Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,484 The Pure Girl

The three of us exchanged glances with each other, waiting for the boss to continue.

The boss recalled Li Menglu's past with great pity: "She is really talented. If she hadn't been involved with Wang Wei'an later, she would have had a better development. It was all that damn Wang Wei'an who relied on her Talent seduces people..."

It happened that the landlady made a plate of dark fried rice and came out. When she heard this, she threw the plate on the table angrily: "Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Wang Wei'an is not a good person, and neither is Li Menglu." It's not that good! If Pan Jinlian meets Ximen Qing, what good things can happen?"

"Fart! If you say something about Pan Jinlian again, I won't beat you to death!" The boss immediately became angry when he heard her insulting his idol.

The landlady said wildly: "Okay, you can beat me to death! You like Li Menglu so much, but it's a pity that they don't even look at you. I haven't raised you with good food and wine, and now you want to beat me to death? Beat me to death." Come on, let’s see how you live the rest of your life! Hold the photo of Li Menglu’s death and drink the northwest wind!”

As soon as the tigress showed off her power, the boss also wilted and ate his meal in a daze.

The proprietress came over and continued to talk about the gossip between Li Menglu and Wang Wei'an: "This Wang Wei'an is a screenwriter of the drama troupe. Not only does he look good, but he is also very talented. Li Menglu's "Butterfly Lovers" was an instant hit, except for them In addition to his acting skills, the biggest contributor is Wang Wei'an's grasp of the plot."

The boss was eating fried rice and interjected dissatisfiedly: "Aside from his talent, what else does he have? I really don't know what Li Menglu saw in him? He has a family and still has an affair. This kind of man is Rubbish."

The landlady replied rudely: "You also have a family, aren't you still thinking about Li Menglu? You men, none of you are good! Besides, Li Menglu was originally a rookie drama actor, not even famous at all. She acted in "Butterfly Lovers" "She became famous after that. Who knows if she seduced Wang Wei'an just for fame?"

"Absolutely not! Li Menglu is so pure! Wang Wei'an must be uneasy and kind-hearted." The boss said angrily.

The landlady suddenly sighed: "Let me tell you, these adulterers and adulterers are not good people. They just pitied Wang Wei'an's wife. What an elegant person! Since Wang Wei'an's death, she has not remarried and lived a lonely life. ...By the way, the last time I saw her, it seemed that the drama troupe was moving. They packed up some Wang Wei'an's manuscripts and notified her to pick them up. At that time, Wang Wei'an and Li Menglu died less than a year ago, right? I think she is thinner than before. I have lost a lot of weight and my complexion is not good, I don’t know how I am doing now.”

Luo Li rested for a while, and her headache symptoms improved a lot.

We said goodbye and left. On the way back, Luo Li asked me with some confusion: "I don't quite understand. I neither knew Li Menglu nor Wang Wei'an before, and I have no understanding of dialogue dramas. I have never even been back to China before." , why did this mask find me? Is it because I rented that house? This is so unfair to me..."

Luo Li looked angry.

Li Mazi shouted: "It's okay, eldest niece, don't worry, uncle will definitely help you handle this matter. Go back and give me that mask, let me smash it to pieces, then pour gasoline on it and burn it, there will be no ghosts It’s all done.”

"Don't be ridiculous!" I stopped him. "Can't you see? This mask has no intention of harming Luo Li. Otherwise, would she still be alive now? Although I don't know why, there must be a reason. "

Since this mask is related to Li Menglu, it seems that this time the matter will have to start with her.

I thought about it and decided to split up. While asking Li Mazi to find out how Wang Wei'an's wife is now? On the other side, I went to collect some information about Li Menglu and Wang Wei'an from the people in the drama troupe.

As it was related to Luo Li's safety, Li Mazi was surprisingly not verbose and agreed readily. I originally wanted to send Luo Li home to rest, but she refused to agree and insisted on going to the drama troupe with me. Seeing her insistence, I had no choice but to agree. Putting Li Mazi down on the way, I searched for information about the drama troupe on the Internet, and then went there based on the address above.

Nowadays, dramas are not popular among young people, and they have fallen into extreme poverty. They can only be squeezed into two rooms in an old office building, and there is not a single performance all year round.

Because the prospects are not good, young actors have gone to film and television cities to become extras. Some of them have been appreciated by directors and gradually become more famous, and can take on some roles with lines. Nowadays, the drama troupe only has an old director who is about to retire and a few old actors who are content with the status quo. They have nothing to do every day. They just get together to drink tea and play poker. The so-called drama has become a thing of the past. They are When you are procrastinating for time, when you procrastinate until retirement, when will you be liberated.

After seeing Luo Li and me, the elderly group leader received us.

After hearing our intention, the elderly group leader was very surprised and looked at us suspiciously: "You want to ask about Li Menglu? Who are you?" His attitude was careful and cautious, obviously he was interested in us. I don’t want to mention these old memories again.

I had no choice but to make nonsense: "We are reporters from a newspaper and want to publish a special article about Ms. Li Menglu. We will mention "Butterfly Lovers" and your drama troupe in the article. Presumably this dialogue troupe is also a disguised propaganda. "I thought that by saying this, the leader's attitude towards us would definitely change, but he just smiled faintly: "The beauty has passed away, it's time to let her rest in peace. Two reporter friends, let's change it a little bit. Let’s write about the material.”

After that, he excused himself as feeling unwell and left without giving us a chance to ask questions.

I saw that his attitude was extremely determined, and I couldn't think of any other countermeasures for the moment.

Luo Li couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "What should I do?"

"It's okay. Even though his place is made of copper and iron, there is always window paper that can be broken with just a poke." I winked at Luo Li and walked out the door briskly.

Soon I saw an elderly aunt walking out of the door. When I was chatting with the leader, I noticed some photos hanging on the wall behind him, which should be all the actors of the repertory troupe over the years. Although Li Menglu is not among them, this aunt with extraordinary temperament is one of them.

I hurriedly pulled Luo Li up to meet me. Auntie looked at us a few times in surprise. I hurriedly expressed my intention. Auntie didn't seem to want to mention Li Menglu: "She has left. No matter what she did during her lifetime, she should not be punished again." People are talking about it. The two reporter kids should let her go..."

Seeing that she was about to leave, I hurriedly said: "Auntie, the world has some prejudice against Li Menglu. Isn't this a kind of blasphemy against her? Do you want her to continue to be misunderstood?"

Auntie paused, turned around and looked at me deeply.

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