace of the silver-gray BMW downstairs.

I looked at it for a moment, and two old men happened to be passing by. I hurriedly chased after them and asked, "Hello, uncle, is there a family named Zheng living here?"

"Surnamed Zheng? There are several families with the surname Zheng here. Which one are you talking about?" replied a kind-hearted old man.

"His family has a son named Zheng Yi."

As soon as I finished speaking, the uncle ouched: "Look for him, this is his home." The old man pointed at a house: "But something happened to his house, no one is at home, who are you?" ?”

"Oh, Zheng Yi and I are former schoolmates." I made up an excuse at random: "What happened to his family?"

Another old man sighed: "Don't mention it. I don't know what happened to the child Zheng Yi. He is completely unconscious, but his parents were scared to death. They are still in the hospital right now!"

Zheng Yi is also in a coma? It seems that all the sticking points are in that car.

I pretended to be surprised and said, "Coma? When did it happen?"

The old man said with regret: "Just yesterday, the child bought a car and drove it for just a few days. Last night, his father saw him sleeping in the car, so he went over to wake him up, but he couldn't wake him up. , his dad quickly called an ambulance and took him to the hospital."

Since Zheng Yi also fell into a coma, why was the initiator's car missing? I originally wanted to ask them about it, but I was afraid that they would suspect my intentions were not pure, so I had to thank them and watch the two old people leave.

The two old men felt very sorry for Zheng Yi's coma and walked away nagging.

Li Mazi hid aside and yawned heartlessly: "Brother, you don't have to draft any lies now. You've made a lot of progress!"

"I learned it all from you!" I glared at him fiercely.

At present, that car is the crux of all problems. If you want to rescue Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi, you must first find the car and understand the cause and effect of the matter. But the car is not downstairs at Zheng Yi's house. All I can think of is that because of Zheng Yi's coma, his family has already driven this car to the hospital.

But which hospital is he in?

While I was hesitating, a middle-aged woman hurriedly passed me by, rushed to Zheng Yi's home on the second floor without thinking, and came downstairs in a short while holding a big bag.

This person should be a relative of Zheng Yi. I couldn't miss the opportunity and hurriedly greeted him: "Hello, I am Zheng Yi's friend. How is he doing now?"

The middle-aged woman was slightly startled, but didn't think much about it: "He is still in a coma. The hospital examination results say there is nothing wrong with him, but he is still awake. Our family is ready to send him to the hospital in Beijing overnight..."

Afterwards, she introduced herself as Zheng Yi’s sister.

He was unconscious, and the test results were normal. All the signs were exactly the same as Ma Xiaohuan. Zheng Yi's sister looked hurried, obviously in a hurry, and I didn't dare to delay her. I just asked which hospital Zheng Yi was being treated in. She didn't hide it, told her that she was in the Central Hospital and left.

Li Mazi came over curiously: "You still want to visit the doctor?"

"Of course I want to go." I waved my hand decisively and took him straight to the hospital. Of course, we didn't go upstairs, but checked one car after another in the parking lot. Finally, I saw the silver-gray BMW with the tail number 588 in the corner.

I slowly walked over and carefully inspected the car twice, but found nothing special.

I pressed against the car window and looked in. At this moment, a face suddenly appeared in the glass. She looked panicked and seemed to be screaming loudly, trying to break free from some kind of restraint and escape, but she couldn't. There was a strong force that sucked her back.

Although she only appeared for a moment, I could see her clearly.

That face is Ma Yue’s daughter Ma Xiaohuan!

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