Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,471 The Strange Story of an Actor and a Demon

Li Mazi was worried that he would close the door at any time, so he hurriedly put his feet in: "We have something to ask you."

Seeing his fierce look, the gentle boy was so frightened that he instinctively wanted to close the door, but it happened to be caught in Li Mazi's leg, causing him to scream in pain. I hurriedly covered Mazi Li's mouth and smiled gently at the boy: "We met yesterday, do you remember? We live in the house opposite you, and I want to ask you some questions about the house."

The gentle male voice looked me up and down several times before opening the door and inviting Li Mazi and me into the house.

His room was very clean and there were very few furniture. He asked Li Mazi and me to sit down on the chairs with some embarrassment: "I have just graduated from college and started working. The salary is very low, so I can only rent the cheapest house." Check in and don’t see anyone outside.”

While talking, he was still busy boiling water for us.

"Stop being busy, let's say a few words and leave." I hurriedly stopped him, and the boy turned back with a blushing face, looking at me and Li Mazi uneasily, with a look of confusion on his face.

In order to reassure him, I tried my best to look approachable: "The house prices here are not cheap, right? We rent right across from you, and the rent is not low."

"That..." The boy was about to blurt out, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth.

Regarding Luo Li's safety, Li Mazi asked anxiously: "What about this and that? You, a grown man, are hesitating and pretending to be shy. Who can show you? What's going on? Tell me clearly."

When the boy was frightened by him, he didn't dare to say anything.

I had no choice but to chase Li Mazi downstairs: "I'm thirsty, go buy me a bottle of drink."

Li Mazi was very dissatisfied with my behavior of kicking him out, but he did not dare to refuse me, so he had to go downstairs angrily. I smiled at the boy and said, "Now that he is gone, you can rest assured."

The boy sighed and then said: "You don't know yet, right? There have been deaths in that room you live in!"

Although I was mentally prepared, I was still slightly taken aback when he said these words. The boy continued: "This community is not far from my university. At that time, the third child in our dormitory had a girlfriend, and it was not convenient to live in the dormitory, so he simply rented a house outside, which is the one I live in now. Our third child is from the Northeast. His family has a coal mine and is very rich, so he spends money lavishly. When renting a house, he only considers the location and decoration. His girlfriend sometimes goes out shopping with her bedmate, so the third child takes us They all came over to drink and play mahjong. Later, the third child mysteriously told us that there was a beautiful woman living opposite him. Although she was old, she looked very coquettish."

When the boy said this, he looked at me a little embarrassed.

I nodded at him and motioned for him to continue. The boy pushed up the frame shyly and continued: "I saw that woman once. She is indeed very beautiful. She is in her thirties, but she takes good care of herself! The third child told us that this woman is from the drama troupe. A well-known actress doesn't usually live here. Every time she comes here, she always goes with a man. The third child was very excited when he talked about this. He even patted his chest and told us that the actress must be They are being taken care of, and this is their love nest.”

The actress they are talking about must be Li Menglu.

The boy continued: "The third child has a good relationship with his girlfriend, and we don't come here often. Later, I was busy with my graduation thesis, and I wanted to stay in school, so I didn't have time to be a guest. Until one night, It was about to turn out the lights, and the third child suddenly hurried back to the dormitory. We hurriedly asked him what happened? The third child told us that someone died in his neighborhood, and it was the actress who lived opposite her. It turned out that the actress was indeed a mistress, and she had an extramarital affair with a married actor in the drama troupe. The result was that the actor's wife discovered it. When the wife came to catch her, the mistress had a mental breakdown and even wanted to commit suicide. He shot her to death, but the actor blocked the bullet with his body. The mistress, who mistakenly killed her lover, also shot himself. Someone died at the third door of the house, and he and his girlfriend didn't have the guts to continue living there, so they ran back to school overnight."

I nodded: "What happened next?"

"Later, the third child yelled at the landlord to check out. Of course the landlord refused, but the third child said that someone died here and he didn't dare to live there anymore. If he didn't return the money, he would take the landlord to court. The landlord didn't want to make things worse, so he had to reduce the rent for the third child. The third child still disagreed. It happened that my family situation was not good and I couldn't find a place to live, so I gritted my teeth and took over the house from the third child. Because there had been deaths in the house. , so the door opposite has been empty for a long time. When I saw you guys coming out of the room yesterday, I thought I saw a ghost, which scared me." When the boy said this, he comforted his chest a few times uneasily.

"How long have you lived here?" I asked.

The boy thought for a while: "It's almost been more than a year."

"Then what strange things have happened here in the past year or so?" I asked curiously.

The boy looked at me in confusion: "Weird thing? What do you mean?"

I was thinking about how to explain to him, but the boy thought to himself and said, "It's nothing strange. It's just that I heard someone singing in the middle of the night a few times, but I don't know which room it came from. .”

At this moment, Li Mazi had already returned with the drink I asked for. When the boy saw him, his face turned pale with fright and he refused to say anything. Fortunately, I had asked everything I wanted to know, so I said goodbye to the boy and went downstairs with Mazi Li to leave.

Li Mazi asked me impatiently: "How are you doing? Did you come up with something?"

I raised my eyebrows proudly at him: "You don't have to ask, don't you know who is taking action personally!"

Li Mazi immediately came up to ask the cause and effect in a gossipy manner. The matter was related to Luo Li. I didn't hide it from him and told the truth. When Li Mazi heard that someone had died in the house, his face turned red with anger and he clamored to go to the agent to ask for an explanation.

I grabbed him and comforted him: "We can't rush this matter. After all, we only have one side of the boy's story. You and I don't know the truth. So we went to others for comment so rashly. What if?" Things are different from what the boys said, so don’t blame me if you feel embarrassed."

When he thought of the possibility of being embarrassed in front of Luo Li, Li Mazi immediately calmed down and nodded: "Let's put this matter aside for now. I'll trouble them later!"

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