Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,482 Good and evil will eventually be rewarded

Retribution indeed!

But I, who should have been clapping my hands and applauding, only felt powerless.

After all, just because of money, the family that was supposed to be so close ended up like this, dead and gone... How should the remaining people live?

I saw the ring box placed on the corner of the table, and my heart suddenly moved. That morning, I didn't call Luo Li and Li Mazi. I went to the hospital alone with the ring, and met Boss Sun's wife in the obstetrics and gynecology department, who was weak after the miscarriage.

She stared at the water droplets on the glass window with dull eyes, and the expression on her face was inexplicably sad.

At this moment, I don’t know whether I should blame her from the perspective of a saint? It was certainly her fault that she had an affair with Sun Song, but who knew about her marriage to Boss Sun.

I walked over slowly, and the sound of my footsteps woke her up. She turned her head in surprise, her face extremely pale.

I introduced myself: "I am a friend of Boss Sun. He has something he asked me to give to you." I took out the ring box and placed it on the table next to the hospital bed: "This is his birthday gift to you. , I originally planned to hand it to you personally, but unfortunately... I will never have this opportunity."

Boss Sun's wife moved her lips slightly, as if she wanted to ask me something. I turned around and left without looking back.

When I walked behind the door, I heard heart-wrenching crying from behind. I couldn't help it. I turned around and saw that Boss Sun's wife had opened the ring box and started crying after seeing the diamond ring. , the look on his face was so regretful.

I left with heavy steps, but encountered a traffic jam on the way home. I waited quietly in the car and drove forward slowly. It took an hour to reach the intersection ahead.

It turned out that there was an accident here, and a black car hit the cement tanker.

It was raining like this, and it was such a familiar scene. I couldn't help but stop the car and take a look. The 120 rescue nurse and the brave onlookers on the sidelines dragged out a fat figure who was not breathing from the black car. I only took one glance and recognized that the person covered in blood was Boss Sun's sister.

The cycle of cause and effect leads to unhappy retribution!

I didn't stop any longer and drove away.

In the next few days, Luo Li's return date was approaching, so Li Mazi and I had to put down our work and help her collect information every day. We visited several cemeteries in the city. Since I put the mask into the sandalwood box, it hasn't caused any trouble again, and our precautions have gradually relaxed.

Luo Li is very serious about her hobbies. She collects information about funeral culture from various people during the day and sorts it out no matter how late at night. I was accustomed to her behavior and didn't say much.

But one morning I woke up and found that Luo Li was not in the study. I knocked on her door but there was no response. I suddenly had a bad idea, and hurriedly found a spare key and opened the door. As I expected, the guest room was empty, with no sign of Luo Li at all. The bed was neatly made, and it looked like no one had slept there last night.

Where did Rory go?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly rushed into the room where the sandalwood box was kept. When I opened the box, I found that the mask inside was indeed gone. I screamed inwardly and hurriedly took out my mobile phone to call Li Mazi. He was sleeping in a daze. He immediately woke up a lot after hearing that something might have happened to Luo Li: "Why is such a grown-up missing? Isn't that right? Have you gone out to buy breakfast?"

"The mask is gone too." I confessed to Li Mazi truthfully.

Li Mazi groaned: "Oops, I'll be there right away, just wait for me!"

While Li Mazi arrived, I sat down and calmly analyzed the situation. It seems that the mask did not stop after being trapped in the sandalwood box. Instead, it accumulated strength and made us relax our vigilance. Then it suddenly took action, catching us off guard.

It’s just that Luo Li has nothing to do with it, so why doesn’t it let Luo Li go? Where did it take Luo Li?

Thinking of this, I suddenly recalled the photos and names I saw in the cemetery that day.

Li Menglu!

I searched for Li Menglu on the Internet and found that the entries about her were very simple.

She was once the leading actress of the city repertory troupe. She became a hit with her superb performance in the drama "Butterfly Lovers" and won many domestic and foreign awards. But when her career was on the rise, she was exposed to a scandal involving meddling in other people's marriages. She became famous for a while, and was accused of being a third party.

The last news about her was the shooting that occurred in the room Luo Li rented. Due to a mental breakdown, she killed the man she loved most and then shot herself, ending her short life.

Most of the comments about her on the Internet are negative. Even after many years, there are only more accusations and abuses against her.

I searched for the address of the drama troupe she worked for, and when Li Mazi arrived, I pulled him over. Li Mazi couldn't stop complaining that I didn't take good care of Luo Li. I was so angry that I couldn't help but yell at him: "Since you care so much about your precious niece, why don't you take it to your own home to support her?"

Why do I hate people who make trouble for others and find faults so much.

Li Mazi had no choice but to shut his mouth.

When we hurried to the theater, we discovered that it was a two-story building covering a large area. From the outside, it looked abandoned for a long time. After asking the owner of a nearby store, I found out that this land was originally lent to the drama group by the city government. However, in recent years, no one has watched the drama, so the city government took back the land and planned to expand it into a shopping mall. However, I don’t know where the problem lies. Although the theater company vacated the house two years ago, it has yet to start construction.

The store proprietress curled her lips and said nonchalantly: "This house has always been empty. Sometimes you can hear strange noises coming from inside at night. I wonder if it is haunted! Oh, it's really scary."

We didn't have time to listen to her ramblings. After thanking her, we entered the courtyard through the slightly open iron gate. Li Mazi asked nervously: "Can Luo Li be here?"

"How will you know if you don't go in and take a look." Seeing his frightened look, I couldn't help but kick him over: "You and I haven't seen anything in these years, why do you still look like this?"

Li Mazi shouted dissatisfied: "You're not scary yet!" As he was speaking, he saw a black shadow suddenly leaping in front of him. Li Mazi screamed: "Oh, this place is really haunted."

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