Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,472 The Soul-Sealing Evil Car (Additional update)

Li Mazi and I were about to go to the hotel to check on Loli. On the way, Li Mazi received a call. He looked lazy. When the call was over, he said to me with a heavy face: "Brother from the Zhang family, you Let’s get the results for the car we checked.”

I was shocked and asked hurriedly: "What's going on?"

Li Mazi said: "Well..." I saw that he seemed to be trying to show off, so I couldn't help but sneer and said: "Li Mazi, if you have something to say, just say it and fart. You can't even say this to a woman. Not as good as that.”

Li Mazi chuckled and said with a sly look: "Brother, to be honest, I am worried about Luo Li's safety. After all, her father handed her over to me, so I must ensure her safety. Now that something like this has happened Son, after much thought, I still have to ask you to help me think of a solution."

I rolled my eyes at him: "So that's why. Don't worry. Since I got involved, I will definitely take care of it to the end. Please tell me clearly about the car. I'll take care of that first, so I can concentrate on it." to solve Luo Li’s problem.”

When Li Mazi heard what I said, he immediately smiled and said: "I feel relieved with your words. You don't know, I have a friend who happens to work at the vehicle management office. I reported the license plate number and model to him, and he was very happy." Find out for me soon! It turns out that the car you want to check had a very serious car accident six months ago, at the intersection in the city center, and the owner died on the spot..."

I looked at him in shock, and Li Mazi continued: "Are you going to ask how a car like this could be sold? I don't know that. It seems that I can only go to the car dealer to find out. But this car dealer actually He must not be a good person to sell a car like this to others."

When I thought about Ma Yue's hesitant look, and then about the background of the car dealership that Li Mazi had learned about before, I finally got a little clearer.

I didn't waste any time and drove directly to the downstairs of Ma Yue's house. Ma Yue was taking care of Ma Xiaohuan at home. When he saw me, he immediately rushed up to me: "Master, how are you doing there? Xiaohuan's condition is very bad. , I just listened to her heartbeat, and it was already beating very slowly. If it suddenly stops beating, what should I do?"

I looked at Ma Yue coldly: "Since you really care about your daughter, stop playing cat and mouse games with me. As long as I want to find out the things you want to hide from me, I can always ask someone to find out. It's just a waste of time. I have a lot of time and can afford it. Can your daughter still afford to wait? "

After Ma Yue heard what I said, she no longer dared to hide it and told me the truth.

It turns out that the car dealership she works for is an out-and-out black-hearted factory. It specializes in buying and renovating vehicles that have been involved in accidents at low prices, and then selling them at a price lower than the market price. Nine out of ten cars in the dealership are ex-sold. There are countless accidents and deaths.

Hearing this, Li Mazi couldn't bear it anymore, pointed at her nose and cursed: "Thankfully you are still the mother of a child. Even if you don't do good deeds for yourself, you still have to think about your children, right? If there is a cause, there will be a result. You Your daughter's retribution has nothing to do with you. Have you ever thought that if someone bought those cars, if something happened, wouldn't the whole family be doomed? "

Ma Yue covered her face and cried: "I know, this is all my fault. I was obsessed with money and lost my morality and humanity. All the mistakes are my fault alone, and those innocent ghosts If you want to find me, come to me, don’t look for my daughter, don’t hurt my daughter.”

Although this woman is not a kind person, she is still a good mother.

I sighed softly: "I know about this. I will continue to investigate this car along with the clues. You can continue to wait for the news!" I taught her another method: "In your daughter's bed Light an oil lamp in front of you, use cinnabar to write your daughter's birth date clearly on three yellow pieces of paper, roll the three yellow pieces of paper into a roll, and wrap it with cotton wool to make a wick. Then don't leave, and keep guarding this ever-burning lamp. Once you find that the ever-burning lamp has a tendency to go out, immediately add oil and replace the core. As long as the ever-burning lamp does not go out, your daughter will not be in danger for the time being."

When Ma Yue heard this, she nodded immediately: "I'll do it right now! I'll go right now!"

Li Mazi and I left her home, and Li Mazi muttered to me: "Brother Zhang, I really don't understand. Aren't you always very clear about grudges and hatred? Why would you help such a person? If it weren't for her How could Zheng Yi, a person with such a dark heart, buy that car and get into trouble?"

I smiled at him and patted his shoulder comfortingly: "I haven't changed, I still hate evil as much as I hate it, but what is good and what is evil? In your eyes and mine, we have saved many people and are great good people, but in In the eyes of others, we may be more terrifying existences than the devil. Good and evil can only be determined by a thought. What's more, although this Ma Yue is not a good person, she has never done any great evil. She is a woman alone with her daughter. In life, you can only compromise in order to survive. This is the current situation of society, and there is nothing strange about it.”

Li Mazi seemed to understand: "Brother from the Zhang family, I noticed that you have become more and more mysterious recently? You don't think you have seen through the world of mortals and want to become a monk, right?"

I gave him a blank look and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Now that we know the situation of the car, the rest of the things will be much easier to handle. This time I didn't need Li Mazi. I found some contacts myself and quickly got the car owner's information. The other party also sent photos of the scene to my mailbox.

The first owner of that BMW car was named Sun. He was the owner of a small factory in this city. He had a happy family. His wife had just confirmed that she was pregnant. The business was booming and the momentum was steady. Unexpectedly, a terrible car accident completely ruined everything. .

If this happened to anyone, they would feel resentful! So his ghost stayed in that car, imprisoning the souls of all the people who rode in that car. But I used to destroy evil spirits, so I really didn’t understand how to save the soul. After much deliberation, I couldn’t find any solution, so I had to shamelessly ask the man in the T-shirt for help.

Fortunately, the man in the T-shirt had a signal. He quickly answered my call and asked in surprise: "What's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean what happened to me?" I laughed.

"If you have nothing to do, go to the Three Treasures Hall and tell me."

The T-shirt man's words made me blush for three seconds, and I had no choice but to cough calmly: "Actually, I just made a special trip to call you to say hello, and to get some information on the way."

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