Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,474 Something happened to Luo Li

I originally took action with full confidence, but I didn't expect that I almost got myself involved. It seems that I have been going along for too long and have no sense of crisis at all. This is not a good sign, and I secretly warned myself that I must be careful when doing things in the future.

I glared at the BMW hatefully, thinking that I would deal with you sooner or later, so I left the hospital angrily. I was too careless and underestimated the enemy. In fact, I didn’t know much about the car and its owner. Why did he get into a car accident? What was the situation at that time?

I decided to study the traffic accident report in my mailbox.

I happened to meet Li Mazi who came over to eat at the door of my house. He saw the marks on my neck at a glance and asked in surprise: "Brother, what's going on? Why can't you think about it all of a sudden? You can't die. ! What should you do if your sister-in-law dies? What should Fanfan do? "

I was already angry, but hearing what he said made me even more angry: "Which of your eyes can see that I can't think anymore."

I told him what happened just now, and Li Mazi was stunned for a moment: "No, what kind of evil spirit is so powerful that he dares to disturb Tai Sui? Brother, don't be angry, I'll take the car right away." I'll drive it to the scrapyard and smash it to pieces, and let's see what he can do to me."

"Are you crazy?" I scolded him without thinking: "If the matter could be solved so easily, why would I bother so much? Now there are two innocent people's souls trapped in the car. If you destroy the car, the two of them will lose their souls."

Li Mazi scratched his head innocently: "I also want to help you vent your anger. Why are you scolding me so loudly?"

I was concerned about what happened, so I hurriedly entered the house and turned on the computer. Li Mazi didn't leave either, sitting aside to protect me. I studied the report carefully and found that the day of the accident happened to be the birthday of the car owner, Boss Sun, and his wife. He left the factory two hours early. The gatekeeper of the factory confirmed this. His testimony in the report was that Boss Sun He left the factory in the silver-gray BMW. Boss Sun’s secretary also specifically stated that he ordered more than 100 roses imported from France that day to give his wife a surprise.

I compared the address of Boss Sun’s home with the location of the accident, and found something strange.

Boss Sun's home is behind the scene of his accident, and that road should be the only way for Boss Sun to leave home. Logically speaking, even if there was an accident, it should be on the other side of the road. Why would Boss Sun have an accident here? Could it be that something happened to him when he got home, and then he left home, and was distracted while driving because he was so distracted that the accident happened?

Moreover, it rained that day and the visibility was not good. Perhaps by the time he reacted, it was already too late. He could only watch his car crash into a cement tanker, eventually destroying the car and killing everyone.

So what happened to his family?

"Needless to say..." Li Mazi expressed his opinion confidently from the side: "He must have seen his wife having an affair and cuckolding him. Didn't the report say that his wife just found out that she was pregnant? Maybe this The child is not his! What kind of man can’t calm down after knowing all this, so the accident happened..."

I originally wanted to reprimand Li Mazi, but when I said it, I thought it was possible. After all, an honest man like Wang Baoqiang was suffocated by a cuckold.

I thought about it and asked Li Mazi, "Can you find someone to help me investigate his wife?"

"No problem!" Li Mazi agreed happily: "The premise is to start eating quickly, I'm going to starve to death."

Was this guy reincarnated as a starving ghost in his previous life? Or maybe he has become a glutton after practicing for thousands of years and thinks about eating every day. I shook my head helplessly: "I'm not in the mood to cook. Let's order takeout."

"Okay!" Li Mazi said as he took out his phone and looked around. I knew he was contacting a friend, so I ignored him and went to the bathroom to find a box of ointment and carefully wiped the wound on his neck.

That evil spirit was so cruel and strangled my neck until it was red and swollen. If it hadn't been for the guardian of the Eternal Spirit Ring, I really don't know what would have happened today.

Thinking of this, my vest was soaked with cold sweat.

Li Mazi acted very quickly. When I came out of the bathroom, he already said with a proud look on his face: "I found a reliable buddy and I will get the news soon. How about it? Praise me a few times."

I was lucky enough to survive, but I was not in the mood to argue with him. I sat aside with a lonely expression, with the tense scene just now in my mind. Li Mazi comforted me and said, "You know, if you always walk by the river, your shoes won't get wet. Brother, it's your turn to stumble! It's okay. You will be lucky if you survive the catastrophe. You will definitely have good winds in the future." Just go with the flow and nothing will happen."

Li Mazi finally said something that he heard.

Not long after the takeaway I ordered arrived, I walked over to take a look. Good guy, Li Mazi really doesn't consider himself an outsider, and all he orders are expensive dishes. But considering what he just said, I don't bother to argue with him.

Before the delicious meal could even be eaten, Li Mazi's phone rang. I thought I was investigating Boss Sun's wife, but I didn't expect that the caller turned out to be Luo Li.

Her tone on the phone was a little nervous: "uncle Li... I... I..." She mentioned me several times in succession, but she didn't know how to continue.

Li Mazi was startled: "Luo Li, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

There was a beeping sound on the other end of the phone, and Luo Li's call was hung up. Li Mazi's face turned pale with worry, and he pulled me and rushed out the door: "Brother, come with me to the hotel quickly, don't let anything happen to that girl Luo Li!" I knew he was worried that he wouldn't be able to tell his old friend. He confessed and followed him out of the house without thinking.

When we both arrived at the hotel, no one opened the door after knocking for a long time. Li Mazi was so anxious that he shouted loudly: "Luo Li, did you hear that? Are you in there? Open the door quickly."

In the end, I had no choice but to invite the hotel management staff. After explaining the situation, the hotel manager, who was afraid of taking responsibility, immediately ordered someone to bring the Master Card and open the door to the room.

The room was pitch dark with no light at all.

Li Mazi took out his mobile phone for lighting and took the lead to rush in, followed closely by me. As soon as he entered the door, he smelled a pungent smell of perfume and the curtains in the room were drawn tightly. Through Li Mazi's cell phone, I found that Luo Li had passed out on the bed and was unconscious.

Li Mazi was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward and pushed her: "Luoli, Luoli! Are you okay?"

Luo Li turned over slightly under his push, and I immediately noticed that she was wearing that weird mask on her face!

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