Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,475 Masked Evil Spirit

This is really a wave of ups and downs. Seeing this situation, the hotel manager asked us in shock if we should call 120.

I stepped forward and took a look at Luo Li's condition, and found that she seemed to be just sleeping, and there was nothing wrong with her heartbeat and pulse. As soon as I got close to Luo Li, I smelled the strong and nauseating smell of perfume on her body, but no matter how strong the smell of perfume was, it couldn't cover up the smell of alcohol on her body.

Rory was probably just drunk.

I turned around and said to the hotel manager: "She must be drunk, don't bother 120..."

The hotel manager breathed a sigh of relief as if he had received an amnesty, explained a few words and left in a hurry. Li Mazi and I were the only ones left in the room. I asked Li Mazi to quickly open the curtains and open the windows to get some air, otherwise I would be vomited by the pungent perfume if I continued to smell it.

I looked at Luo Li and gently reached out my hand to take off the mask from her face. The moment my fingers touched the mask, Luo Li suddenly opened her eyes.

She suddenly opened her eyes, startling me. Seeing me like this, Li Mazi asked in surprise: "Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

I waved my hand at him, and I saw a very strange light flash in Luo Li's eyes, but it only passed for a moment, and then she let out a cry and fell asleep again. This time I didn't hesitate at all and quickly took off the mask she was wearing.

The mask is cold to the touch, with a hint of chill in it, and it looks strange at first glance.

Fortunately, Luo Li woke up quickly, and I hurriedly asked her: "Why is this mask here? Did you bring it?"

Luo Li had a splitting headache, and her throat was so hot that she felt very uncomfortable. She seemed to be still a little relieved, she slowly shook her head and said dullly: "I...I don't know why it is here, because last night I didn't sleep all night, so I went to the hotel and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was going to take a shower. But as soon as I opened my luggage, I saw the mask inside. I was stunned for a moment, and then my eyes blurred. The mask seemed to fall out of the suitcase. It jumped out, and the next thing I didn’t know was anything else.”

When Luo Li said this, she seemed to have a severe headache. She gently rubbed her temples and continued: "After I gained some consciousness, I found that this mask was on my face for some reason. I wanted to reach out. I had no energy at all to pick it off, and all I saw in front of me were some weird pictures, as if I was watching a movie that had nothing to do with me, but I seemed to know everything that happened in the movie. I didn’t know what was going on, so I had to call Uncle Li for help.”

Luo Li was able to think of him in times of crisis, which made Li Mazi very proud. He suddenly felt proud, patted his chest and promised: "Good niece, don't worry, my uncle will definitely handle this matter for you."

Luo Li took a deep breath: "I just don't understand what happened, why is this happening?"

Seeing her distressed look, I comforted her softly: "There are many things in this world that cannot be explained from a scientific perspective, and there is no so-called why, but they do exist. When they appear, we will Just find a way to solve it.”

Luo Li seemed to understand what I was saying, and the way she looked at me became very special.

Li Mazi murmured on the side: "I didn't expect this mask to be so evil. When I moved from that house, it actually followed me all the way. It seems that staying in a hotel is not safe. What should I do?"

His face was hesitant, but when his eyes fell on me, they brightened up, and I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart. Li Mazi did not disappoint me. He clapped his hands and said as if he had made up his mind: "Luo Li, it seems that it is not possible to leave you alone outside. You will come with us later and live with my friend." ...The driver’s house.”

Holy shit!

I glared at Li Mazi and almost blurted out something dirty. Li Mazi pulled me to the bathroom to discuss: "Brother, you have seen the situation. It seems that the mask is targeting Luo Li. If something happens to her, how can I explain to her father? What's more, we What's the relationship between the two of you? Isn't my niece your niece? Brother, you can't just die without saving me!"

I frowned and said, "Then why are you sending me home? It's not like you don't have a home..."

Li Mazi groaned: "Brother, don't forget, in front of Luo Li, I am a big boss with a net worth of over 100 million, but look at the kennel I live in, does it look like a place where a billionaire lives? Even if It doesn’t make sense to have a private interview to experience life incognito! Just because I’ve been asking for help for you, you have to help me no matter what this time.”

I sighed speechlessly: "Li Mazi, are you tired from living?" After all, I didn't have the heart to refuse him.

Luo Li packed her things, Li Mazi went to check out, and then sent Luo Li to my antique store.

Luo Li was quite surprised when she saw my store. She looked around carefully and seemed to like it very much. Li Mazi cleared his throat and said confidently: "This is a small shop opened by my driver. He has made a lot of money following me over the years. You can deal with him these days. If you need anything, let me know. I."

Luo Li smiled slightly and nodded.

Li Mazi winked at me and then left in a hurry.

After Li Mazi left, I sent Luo Li into the guest room. I originally wanted to find towels and toothbrushes for her, but I'm not at home all year round and I really don't know where to put these things. I had no choice but to call Yin Xinyue and find out the location before finding it and giving it to Luo Li.

Luo Li took the toiletries, thanked me, and then asked: "Who are you? Were you on the phone with your wife just now? How did you know me, uncle Li."

"I'm his driver." A good man goes to the end and sends Buddha to the West. Although Li Mazi is gone, I still decided to continue to support him so-called face.

Luo Li chuckled: "Uncle Li is not here, so you don't have to help him lie to me."

I looked at her in surprise, and Luo Li smiled and said, "Actually, I already knew it on the first day you came to pick me up. Uncle Li wanted to show that he was doing well in front of me because of my father's relationship. But your acting skills are so poor, I noticed it after just one glance."

"How did you find out?" I crossed my arms and asked curiously.

Luo Li explained: "First of all, you acted very reluctantly. How could a driver who relies on others to do his job behave like this? Secondly, if that car belongs to Uncle Li, he should know it very well, but I found that he He acted very unfamiliar with that car. Finally...uncle Li doesn't look like a particularly rich person."


Hearing the last sentence, I laughed shamelessly.

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