Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1481 The real murderer

After I got home, I made a phone call first. Luo Li curiously asked me who the call was to, but I kept it secret and said nothing to her.

But the business card Ma Yue gave me made me hesitate for a long time. Boss Sun's matter has been completely resolved, so I shouldn't need this business card anymore.

I was ready to throw him away, but in the end I couldn't bear my curiosity and called the number above. There was a cheerful master opposite. When he heard that I was Ma Yue's friend, he said like a bamboo tube pouring beans: "When the BMW was delivered, it had been smashed into pieces. It was useless after reassembling it. I have so much energy. The car passed through my hands, and I was afraid of taking responsibility, so I checked it very carefully. There is nothing wrong with the car itself, but the brake seems to have been tampered with..."

"What?" I was startled and my voice changed.

The other party was also very cautious. Seeing my excitement, he immediately said tactfully: "Of course, the car hit me too hard, so maybe I saw it wrong."

No matter how I asked him, he refused to say anything. In the end, I had no choice but to hang up the phone.

But his words still troubled me immensely. Was Boss Sun's death really a car accident caused by being stimulated by seeing his wife cheating on his brother? What if... what if it was man-made?

So who could have tampered with his brakes?

Is it his wife? Or his brother? Or was it a conspiracy between two people?

I was puzzled. I felt that although the matter between Ma Xiaohuan and Zheng Yi was successfully resolved, Boss Sun seemed to have a huge suspense here, and I couldn't think of a way to solve it.

After a while, Li Mazi, who was responsible for burning the car in the suburbs, came back. As soon as he entered the door, he complained that he was hungry and asked me if I had made dinner? Seeing my troubled look, he asked curiously: "What are you thinking about?"

I told him about the conversation I had just had with the mechanic at the car dealership. Li Mazi smiled slyly and said, "This is not easy. Treat me to a nice meal and I'll give you some clues."

"Do you have any clues?" I asked in surprise.

"I've ordered dishes, lobster, abalone..."

Luo Li smiled on the side and said, "Let's do this. You two uncles are here to study, and I'll go to the kitchen to make dinner."

"Can you cook?" Li Mazi looked suspicious.

Luo Li said proudly: "Uncle Li, don't look down on me! Have you forgotten that I am the daughter of the owner of a restaurant in Chinatown?"

It turns out that Luo Li's cooking is very good, not only has the color, flavor and taste of Chinese food, but also has the bold creativity of some foreign dishes. If it weren't for the fact that there are still unresolved problems, I would be itching to discuss it with her.

After dinner, I said to Li Mazi: "Okay, you have eaten too, so hurry up and tell me!"

Li Mazi chuckled: "Didn't you ask me to burn the car? I called a friend and pulled the car to the suburbs. Just as I was about to light it, it suddenly occurred to me that you took out one from the drawer in front of the passenger seat. Ring, what if there are other valuable items? I checked carefully and was disappointed, but I found this..." As he said, he took out a small paper bag from his pocket and opened the paper Bag, inside is the memory card of the driving recorder.

He said proudly: "I thought this might be useful, so I took it back..."

Before he could finish speaking, I had already snatched the memory card and ran to the computer to find a card reader to study it. The pictures saved in the memory card are still the records of Boss Sun while driving. They are all about his life at two points and one line. From home to factory and from factory to home, I have to say that Boss Sun is definitely a good man. But on the day of the accident, when his car was parked at the factory, his sister passed by the car and didn't know what was done. Then at about two o'clock in the afternoon, Boss Sun left the factory early. When he got home, he parked his car, took the rose and prepared to go in. However, he stayed in front of the glass window for a long time. Then he threw away the rose and drove away alone.

It was raining at the time, and he kept moving forward along the road. At a red light intersection, he crashed into a cement tanker on the opposite side, and the next scene turned into darkness...

Through the driving recorder, no one can determine whether Boss Sun's death was due to his own distraction or brake failure. But his sister definitely had no good intentions.

Luo Li sighed softly and said: "She must have done this because she wanted to occupy her brother's property. But she didn't expect that after Boss Sun's death, his wife actually inherited the property legally, so she kept looking for people to make trouble. She The reason why she offered someone 500,000 yuan at the police station was not because she had evidence of an affair that could be used as a blackmail threat, but because she was sure that the family property would eventually fall into her hands."

Li Mazi said: "This woman is simply not human!"

Fortunately, Boss Sun's soul has been purified now. Otherwise, how sad would he be if he knew that his own sister was plotting against him? I smiled bitterly, pulled out the memory card, and threw it out gently. Li Mazi exclaimed, "Why did you throw it away? Don't we go to the police station to report her?"

"With this picture alone, I can't sue her at all!" I said in embarrassment.

Luo Li, who majored in law, also agreed with me: "She could have said that she passed by the car or went to get something from the car. After all, there was no scene of her directly touching the brakes. As long as she wanted to, she could Loopholes in the law can be exploited to evade sanctions.”

Li Mazi said bitterly: "Then there is nothing we can do against her? Are we going to let her, the real murderer, go free?"

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and she will not have a good outcome." I said with a serious face: "God is the most just and will punish her."

The news happened to be broadcast on TV, and the picture was the car dealership where Ma Yue worked. A reporter who rarely encountered big news said excitedly: "We received reports from enthusiastic viewers. This is a company that specializes in modifying the vehicles involved in accidents. A black-hearted car dealership that sells second-hand cars and seeks violence..."

Luo Li turned to look at me, her eyes full of admiration.

I smiled mischievously. Yes, this so-called enthusiastic audience is me!

It started to rain again early the next morning. Li Mazi came over in the rain early in the morning and shouted to me excitedly: "Brother Zhang, you are right, good and evil will be rewarded in the end! No!" If you don’t retaliate, the time has not yet come!”

"What's wrong with you so early in the morning?" I stared at him in confusion.

Li Mazi smiled mischievously: "I'll tell you the truth, I originally took that memory card back because I thought I could discover some terrible secret so that I could take the opportunity to blackmail Boss Sun's wife..."

After receiving the contempt from Luo Li and me, he hurriedly explained: "Everyone will punish these adulterers and adulterers! Of course, didn't you throw the memory card away later? I gave up on it." But I had already told my two buddies to pay attention to the Sun family. Who knew that just in the middle of the night yesterday, Sun Song had packed up his things and ran away from home because of the excessive excitement, saying that he was going to become a monk. Boss Sun’s My wife had a fetus while she was having sex with him, and the baby was miscarried, and is now lying in the gynecological hospital. Do you think this is retribution?"

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