Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,487 Justice is always there!

Without saying a word, Li Mazi and I rushed forward, grabbed Luo Li, and pushed her down on the sofa. Luo Li struggled stiffly, her voice full of resentment and anger: "Why did he lie! Why did he lie..."

I reached out and took off the mask on Luo Li's face. Luo Li's body straightened up and she fell softly on the sofa.

Li Mazi came to grab the mask angrily: "What a dog, look at me and burn this damn thing!"

"Don't worry!" I avoided his outstretched hand and said curiously: "It kept repeating lies just now. What does it mean?"

"Then why do you need to ask? She must be blaming Wang Wei'an for cheating on her, but if she wants to blame, she should go to Wang Wei'an, why come to Luo Li! Isn't this harmful?" Li Mazi said angrily.

But I had another opinion: "If the deception it is talking about is not Wang Wei'an, but..." I looked at the door where Mrs. Wang left: "Where is Mrs. Wang?"

Li Mazi was slightly startled: "How could it be possible? Look at a woman like her, does she know how to lie?"

"Your appearance has nothing to do with being a billionaire. Aren't you also pretending? In order to achieve a certain purpose, there are too many emotions that people can fake." I became suspicious of Mrs. Wang. Decided to inquire about her situation again.

This time I did not take Li Mazi and Luo Li with me, but went to Wang Wei'an and her home alone. I sat downstairs for a while, staring at the window of Wang Wei'an's house in a daze.

After a while, an older mother-in-law came over and said, "Young man, you are also here to inquire about Mr. Wang's family affairs, right?"

I looked at her puzzled, and the old lady smiled and said, "I see you keep staring at others, so there must be something wrong."

I hurriedly said hello to my mother-in-law and started chatting along the way. Perhaps because there was no one around, the old lady suggested that I accompany her for a walk in the park, and I naturally agreed. The mother-in-law said as she walked: "Why are you so interested in Mr. Wang's affairs? A man came over two days ago to inquire about his affairs, but I saw that he looked fierce, so I quickly closed the door and said nothing. "The vicious person she was talking about must be Li Mazi.

I smiled at her and was smart enough not to answer.

The old woman continued: "I am a neighbor of Mr. Wang's family and have lived together for many years. Mr. Wang is a serious and polite person. If it hadn't been for news reports later, I wouldn't believe that he would do such a thing. But when I think about it, I can understand why they had to fight in the first place."

"Have Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang ever quarreled?" I asked curiously.

"How can a couple live their lives without quarreling?" said the old woman, "but I remember that before Mr. Wang's accident, they had a very loud quarrel. Although they were separated by a wall, I could still hear it clearly. It turned out that Mr. Wang I want to divorce Mrs. Wang and leave home alone, but Mrs. Wang won’t agree to anything she says..."

It turns out that Wang Wei'an once wanted to divorce Mrs. Wang for Li Menglu, but Mrs. Wang told us that Wang Wei'an had changed his mind and wanted to return to his family and asked for her forgiveness.

Mrs. Wang is indeed suspicious!

The old woman told me a lot of pitiful things about Mrs. Wang. I walked around with her twice, thinking as I walked, Mrs. Wang is probably the only person who knows the truth now, but there is no way she can tell me the truth. That day What happened in Li Menglu's house?

I thought about it over and over to no avail, but suddenly my eyes lit up, and I immediately remembered a person, the boy who lived in the house opposite. Although he was in college and was not there at the time, his roommate Lao San heard the whole thing. Thinking of this, I hurriedly said goodbye to the old lady and hurried to Li Menglu's house.

When the boy saw me again, he looked wary: "I've told you everything I know, why are you here again?"

"Don't be afraid! I'm not here to look for you this time. Do you have the contact information of the third child?"

The boy said: "After graduating from college, the third child went abroad under the arrangement of his family, and then lost contact with me. I have his email address when he was in school, but I don't know if he still uses it."

I wrote down the third child’s email address, hurried back home, turned on my computer and sent an email to the address without saying a word.

Luo Li and Li Mazi both came over and asked me what I had discovered.

I had no choice but to tell the story about Mrs. Wang lying to us. Luo Li said: "No wonder I felt uneasy after Mrs. Wang left. I don't know why I was controlled by the mask. It turned out that it also heard Mrs. Wang's words and knew She is lying, so she uses my body to tell you. It turns out that the reason why this mask came to me was because she wanted me to help her find out the truth..."

Speaking of this, Luo Li seemed to have thought of something: "Ah, I understand! Why did the mask come to me? It must be because I had a phone call with my family on the first night I stayed in that house. During the phone call, I mentioned When Li Menglu heard that she wanted to become a lawyer, she thought I could help her, so she followed me."

At this point, we finally understand the reason, but there is still a lack of evidence to prove that our inference is correct.

The three of us waited in the study room for half the night, and finally got the reply from the third child. It turned out that he had rehabilitated his mind after going abroad, took a diploma and found a job. He had just got off work because of the time difference. I asked him if he had called, and after dialing the call, I asked him directly about what happened the night Li Menglu and Wang Wei'an were killed.

The third child said: "It's been so long that I can't remember clearly. I just remember that there was a lot of noise next door. My girlfriend at the time was woken up and asked me to go over and ask what was going on. Would she let anyone in? Rest? I walked to the door in a daze while sleeping, and heard a woman on the opposite side scolding another woman, and a man trying to persuade me. Then there was a sudden bang, and I thought something exploded. I knew it was a gunshot. I was startled and hurriedly called the police. It didn’t take long for the police to come..."

"Then did you see who fired the gun?" I asked nervously.

The third child thought about it: "I didn't go out because I was scared, so I looked through the crack in the door. The door on the other side was not closed. I saw a woman holding a gun..."

"Woman, what kind of woman is she? Is she Li Menglu who has been living across from you?" I continued to ask.

"Wow, it turns out that the woman who lives across from me is named Li Menglu! She is so beautiful. I felt sorry for her for a long time after she died." The topic of the third child unconsciously went off the rails, and I quickly called him back to his thoughts. , and then he said: "It's not her, it's another woman!"

The truth comes out!

Wang Wei'an must have simply left home after his divorce agreement with Mrs. Wang failed. The resentful Mrs. Wang chased after her, and the two sides had a fierce quarrel. Mrs. Wang shot and killed Wang Wei'an due to a mental breakdown, and then killed Li Menglu and framed the blame on her.

After death, Li Menglu's soul was attached to the mask she once wore. After Luo Li arrived, she felt that Luo Li could help her tell the truth, so she approached her.

After I thanked the third child, I looked at Luo Li and Li Mazi who were silent.

Li Mazi said: "What should we do about this matter? Should we go through the police?"

"The case has been going on for too long. Even if the police take over, they may not be able to find anything. Besides, many of the clues we collected cannot be called evidence in court." As soon as I finished speaking, Li Mazi said in a loud voice: "Then What should I do? Just let it go?"

Just when I was distressed, Luo Li suddenly said: "I have a way..."

It turned out that Luo Li's method was to put the entire case on the stage. The play was called "The Truth of That Night". She completed the script herself and then handed it over to the director of the drama troupe. After reading the script, the director burst into tears and immediately He just made the decision to rehearse, and even if there was pressure from all sides, he would still put the play on stage.

He contacted the former actors of the repertory troupe. After hearing that they were going to redress the injustice of Li Menglu, the actors all came back one after another. Even Li Menglu’s retired teacher also came back to play the role of the old lady who walked with me in the park.

The script was rehearsed smoothly and was released soon. Although the play was not a popular play at the moment, due to its strong publicity, the theater was packed with people on the day of its premiere. Later, it caused a sensation because of the exquisite plot and Li Menglu's reputation.

The owner of a shop that is a loyal fan of Li Menglu even pushed a tricycle to deliver free water at the entrance of the theater. After the TV station reported it, "The Truth of That Night" became completely popular!

As it became popular, many people discovered that its plot was not fabricated out of thin air, but had traces to follow. After reasoning along the plot, everyone put doubts on Mrs. Wang. With media attention, the case has come back into focus again. Within a few days, Mrs. Wang, who could no longer stand the pressure from the outside world, chose to surrender to the police.

It turned out that it was she who shot and killed her husband and Li Menglu, and even gave the guilty person to Li Menglu.

The police found Wang Wei'an's urn at her home. It turned out that she was worried that Wang Wei'an's ghost would be with Li Menglu after she was buried, so she kept the urn at home and often talked to it to herself.

The truth of the matter came to light. After Luo Li sent the mask to Li Menglu's grave, she also took a plane back to Chinatown.

Then one day, I saw her email in my mailbox. Her paper on Chinese funeral culture caused a huge sensation in the United States and set off a new Chinese craze. Many American young people were ready to explore this ancient country of China.

Finally, I saw a photo of her in her bachelor's uniform at the end of the email. It turned out that she had graduated, officially joined a law firm, and became a rookie lawyer in the United States of America.

She only said a few words in the entire email: Master, justice is always there, and we just need to wait patiently for it!

I smiled with Yourong, and I really felt that this apprentice did a pretty good job!

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