Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,476 Chasing clues

After Luo Li finished explaining, she asked me again: "Can I know what you do?"

"I am a femininity dealer." I didn't hide it and said it truthfully.

"Female objects?" Luo Li was very interested and looked at me curiously.

So I had to explain to her the origin of vaginal objects, the nature of my work, and by the way, I mentioned my cooperative relationship with Li Mazi, and selected some exciting and adventurous things we had experienced. Luo Li listened with fascination and said leisurely and fascinatedly: "China's history and culture are indeed profound and profound. It's amazing that there is such a job."

I looked at her excited look and couldn't help but pour cold water on her: "Although it's magical, you just need to know it yourself. What I told you today cannot be told to a second person besides you. You can’t include it in your paper either.”

"Why?" Luo Li looked very puzzled.

I couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Not all reasons in this world have answers. You have to know that the job of a ghost merchant does not belong to the 360 ​​professions, and it cannot be seen in the light. It is like moss in a dark corner. , we can only do it secretly! If you announce it, countless people may flock to China to study this magical profession, which will bring us trouble and even... danger."

Although Luo Li was a little troubled, she still nodded very frankly after hearing what I said: "Although I don't quite understand what you mean, I think you are right. Don't worry, I promise you that today I No one else will ever know what you hear, I swear to you in the name of God!”

Hearing her speak so sincerely made me feel a little embarrassed and felt that I was a little strange. I nodded and smiled at her.

Luo Li pointed to the mask in the suitcase and said, "Is this also a vaginal object?"

I hummed: "Yes, this is also a vaginal object."

"Then why is it related to me? I have never seen it before, and I have never been to China!" Luo Li looked very puzzled.

"It's hard to say. Maybe it has something to do with you since you moved into that house." I comforted her, "But don't worry, I've seen countless weird things over the years. Seen enough. I bet this thing isn't trying to hurt you."

Luo Li nodded clearly and finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Actually, when I put on the mask, even though I felt groggy, I could also feel its kindness to me, and it seemed to want to seek my help. …”

"Help?" I was slightly stunned.

Luo Li sighed: "But I was completely confused at the time, and I didn't know if it was a dream or reality."

I looked at the time and it was already a little late. So I said good night to Luo Li and asked her to go to bed early, then closed the door and left, preparing to go to the study to study the BMW. I don’t know how long it took, but Luo Li knocked on the door and walked in. She had finished washing up, and smiled when she saw me: "I saw the light in your study was still on, so I knew you were not asleep. Do you want some coffee?"

"I prefer Chinese tea." I looked at her: "Why don't you rest?"

"Maybe I fell asleep for a long time during the day, and I don't feel sleepy at all." She said as she walked to my desk, looked at the documents and photos of the car accident scene that I spread on the desk, and asked curiously: "What's there?" Can I help?"

I saw that her eyes were full of light, and I knew that the story she just told touched her deeply and made her very interested, so I wanted to learn about the work of the femininity dealer in the name of helping.

Seeing her curious baby look, I couldn't help but laugh: "You can help if you want, but you must obey my instructions and not cause trouble."

"Of course!" Luo Li nodded immediately and agreed without thinking.

So I had no choice but to tell her about Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi's coma, and even told her about how I was careless and underestimated the enemy and was attacked by evil spirits in the car. Luo Li was stunned for a moment: "Then that car must be a vagina?"

The little girl was very polite, so I nodded in affirmation.

Luo Li excitedly moved a chair over, sat down opposite me, took the photo and studied it carefully. There is one more person in the study, and I won't be so lonely. Although Luo Li and I don't talk much, time flies by, and the sky outside the window becomes bright in the blink of an eye.

Luo Li put down the report in her hand: "According to what is written here, it was a normal traffic accident, and the dead car owner was also the main person responsible for the accident. Look at this report..." Luo Li put down a stack of paper Sent in front of me: "This is the traffic record of the deceased driver surnamed Sun in the past five years. He was a good and law-abiding driver. Not only did the car not have any traffic violations, but it had never been insured. He My driving license even received very few points. With such driving skills, even if it was raining, he would not have been able to run a red light and hit the cement tanker on the opposite side. Unless, like you said, he was distracted and thinking about something. Other things, I didn’t pay attention to the situation ahead at all.”

I smiled and nodded.

Luo Li looked at me for a few times and said a little discouraged: "You must have found these things I found..."

"You are very talented. Do you want to become your teacher and teach you some skills in appreciating vaginal objects?" I deliberately teased her.

Luo Li shook her head: "No, my dad and mommy don't like me to be exposed to these things. In fact, the reason why I can return to China this time is because I promised my dad that as long as he agrees to let me complete this thesis, I will I will collect my thoughts and study hard. My dream is to become a lawyer, like Alan Dershowitz."

Her refusal surprised me. I originally thought she would happily agree. I had no choice but to smile: "Well, future barrister, would you like to have breakfast?"

Luo Li stretched out: "Of course, little brother!"

After spending a night together, I found that this little girl Luo Li was very cute, and I actually regarded her as my niece from the bottom of my heart. After breakfast, Luo Li, who was not sleepy at all, took me to continue discussing the traffic accident case: "Since the day of the incident is the birthday of the deceased's wife, should we find a way to find her and inquire about it, maybe we will find something. …”

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Mazi's voice came from outside the door: "I've already inquired for you." As he spoke, he walked in, grabbed a leftover bun on the table and took a bite, speaking vaguely. He said: "After the short-lived boss Sun died, her wife legally inherited all his property. Even the car was sold at a low price by her own initiative. Her husband died, but she still He is interested in selling cars, which shows that he has a cold nature and is not a good person."

After he said these words, he suddenly reacted and looked at me nervously, then at Luo Li: " didn't tell her everything, right?"

I nodded very seriously, and Li Mazi's expression suddenly changed, and he rushed towards me with a grimace.

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