Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1485 Butterfly Lovers

There's drama!

Although my aunt is old, I can see that she must have been a beauty when she was young. Even though she is no longer in her prime, her temperament is still great.

She waved to Luo Li and me, and took us to a relatively secluded and quiet corner. There was a wooden chair with dead leaves falling on it. She didn't care. After sitting down, she smiled bitterly and sighed: "Speaking of Li Menglu, we are really destined. When she came to our drama troupe after graduating from college, she became my apprentice. It can be said that I watched her go from a newcomer to becoming famous. "

I was worried that she would fall into memories and talk about the past at length, so I quickly asked: "Then why did she meet Wang Wei'an?"

"Wang Wei'an was the chief screenwriter of the theater troupe at the time, and they would meet each other every day at work. At first, the two of them had little professional contact. Li Menglu was a newcomer and had no chance to appear on stage. Even if she did, they would only be in minor supporting roles, and sometimes her lines would be missing. Not a few sentences. Wang Wei'an had the sourness of all literary talents and his temper was very weird. He was the type that no one dared to provoke in the troupe. Later he wrote the script of "Butterfly Lovers" and selected it from among the actresses in the troupe. No one he chose was satisfactory, and in the end, for some reason, he fell in love with Li Menglu’s temperament.”

"At that time, Li Menglu had not played a major role, and the leaders of the group felt that it was too risky for a fledgling girl to play the leading female role. However, Wang Wei'an resisted everyone's opinions and insisted on Li Menglu playing." Speaking of this, The aunt looked helpless: "It's such an injustice. If it weren't for this, Li Menglu wouldn't have anything to do with Wang Wei'an! Although Li Menglu was not favored at the time, after putting on makeup and rehearsing, people immediately noticed her and felt that she was alive. Zhu Yingtai in the play. The leaders all think that Wang Wei'an is a bole and has a unique eye for people. From that time on, everyone likes to put Li Menglu and Wang Wei'an together when talking..."

Luo Li and I nodded together.

The aunt continued: "If Wang Wei'an had not gotten married at that time, this might have become a good story about a talented man and a beautiful woman, but Wang Wei'an already had a family at that time, and he had the achievements he had at that time, and he also relied on the help of his in-law family. Although his wife was not as good as Li Menglu She is young and beautiful, but also very gentle and virtuous. I was worried that there would be problems if they were mixed together for a long time, so I talked to Li Menglu many times."

"In the first few times, the little girl still blamed me for worrying too much. I saw her innocent look and knew that I was overthinking. But the next few times, I found that her mood had completely changed. Not only did she complain about why Wang Wei'an got married, So early in the morning, I even asked someone to inquire about Wang Wei'an's wife. I wanted to know if she was as beautiful as me. I knew at that time that it was over...this silly girl must have fallen into it."

I sighed with emotion: "I wish we had met before we were married. They were such a pitiful couple!"

The aunt shook her head and smiled: "What's wrong is wrong. You can't use other excuses to cover it up. They were wrong from the beginning. It's hard to wrap up things like feelings. Soon, the two of them were involved in the drama troupe. Word spread! During that time, Li Menglu was under a lot of pressure. On the one hand, she was enjoying the success and various awards brought to her by "Butterfly Lovers". On the other hand, she had to bear the criticism from all sides. She came to see her at that time. She passed me by and told me in tears that she had insomnia every day and her hair was falling out in handfuls. I also introduced a doctor friend to her, but she did not seek medical treatment until she died."

After listening to her words, I couldn't help but wonder, is it because of this that Li Menglu's spirit has been in an extremely depressed state, and finally broke out on the night of the incident?

I asked her for advice: "Then when did Wang Wei'an's wife find out?"

The aunt thought for a while: "I don't know this, but I guess she should have known it a long time ago, right? Her husband has someone outside, how could she not know it as a wife? But she is older than Wang Wei'an, so she also She didn't dare to file for divorce, just thinking that one day her husband would change his mind after having enough affairs outside... I remember one time she came to the group to ask for help from the group leader, but the group leader said that this was a private matter between Wang Wei'an and Li Menglu, and he We could only criticize education but couldn't interfere. Then Wang Wei'an's wife left, and within a few days a shooting occurred."

Speaking of this, the aunt said with regret: "Li Menglu was still too young and too impulsive. If she could have been calmer, maybe such a tragedy would not have happened."

Luo Li and I got the clue, thanked the aunt, and were about to leave, but she suddenly stopped me: "Young man, I am not telling you this today to clear Li Menglu's name. Use your pen to warn today's young people that a moment of wrongdoing can change a person's life."

I said to her respectfully: "Yes, thank you. If necessary, I will come to visit you again."

But she waved her hand with a tired look on her face: "No, I will retire tomorrow. Today is my last day in the drama troupe." She turned around and left without giving me a chance to speak.

Luo Li and I walked out of the door with heavy hearts. Luo Li asked me in a low voice: "Why doesn't Li Menglu's soul still refuse to leave? What does she want to do by attaching herself to the mask?"

"I don't know." I glanced at her and said, "Maybe she has some unfulfilled wish..."

"She brought me to the stage. Is she still obsessed with her career?" Luo Li asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, all the answers will be revealed one day, and all we need is to be patient and wait for it to appear." I said.

Luo Li and I left the drama group and returned home. Li Mazi was already waiting for us with an impatient look on his face.

He took a deep gulp of water and began to tell what he had learned: "Wang Wei'an's wife has been living alone since Wang Wei'an died. Not only has she not remarried, but she has also been living in the wedding house that the two of them bought. I want to express my gratitude to you." Her neighbors inquired about it, and everyone said that she had a very good personality and never had conflicts with others. Since Wang Wei'an's death, she has become more taciturn, does not go out much, and rarely interacts with others. However, people around her treat her poorly The reviews are all very good, and apart from saying that her personality is a bit eccentric, they all say that she is a quiet and reserved person."

At the end, Li Mazi added: "It seems there is nothing wrong with this woman. What did you find over there?"

I told him the news I got from teacher Li Menglu, and Li Mazi said with a puzzled face: "This Li Menglu is still haunting me. What does she want to do?"

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