Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,479 The ghost car starts

"Then." I asked tentatively: "Boss Sun's brother and his sister-in-law..."

"Forget it." The gatekeeper waved his hand: "It's really unfortunate for our family. Boss Sun is such a good person. He is hardworking and considerate of others. How can the factory be so prosperous without his contribution? He is so important to everyone here. Everyone is like his own family, take me for example, he has never disliked me as a person with a criminal record, and would say a few words to me every time he passed by the gate."

As if thinking of the old boss Sun, the gatekeeper actually shed tears: "Actually, many people have known about the mess between Sun Song and his sister-in-law. I have seen them messing around in the corner of the factory more than once. Nonsense, but who dares to talk to Boss Sun about this kind of thing? He is the only one who is kept in the dark. I heard what Boss Sun’s sister said just now. Boss Sun rushed home to celebrate his wife’s birthday that day. Unexpectedly, After seeing that scene...if it hadn't been like this, nothing would have happened to him."

The uncle guarding the gate wiped the tears from his eyes as he spoke.

Luo Li and I said goodbye to him and took a taxi on the roadside to go home.

Luo Li was silent for a long time on the way back. She asked me in a low voice with some confusion: "Why does Boss Sun, such a good person, turn into a ghost after death?"

"After a person dies, the soul leaves the body, and it is difficult for the memories of his life to exist, and what remains in his mind is only the last memory before death. It would be fine if the person died normally due to birth, old age, illness, and death, but If someone dies unjustly or dies out of hatred, they will be riddled with resentment and eventually turn into a ghost." I explained to Luo Li thoughtfully.

Luo Li nodded: "The moment before Boss Sun died, he must have been very, very angry, so he would leave his soul in the car forever to take revenge on others..."

When she said this, her eyes suddenly changed and she grabbed my arm with some excitement: "Little brother, something seems wrong."

I was stunned by her and looked at her funny: "What's wrong?"

Luo Li patiently explained to me: "Didn't you tell me before that this car was sold in a second-hand car dealer?"

I nodded, what's wrong with that?

Luo Li continued: "If it was in a car dealership, there would be countless people coming to see the car every day. It is normal to see the car for a test drive. Why are Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi falling into a coma when everyone else is fine? Do the two of them have any past interactions with Boss Sun?"

"How is this possible? They are so different in age, social status, and experience, how could they be involved?" Even though I said that, Luo Li's words still reminded me whether I was investigating in the wrong direction. ? I have been searching why Boss Sun died, but I have forgotten the most important point. Apart from riding in that car, what other interactions did Zheng Yi and Ma Xiaohuan have with him?

I decided to study the traffic accident more carefully when I got home. This time I finally found something, I found two photos among a large number of live photos.

The scene of the accident was particularly chaotic, so the photos were extremely blurry. Even so, I still saw a school bus and a taxi in these two photos.

The people sitting in front of the car window looking at the silver-gray BMW that had the accident were Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi!

In this way, I can understand why among so many people in the car dealership who have ridden in BMWs, only Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi fell into a coma. It must be because Boss Sun saw Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi at the last moment of his life, which was full of anger and hatred. The three people even had eye contact.

Then by chance, all three people had contact with the vehicle involved, so Boss Sun kept the souls of the two people in the car.

I really don’t know if Boss Sun has found the wrong target for revenge, or if Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi are unlucky!

This discovery made me very excited, and I began to plan how to save people. At this moment, Li Mazi, who had gone to the police station to keep an eye on Sister Sun, rushed back. He took a few breaths: "That stinky bitch surnamed Sun has been released. She found a younger brother to take the blame, and she also I promised to give the younger brother 500,000 yuan afterward, and then a group of them left."

Luo Li glanced at me in confusion and asked confusedly: "That's not right. Boss Sun's sister doesn't have a job. She relied on her brother for support before. Now that her brother is dead, where can she get fifty?" Ten thousand?"

"Where else?" Li Mazi said without taking it seriously: "Don't she have evidence of an affair between Boss Sun's wife and Sun Song? With this alone, she can blackmail five million or fifty million at least. It’s possible that Wan Wan doesn’t take it seriously at all…”

Is this really what happened?

The next day, accompanied by Li Mazi and Luo Li, we came to the hospital again. At the gate of the hospital, I saw Zheng Yi's father. The old man was much more haggard than when I saw him a few days ago. He also saw me, but he neither came forward to speak nor came to say hello. He sat alone on the steps smoking in silence, with a pile of cigarette butts thrown away at his feet.

I told myself that I must resolve this matter as soon as possible and not let that car harm anyone again.

We found it in the parking lot, where it sat quietly with a thick layer of dust already covering its body. Thinking of being in danger in the car a few days ago, my neck began to hurt unconsciously.

Li Mazi patted me on the shoulder: "Brother Zhang, don't worry, I'm here to protect you!"

I threw his hand away, strode over and opened the car door. This time when I got in the car, I didn't rush to take out Ma Xiaohuan's necklace and Zheng Yi's watch. The car was very quiet, with neither Ma Xiaohuan nor Zheng Yi around, and nothing strange at all.

I asked Li Mazi and Luo Li to sit down in the back seats, freeing up the trouble-prone co-pilot, and then said softly: "Boss Sun, I want to drive you to see something. If you agree, I can Give a signal."

As soon as I finished speaking, the wipers started running automatically, wiping the windshield extremely quietly.

Li Mazi and Luo Li in the back seat were dumbfounded. They held their hands together nervously, looking frightened.

I drove to Boss Sun's factory first. Although Sister Sun came here yesterday to cause a scene, the workers were not affected and were still working hard.

The reason why I brought Boss Sun here is because I feel that his hard work has been invested here. At this moment, his heart is full of resentment, so he turned into an evil ghost and refused to leave. And I hope he can remember some good memories from the past, those precious memories about youth, struggle, and the past.

Although I have many ways to deal with it, after listening to the words of the gatekeeper, I want to give this person who was blinded by hatred a good death, a so-called perfection.

The car horn made a low whine, like a man crying sadly and aggrievedly.

Immediately afterwards, I drove to the downstairs of Boss Sun's house. This was probably the most painful place for him during his lifetime. His family fell apart at that moment, and his favorite wife and closest brother got together. It was difficult for anyone to accept it.

The car's engine made a roaring sound, as if a man was on the verge of collapse and his sanity was occupied by anger.

Li Mazi shouted in panic: "Brother Zhang, are you crazy? Why did you drive here! Let him think of those bad memories, he must go crazy!"

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