Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,486 He is lying

Things seemed to have reached a dead end, and we had no goal at all to move forward.

For Luo Li's safety, I simply kept the mask with me at all times, and Li Mazi even moved into my house carelessly under the guise of taking care of Luo Li. Just when we were racking our brains and couldn't come up with a solution, a guest we didn't expect actually came to the door.

She is Wang Wei'an's wife.

She was older than I thought, but she was neatly dressed, her hair was neatly combed, and her face was haggard, but very calm.

I was very surprised to see her, but she smiled at me: "Mr. Zhang, I heard that you have been checking up on my husband recently?"

How did she know?

I turned back and glared at Li Mazi. It must have been his identity that was revealed when he inquired about the news. Li Mazi looked innocent and wanted to explain to me, but was interrupted by Mrs. Wang Wei'an: "It's like this. I went to the drama troupe a few days ago and heard that a reporter wanted to interview my husband and Miss Li Menglu's past. , I just happened to pass by the house where Miss Li Menglu once lived. I heard that the house that had been vacant since her death was suddenly rented out. After asking, I found out that the person living there was a young lady who had returned from abroad. So I became curious. I hired a private detective to help with the investigation, and finally found you."

She spoke very slowly, with a bit of carelessness. Even when she mentioned the name that she should hate the most, she looked calm and calm, which made me look at her with admiration.

I asked her to come in with some embarrassment: "To be honest, we are indeed investigating the matter of Li Menglu and Wang Wei'an."

Wang Wei'an's wife looked at me calmly: "Can you tell me why?"

Li Mazi opened his mouth to answer, but I quickly said, "Because we have some involvement with Miss Li Menglu, we are very concerned about her affairs."

Mrs. Wang Wei'an looked serious and had a flash of doubt: "Are you Miss Li's relatives?"

I glanced at Luo Li, smiled and nodded: "That's right!"

Luo Li suddenly became angry.

Mrs. Wang Wei'an smiled: "The past is in the past. It has been a few years since Miss Li and my husband passed away. I have been living very peacefully these years and I really don't want to bring up the old things again. But if you need my help, You can also ask me, after all, I am the person involved. Instead of going around in circles asking other people, you might as well ask me."

She was so straightforward, which made me feel a little embarrassed: "Of course we hope, Mrs. Wang, you can help us resolve our doubts, but we also know that this matter has a great impact on you, and we are worried about hurting you again!"

Wang Wei'an's wife said: "Thank you for thinking about me like this." There was a strong sense of sarcasm in her words.

I felt extremely embarrassed, looked at her and said, "Mrs. Wang, did you know when your husband was getting along with Miss Li Menglu?"

"Of course I know." Mrs. Wang looked indifferent: "What husband would have an affair without his wife knowing about it? He was not in the right state those days, and I felt it immediately. But I also know that Wei An's ability to marry me is not Because he really loves me, and I really love him, so for the sake of this love, I endured it. I secretly prayed in my heart that he was just looking for temporary pleasure and did not really want to leave me. I kept pretending Zuo doesn’t know anything, just let him and Li Menglu do whatever they want.”

Li Mazi, Luo Li, and I listened attentively, and no one wanted to disturb him.

Mrs. Wang smiled and said: "Wei An did not disappoint me. He is a responsible man and finally realized the importance of family, so he decided to break up with Li Menglu and sincerely apologized to me. Of course I will choose to forgive him. It's just that Unexpectedly, on the day he went to have a showdown with Li Menglu... Li Menglu actually suffered a mental breakdown and shot him..." As she said this, she seemed to recall the painful crying at that time and couldn't help crying.

Luo Li hurriedly took out a tissue and handed it over.

Mrs. Wang took it gracefully and wiped her tears.

I asked: "On the night when Wang Wei'an and Li Meng were exposed, when did you receive the news?"

"I didn't receive the news." Mrs. Wang looked at me calmly: "I was also there at the time. I was worried that Wei An would not be able to bear to break up because of Li Menglu's entanglement, so I knew that he was going to negotiate with Li Menglu, so I went with him. Wei An was afraid that Li Menglu wouldn’t be able to bear the excitement when he saw me, so he asked me to wait downstairs. I waited downstairs for more than half an hour but didn’t see him come down. I thought he was indecisive and was deceived by Li Menglu’s sweet words. Thoughts Here, I couldn't bear it anymore and hurried upstairs. Li Menglu's door was not closed. I heard a fierce quarrel coming from inside. Before I could open the door, I heard a bang. Waiting for me When we went in, Wei An was already lying in a pool of blood, and Li Menglu was already crazy. She pointed a gun at me and wanted to kill me too."

"I closed my eyes and told her that I was not afraid of death and asked her to take action so that I could accompany Wei An. I didn't expect that Li Menglu shot herself after hearing what I said..."

When Mrs. Wang said this, she sighed quietly: "The two of them feel relieved. It's a pity that people living in the world can't escape the pain. Every day is like frying in a pan."

The atmosphere became silent, and Mrs. Wang also stood up: "I am here today just to tell you that no one has wronged Li Menglu. She is indeed with my husband. No matter whether they really love each other or whatever, she They should all be criticized morally because she harmed an innocent family and me!"

When she said the last sentence, she was obviously a little angry, and she clenched her hands tightly into fists before she could control herself.

I sent her out the door, and Mrs. Wang said to me, "If you find anything, you can tell me."

I followed her away, and when I returned to the room, I said to Li Mazi: "This woman is pitiful enough... Hey, where is Luo Li?"

Li Mazi said: "She went to prepare the meal. You have been busy for so long. Aren't you hungry?"

The two of us studied Wang Wei'an and Li Menglu's affairs in the living room for a while. Luo Li walked out lightly. Li Mazi raised his head and asked, "Did it get done so quickly?" His voice suddenly changed: "Why are you doing it? Put on this mask again..."

I turned my head suddenly and saw Luo Li's face was wearing a mask. The brilliance in her eyes was completely different from the past. The unfamiliarity made me a little scared. Her eyes were full of anger and she shouted to me in a low and hoarse voice: "He is here." Lying! He’s lying! He’s lying!”

The sound became louder and sharper, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

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