Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1480: Saving Boss Sun

Yes, I just want him to go crazy!

In life, escaping is never the best way to solve problems. Many times, facing the problem head-on may make everything easier.

If Boss Sun hadn't run away when he saw his wife and brother embracing and kissing in the car that day, but instead opened the door and the three of them had a calm discussion on this issue, maybe he wouldn't have died.

Of course, he might be in a lot of pain, but at least he wouldn't lose his life. Although he has become a ghost at the moment, I still don't intend to let him continue to escape. I want him to know that trapping other people's souls to satisfy his own desire for revenge is useless.

Purulent wounds will heal faster if they are exposed to the sun.

The car rumbled for a while, then slowly stopped and became extremely quiet. Li Mazi asked in surprise: "Brother, what's going on? Is this car going to explode?"

It was definitely a mistake to take him out. At such a critical moment, he was still talking nonsense. I looked back from the rear-view mirror, originally intending to give him a fierce glare as a warning, but there were no traces of Li Mazi and Luo Li in the mirror, only the panicked faces of Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi.

Their hands and feet were tied behind their backs, and their mouths were covered with black tape. The two of them had been tortured by Boss Sun for these days. They were both extremely haggard and weak, and their eyes were full of the desire to survive.

I turned my face slightly and finally saw Boss Sun. He was sitting in the passenger seat. Although his body was filled with resentment, his whole body was unusually calm.

He looked at the building in front of him, with countless memories in his eyes. With the idea of ​​​​giving his younger brothers and sisters a better life, he came to the big city to work hard, doing small jobs at construction sites, going to the vegetable market every day before dawn to work as a hawker, and busy entertaining guests in restaurants under the dimly lit night...

He relied on his own efforts to get to where he is today step by step, but his life ended abruptly because of a car accident on that rainy day. Of course he hates it, he hates his wife and brother, they are the two closest to him! How could we betray him together?

But he hated his own weakness even more. Why didn't he have the courage to confront his wife and brother after seeing them getting together?

The resentment around his body was like steaming water vapor, exuding a cold breath, and fell on my face bit by bit. No one spoke or spoke. The whole carriage was like a lonely and silent little world, where he remembered his past and recalled the good times.

Finally, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the drawer in front of the passenger seat. I opened it according to his instructions and saw the exquisite ring box inside. This may be the birthday gift he carefully prepared for his wife, but he never had the chance to give it away until the end of his life.

I carefully opened the velvet box, and inside was a beautiful diamond ring.

Boss Sun stared at the shining ring for a few seconds, and finally closed his eyes in relief. The resentment around his body was like mist under the sun, dissipating little by little. Boss Sun's soul was purified, and finally disappeared along with the resentment.

With a click, the car instantly stalled.

Li Mazi and Luo Li's faces appeared in the rearview mirror. Li Mazi looked around alertly: "What's going on? Is he gone?"

I took out Ma Xiaohuan's necklace and Zheng Yi's watch from my pocket. Without Boss Sun's restraint, the souls of the two people quickly attached themselves to the necklace and watch. Ma Xiaohuan's originally gray necklace became sparkling with gold again, and the watch that had stopped since Zheng Yi fell into coma started to operate normally again.

It's done, but I don't feel very happy. I looked at the ring box in my hand and was stunned for a long time. Until Li Mazi patted me on the shoulder: "Brother Zhang, don't look so stupid, get out of the car!"

Li Mazi, Luo Li, I got out of the car and gently closed the door, only to hear a very strange closing sound. I turned around and saw that the silver-gray BMW had turned into a paper car.

When Luo Li saw this scene, her eyes widened in shock. Everything she had experienced these days had simply wiped out all her previous understanding of science.

Now that everything was settled, I decided to send the necklace and watch to Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi. Li Mazi pointed to the paper car and asked, "What should I do with this?"

"Leave it to you, drag it to the outskirts and burn it!" After I ordered, Luo Li and I turned around and left.

Li Mazi shouted dissatisfiedly from behind: "Why me again?"

After delivering the necklace to Ma Yue's house, I explained in detail: "I have taken care of the car matter. Your daughter's soul is on this necklace. Put it back on your daughter's neck. In the past few days, you You have to observe carefully and wait until her soul has completely entered the body. Don’t just work as before! You have to remember that the reason why you work so hard is for your daughter. Without her, everything you have is All the efforts are meaningless.”

Ma Yue nodded gratefully: "Don't worry, I already submitted my resignation to the car dealer yesterday. I won't be working for a while, so I will take care of Xiaohuan wholeheartedly. And her father heard that something happened to her and he has already rushed over. I think Xiaohuan will be happy to see me and her father beside her when she wakes up!"

The necklace was brought to Ma Xiaohuan, and she reacted immediately. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, she opened her eyes and looked at Ma Yue, but soon fell asleep again.

Her soul is too weak and needs rest. I told Ma Yue a few more words, and said goodbye to Luo Li. Ma Yue chased me out: "Master Zhang, you haven't received your reward yet! You have done me such a big favor, and I don't know how to repay you."

I smiled at her: "Forget about the reward, if you are determined, do more good deeds in the future! That car dealership is not a good place. You have worked there for a long time and made many mistakes. Just treat it as repayment of your former karma." Reported."

Ma Yue nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, I will never do such unconscionable and immoral things again."

Luo Li and I turned to leave, and she suddenly said: "By the way, Master Zhang, didn't you ask me to help check the modified car before? Because I don't work in the store, I am no longer qualified to read the documents, but The worker who is responsible for modifying the car over there has a very good relationship with me. I will give you his phone number and you can contact him."

With that said, she handed me a business card. Perhaps she was concerned about her daughter's condition, so she didn't say much to me and hurried back upstairs.

I went to the hospital again and delivered the watch to Zheng Yi’s family. Zheng Yi also had a reaction after putting on his watch. He was an adult man. Although his soul had been separated from the body for many days, he was much tougher than Ma Xiaohuan. When he opened his eyes, he complained that he was hungry. He was so happy that Zheng's mother was busy preparing food for him.

Zheng Yi's father is an honest man, and he doesn't know how to thank me. He has to kowtow to me and pay me. After I refused one by one, he personally took me to the gate of the hospital: "You saved my son, I will repay you by working as a cow in my next life!"

"You're welcome." I said goodbye to him respectfully and left side by side with Luo Li.

After walking for a while, Luo Li asked me with a smile: "As a femininity merchant, do you feel the same sense of accomplishment every time you help someone?"

I looked at her sideways and said, "What? Do you want to become my disciple again? It's not too late to kowtow now."

Luo Li shook her head firmly: "It's the same as being a lawyer. We are all helping people in need. As long as someone regains their life because of our help, then everything is worth it!"

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