Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1470 Dream Girl

Now I am almost certain that Ma Xiaohuan's soul must be trapped in this car, but I have no idea how to free her.

It seemed that we still needed to know what happened to this car, so I decided to go to Ma Yue to inquire about the news. When Li Mazi heard this, he immediately stopped: "If you want to go, you can go alone. I won't bother you anymore. It's so late and I'm almost exhausted."

I looked at the time, and it was indeed a bit late, so I had to go home with Li Mazi first.

After I got home, I called Ma Yue. I didn't tell her about Zheng Yi. I just asked her if she knew the origin of this silver-gray BMW? Ma Yue was slightly startled and said evasively: "I don't know very well, but I can help you find out."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." I was not polite to her. After hanging up the phone, I was still a little confused. Ma Yue was obviously hiding something. What serious matter could make her ignore her daughter's safety? Why don't you tell me the truth?

Early the next morning, Li Mazi came to me again to pick up Luo Li. I refused without thinking: "You can act by yourself today, I have other things to be busy with."

Li Mazi said with a playful smile: "It's about that divorced woman, right? I just said that the relationship between you two must not be simple. When I passed by yesterday, I secretly took a look at the little girl. Although I don't know who she is, her facial features are almost the same as those of the divorced woman. You are exactly the same..."

I finally know how gossip can kill a person.

"If you have time to care about me, you should take the time to do a paternity test for Xiaomeng! The little guy is getting more and more handsome as he grows, and he looks nothing like you..."

Before I could finish speaking, Li Mazi shouted unhappily: "Who said that? We are almost cut out of the same mold."

I smiled coldly and didn't bother to argue with him. I was hesitant about what to do next about Ma Xiaohuan. If Ma Yue didn't find any information about the BMW, how should I investigate?

After much deliberation, I still focused on Li Mazi, who had a wide network of connections.

I pretended to be affectionate and patted Li Mazi on the shoulder: "Brother, I have one more thing I want to ask you to help me with?"

Li Mazi looked at me suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"I want you to help me check a car to see if there is anything weird about it." I reported the license plate number and model, and Li Mazi agreed twice: "I can find someone to check the car for you, then continue. About playing my driver..."

When employing people, you have to agree to any unequal treaty. I had no choice but to reluctantly agree, and Li Mazi and I went to find Luo Li. Hearing the knock on the door, Luo Li quickly opened the door. Her expression was a little strange and she looked haggard, as if she hadn't slept all night.

As soon as she saw Li Mazi and me, she immediately rushed up and grabbed my hand tightly: "I remember! I remember!"

Li Mazi was startled by her appearance and asked with concern: "What did you remember? Don't be nervous and speak slowly."

Luo Li finally let go of my hand and said in shock: "The photo we saw at the cemetery yesterday, didn't I say that I had seen the woman in the photo? I remembered that I had seen her in my dream. , I met her on the night I moved into this house for the first time.”

So weird?

Li Mazi and I looked at each other and felt that something was wrong. I suddenly thought of the feeling I had when I saw that weird mask yesterday, and quickly walked into the living room. The mask was still hanging quietly on the wall, not like a simple decoration.

I asked Luo Li: "Did you bring this mask?"

Luo Li shook her head in confusion: "No, it was already in the house!"

I stepped forward, took off the mask and inspected it carefully in my hand. Li Mazi came over and asked, "How are you doing? Is there any problem?"

I didn't find the problem. Could it be that I thought wrong?

I hung the mask back on the wall and asked Luo Li again: "Why did you dream about that woman for no reason? What did you dream about?"

Luo Li tried her best to think back: "I can't remember the details. There were many people in the dream, noisy all the time, as if they were acting in a play..."

acting? What the hell is going on.

Luo Li continued: "After I came back from the cemetery yesterday, the appearance of that woman kept appearing in front of my eyes. I kept trying very hard to recall where I had seen her, but I couldn't remember it no matter how hard I tried. Finally, I I had to give up. But the moment I closed my eyes, she suddenly appeared in front of me, startling me, and then I remembered that dream!"

When she said this, she seemed to be a little scared as she recalled the previous scene. Li Mazi hurriedly comforted her: "It's okay, uncle is here."

Luo Li nodded: "She kept staring at me, as if she wanted to say something to me. I was really scared and didn't dare to sleep, so I kept my eyes open until dawn..."

"This house is a bit weird. Don't live in it now. Let's find another place." I told Li Mazi: "Didn't you prepare a five-star hotel? Just send her to the hotel to stay."

Li Mazi grimaced in distress at the thought of the rent in a five-star hotel, but he wanted to save face and suffer the consequences and refused to give up halfway, so he could only grit his teeth and insist: "Okay! Luo Li, just pack your things now."

Luo Li was influenced by foreign culture and must be more courageous than ordinary girls, otherwise she wouldn't be interested in the funeral culture that others dare not mention. However, this dream had a great impact on her, and even though she was an atheist, she had to obey our arrangements. She packed her things obediently and left with us to the hotel.

Li Mazi opened a room for her and sent her upstairs in person, asking her to have a good rest before hurriedly going downstairs. I couldn't help laughing at how real his uncle was, but Li Mazi said to me seriously: "What happened to that house? Isn't that woman just obsessed with her? I made a promise to her father." Yes, Luo Li must not have anything happen to her."

I rarely see Li Mazi being so serious, and I can't help but laugh and cry: "What are you worried about? Don't we encounter this kind of thing very often? When soldiers come to block water or earth to cover up, there is always a solution."

"Really? What can I do?" Li Mazi looked at me blankly.

I smiled at him: "Remember the boy who lives across from Luo Li? He was obviously panicked when he saw us yesterday. I guess he should have some clues. We might as well go and ask for advice."

Li Mazi agreed repeatedly and urged me to set off quickly.

When we arrived, the gentle boy wearing glasses had not yet gone out. When he heard the knock on the door, he carefully opened the door a small crack. When he saw Li Mazi and me, he cautiously asked: "Who are you looking for? "

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