Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,483 The Ghost of the Repertory Theater (Additional update)

I saw it very clearly. What kind of ghost was there? It was clearly a human figure. Could it be Luo Li? I broke free from Li Mazi's restraint and quickly chased after him.

That was indeed a person, but not Luo Li.

There were actually several beggar-looking people living in an empty room. They were no less surprised than I was, and they huddled together worriedly and looked at me warily.

They have no fixed place to live, and this vacant house is just the perfect place to stay. Seeing that they were so frightened, I hurriedly explained: "I'm not here to drive you away. I'm here to find someone. Have you seen a young female doll come here?"

Hearing what I said, a young girl pointed in one direction and said, "When I went to the toilet early this morning, I saw a person wearing a mask and going to the stage. I don't know if it's the person you mentioned!"

Wearing a mask? That must be Lori.

I thanked her, turned around and was about to leave, but saw a few shriveled hard steamed buns placed in front of them. I don’t know how long they had been there, and there were still green hairs on them. I sighed softly, took out my wallet from Li Mazi's pocket, took out all the thousands of dollars in cash and put it on the dusty floor: "Take the money and buy some food, this kind of spoiled Don’t eat the food, you’ll get sick.”

Several beggars looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to come up and take money. I had no choice but to pull Li Mazi away. Li Mazi asked me with a puzzled look on his face: "Brother, you imitate Lei Feng and do good deeds, but brothers dare not say anything, but why do you want to take my money?"

"Aren't you a billionaire? I've been your driver for a few days, and you still don't want to pay me some wages?" I mocked.

Following the instructions of the little beggar girl, we came to the stage on the second floor, a huge house filled with tattered seats. At the bottom is a spacious stage, covered with dust and cobwebs. There was a figure lying upside down in the center of the stage. Although it was far away, I could still recognize it as Luo Li at a glance.

Li Mazi was startled and hurriedly rushed over. He checked his breathing first and saw that although Luo Li was lethargic, she was still breathing. Li Mazi breathed a sigh of relief and shook Luo Li's shoulders vigorously: "Luo Li, wake up, can you hear my voice?"

Luo Li still didn't react at all.

I reached out and took off the mask on Luo Li's face, and winked at Li Mazi: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go out first."

Li Mazi picked up Luo Li, and the three of us walked out of the door and went to the store we had inquired about earlier. Luo Li woke up slowly, and I bought some water for her to drink. Luo Li looked at me with a splitting headache, then looked at the surrounding environment, and asked in confusion: "What is this place? Why am I here?" it's here."

"Don't you remember?" Li Mazi asked worriedly.

Luo Li shook her head: "My last memory is in the study room sorting out the information collected during the day... My head hurts..." She rubbed her temples and suddenly saw the mask in my hand: "Hey, this Isn’t it that mask? Could it be it again?”

I comforted her softly: "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

The proprietress of the store is a person who likes to gossip. She has been observing carefully for a long time. At this time, she came over and asked cautiously: "What do you do?"

Li Mazi was upset and angry at the moment, so he shouted impatiently: "What does it have to do with you?"

Who knew that the landlady's voice was louder than him: "What are you yelling for? I saw you sneaking into this shabby house and picked up a girl and came out to pay attention. What are you doing? You can't be a trafficker, right? Put your ID card Show me or I’ll call the police!”

I rolled my eyes helplessly, glared at Li Mazi, and stopped him from quarreling with the landlady.

I smiled at the landlady: "It's nothing. This little girl is my niece. She came back from abroad. She likes Chinese art and culture very much. I know that the dramas here were once famous, so I came to take a look. I didn't expect it to be abandoned."

"Come back from abroad?" The landlady's eyes lit up, and she looked Luo Li up and down: "Well, her temperament is indeed good. Let me tell you, since that little coquettish fox Li Menglu committed suicide, this drama troupe has not been good. The new actors are not popular anymore, they can’t bring out the coquettishness of Li Menglu on the stage, and the people who came to support the show are no longer here.”

I heard her mention Li Menglu's name, and asked her with some surprise: "Sister, do you know Li Menglu? Has your store been open here for a long time?"

"Isn't it?" When she mentioned this, the landlady looked angry: "You are not a man from my family. You were a fan of Li Menglu's drama. He bought a shop here specifically for her and opened this store. The business was booming in the first two years. , once the drama troupe broke up, we were also finished."

As she was talking, a middle-aged man who was sleeping in a daze came out: "Who are you talking to about your wife? Can you make me some breakfast when you have time? I'm going to starve to death."

"Starve to death! Our whole family is going to starve to death!" the proprietress scolded angrily: "I told you not to open a shop here at the beginning and you didn't listen. What now? No one has come to the door for a month. You are the lover of your dreams. Li Menglu also went to report to Lord Yama."

"Get out of here!" the boss scolded, "If you dare to say three words about Li Menglu again, I won't beat you to death."

The landlady snorted: "You are the only one who treats her as a treasure! Do you really think she is some kind of pure and beautiful girl? She has not climbed into the bed of a married man."

The boss raised his hand as if he was going to hit him, which frightened the wife and ran away.

The boss took out a bottle of beer from the freezer and took two sips. He glanced at us sleepily for a few times. Suddenly he saw the mask in my hand, his eyes widened and he came over and asked, "Where did you get this mask?" "

"Do you recognize it?" I raised the mask and waved it in front of his eyes.

The boss nodded with joy and said: "Of course I recognize it. This is the mask Li Menglu wore when she starred in "Butterfly Lovers"!"

Sure enough, this mask has something to do with Li Menglu. I saw that the boss seemed to know Li Menglu very well, so I simply sat down and struck up a conversation with him. When he mentioned Li Menglu, the boss's words became eloquent: "I'm not bragging to you, but I'm a loyal fan of Li Menglu. What's going on with her?" I know everything about her. If I hadn't been obsessed to a certain extent, I wouldn't have opened a store here just for her, just so I could see her going to and from get off work sooner or later. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a good personality, she is very cheerful, and treats everyone well. She is smiling, and her acting skills are also good. She looks like what she plays, especially Zhu Yingtai in "Butterfly Lovers". The helpless sadness of being influenced by fate and the tenacity to die for love and lover in the end are simply amazing. This mask It was the mask she wore during the performance..."

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