Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,473 Ghost Car

The man in the T-shirt knew me very well, so he didn’t say much after hearing this. He just asked me what kind of troublesome thing I had encountered.

I had no choice but to tell him everything about Ma Yue's daughter.

The man in the T-shirt pondered for a moment and said calmly: "If you had asked me about this last month, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to help you. Like you, I am only good at killing spirits, not at saving spirits. But I happened to encounter a similar situation in southern Fujian a few days ago, and finally I have some experience."

I was immediately overjoyed: "That's great, please tell me quickly."

The man in the T-shirt still had the same unhurried demeanor and said slowly: "First of all, you have to know that the soul is ethereal. You can't catch it or hold it. Once it leaves the human body, it is not affected by the original body. Control. We have encountered countless evil ghosts and spirits in the past. You and I both know that they cannot actually harm people. They all rely on creating illusions or inhabiting an object to achieve a certain purpose. I just listened You told me about Ma Yue's mother and daughter. I think that car has now become a ghost object. The owner's ghost is attached to the car, and after Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi rode in the car, their souls were left in the car. They refused to be released, so Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi's souls left their bodies and fell into coma."

"Yeah, yeah!" I urged him anxiously, "Hurry up and tell me how to solve it."

"Why are you so anxious? This matter is no child's play. You must be extremely careful. The point is that if there is even the slightest mistake, the victim will die."

I immediately cheered up and said, "Okay, keep talking."

The man in the T-shirt hummed and said: "The soul is a void existence. You can't touch it with your hands. The best way is to let it attach itself to an object, and this object is best It has used it before, and if it recognizes and has feelings for it, it will be easy to handle."

I slapped the table: "Yes, why didn't I think of this method!"

"I didn't know it at first. I met a blind fetish dealer when I was working in southern Fujian. He taught me." The man in the T-shirt explained: "But you must also understand that once the soul is separated from the body, it is easy to suffer Pollution from the outside world, not to mention living with Yin spirits in the same carriage for so many days, will inevitably lead to some resentment. Therefore, once the soul is attached to an object, do not rush to take it back to the body, but enshrine it in a temple. Only by performing rituals and enjoying the incense can we return to our true nature."

After the T-shirt man finished speaking, my admiration for him rose to another level: "You run around all day long, but it turns out it's not all about doing business."

"Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles." The man in the T-shirt said calmly: "Every business involving femininity is an opportunity to improve one's own strength."

I said goodbye and hung up the phone as if I had some enlightenment. I was hesitating whether I should go out for a walk and experience some time later.

But for now, we still need to hurry up and finish Ma Yue's matter. I didn't have any extra time to rest, so I drove to Ma Yue's house first and asked her for Ma Xiaohuan's personal belongings. Ma Yue was staring at the light, obeying my words, and without thinking, she removed a string of Ma Xiaohuan's clothes from her neck. The necklace was taken off.

The necklace was originally ordinary, but the pendants underneath were two pure gold rings!

Ma Yue's eyes turned red when she looked at the ring: "This is the wedding ring between me and Xiaohuan's father. The child has never been able to accept the fact that we are divorced, so she has been keeping these two rings."

I took the necklace and saw that it seemed to be covered with dust and had a strange black color, but I didn't have time to observe it carefully and hurried to the hospital. Zheng Yi is still unconscious, and Zheng Yi's family is still contacting hospitals in Beijing, hoping to send him to Beijing for treatment as soon as possible. It's just that although there are many hospitals in Beijing, there are only a few that are famous. It's hard to find a bed. If Zheng Yi can't get timely treatment there and his condition is delayed, won't he kill his son?

Therefore, Zheng Yi's parents were so anxious that they were like ants on a hot pot, running out of ideas.

After I found them, I didn't go around in circles and directly stated my purpose. Although Zheng Yi's mother and his sister both expressed great doubts about my identity, Zheng Yi's father immediately made a decision: "There is no other way until now. Let's treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor." !" He said and handed me the watch Zheng Yi usually wore and the keys to his BMW.

That watch stopped after Zheng Yi fell into coma. Its surface was gray and gave off a lifeless smell.

I went downstairs and came to the parking lot, and immediately saw the dusty silver-gray BMW.

I walked up quickly, opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. Then I took out Ma Xiaohuan's necklace and Zheng Yi's watch, and whispered: "Ma Xiaohuan, Zheng Yi, your family is waiting for you anxiously. Listen. After hearing what I said, quickly attach it to something..."

As a result, before I could finish my sentence, I suddenly felt a huge cold force behind me tightly constricting my neck.

This happened very suddenly, and I was unprepared. By the time I realized it, I was already under someone's control and it was difficult to break free! What's more, the force was so strong and cruel that it didn't give me a chance to resist. I felt like my breathing was getting harder and harder, and my vision became hazy.

In the darkness, I suddenly saw two figures, Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi.

The two of them were pitiful and haggard and were tied to the seats in the back row. Both of them were gagged and stared at me, their eyes full of anxious pleas for help.

At this time, a sinister voice came to my ears: "Let you mind your own business, let you watch the fun..."

Watching the fun? What excitement did I see...

Before I could react, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed in front of my eyes. Immediately afterwards, I felt that the power imprisoned on my neck suddenly disappeared. I hurriedly climbed out of the car, fell to the ground and breathed with my mouth wide open.

With a bang, the car door slammed shut behind me.

I calmed down for a while, and then I felt that the Eternal Spirit Ring on my finger was slightly hot. It seemed that in the crisis just now, it sensed my helplessness, so it promptly fired a ball of dazzling white light to repel the Yin spirit and let me Successfully escaped.

I looked in the rearview mirror of the car nearby and saw a purple bruise on my neck, which looked like it was caused by a seat belt.

Sure enough, as the man in the T-shirt said, the car owner's unwilling spirit has become one with the car. The car is him, he is the car, and everything in the car is for his use and controlled by him. No wonder Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi were controlled by him after they sat together once... He must have taken advantage of them and used the method he used to deal with me just now to forcibly capture their souls.

But I don’t understand, what does he want the souls of these two people to do?

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