Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1488: Levels of Yin Spirits

After handling two business deals in succession, I felt a little tired both physically and mentally, so I closed the antique shop and temporarily handed over the business of the antique street to Li Mazi and Boss Bai. I stayed at home every day and continued to study the "Yin Fu Jing".

The world in "Yin Fu Jing" is really mysterious and it opened my eyes greatly!

Many strange things that I have never experienced and evil spells that I have never encountered are recorded in the scriptures. In the world of "Yin Fu Jing", I am like a primary school student who has just picked up the textbook.

Especially in the column of Yin spirits, the levels of various Yin spirits are classified in detail. Only then did I know that Yin spirits are not only divided into good Yin and evil Yin, but also three, six or nine levels. From bottom to top they are: Ghost Spirit, ghost king, ghost fairy, ghost emperor.

Ghost spirits refer to ordinary Yin spirits in ordinary Yin objects. Such Yin spirits often have unfulfilled wishes. As long as their wishes are fulfilled, they will leave obediently. Moreover, their own strength is relatively weak and cannot cause much trouble.

For example, I have met Zhao Feiyan, the sister who competes for favor, Song, the young master who loves to drink bastard soup, Bai Jin, who is waiting for the martyr Lin Juemin, and so on.

The ghost king refers to a powerful character among the Yin spirits. These Yin spirits were often the top warriors of their respective dynasties during their lifetime, with their hands covered in blood. After becoming the ghost king, they become even more murderous.

For example, I have met Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, Li Xuanba, Yuan Chonghuan, etc. before.

Ghost immortals refer to Yin spirits who have become immortals. Most of them were saints worshiped by the people during their lifetime. After death, they were blessed by incense and became saints. Their strength surpassed that of the ghost king, but they did not have the bottom line like the ghost king.

For example, Gao Tao, the legal sage in ancient times, Sun Simiao, the medicine king of the Tang Dynasty, Yue Fei, the national hero, and so on.

The Ghost Emperor's strength is a bit unpredictable. According to the "Yin Fu Jing", the Ghost Emperor is already a supreme god-level existence and is the strongest among the Yin spirits. He can turn his hands to make clouds and rain.

There are naturally very few such Yin spirits. Looking at the world, I am afraid that only Bald-tailed Lao Li and Luo Shen are qualified!

However, I never expected that I would meet a ghost emperor again in the near future, and this ghost emperor is actually related to water. Please guess who it is, and I will tell you later.

Just when I was fascinated by "Yin Fu Jing", my phone rang. I picked it up and saw that it was Li Mazi.

"It's only been half a month since we stopped, what the hell happened to this guy again?" I muttered in my heart.

I didn't tell Li Mazi about my thrilling encounter in Russia, but he could also see that I must have experienced something unimaginable, and my whole person changed after I came back.

And during this period of time, I stopped asking him to have a drink. I have been concentrating on practicing day and night, and he was too embarrassed to bother me again.

But what happened? Did something happen to him again?

"Mazi, what's the matter?" I answered the phone and asked a little irritably.

"Brother, I know you are very busy right now. If it wasn't a matter of life and death, I wouldn't bother you, but now I really have to beg you..." Li Mazi hurriedly explained.

"What's wrong with you?" I was a little confused, and his tone was very wrong.

"It's not me, it's my son." Li Mazi said with great distress: "In recent days, my son has been losing weight day by day, and his complexion is getting worse and worse. I thought he was sick, so I took him to the hospital for a full body check-up, but... There’s nothing wrong with it.”

"I wonder if it was caught by something unclean."

"Did you bring vaginal objects into your house again? How did we meet in the first place? Wasn't it because that embroidered shoe entangled your son?" When I heard that Li Xiaomeng had been tricked again, I was a little angry. Come.

"No, no, no... how can it be possible!" Li Mazi quickly explained: "Since the last time, I have never brought antiques to my home. The first thing I did after returning home was to take a shower with mugwort leaves, for fear of something. Bad luck has spread to the child. Even if there are unclean things, they are definitely not brought back by me, but it seems that the situation is getting worse and worse. Brother, if you are not busy, come and take a look. You know I only have one son, if something happens to him, how will I survive?"

Li Mazi's voice was choked with sobs, and he almost cried when he heard the movement.

Don't say I'm not busy right now, even if I am really busy, I can't ignore Li Mazi's affairs!

"Don't worry! Wait a moment, I'll be there soon." I couldn't explain clearly for a while on the phone, so I turned off the phone, quickly put on my coat and went out.

When I arrived at Li Mazi's house, he was standing downstairs waiting eagerly.

"What's going on?" I closed the car door and walked over quickly.

"I missed my son recently, so I took him back from Macheng. When I first saw him, I just felt a little thin and had a pair of panda eyes. I didn't take it seriously at the time and thought about buying him more delicious food. That's fine. But who would have thought that he eats a lot, and goes to bed after eating every day. Logically speaking, if he eats and sleeps like this, he should gain weight, but instead he is getting thinner and thinner, and he looks out of shape. ..." Li Mazi lit a pipe.

"I thought he had some disease, so I took him to the hospital to check inside and outside. There was nothing wrong with him, so I just said he was malnourished."

"This is really strange! I make arrangements every day to buy him delicious food and take him to restaurants. How could he be malnourished? Besides, in just seven or eight days, he has lost weight before his eyes. Skinny and bones." Li Mazi couldn't help but sigh.

"Besides these, have you found anything else?" I asked without looking back as I walked upstairs.

Li Mazi took a deep puff of cigarette: "Others...nothing, right! Also, I really like to sleep. I don't play games anymore, and I don't watch TV anymore. Apart from eating, I just lie in bed and sleep every day."

"Sleep?" I frowned, opened the door and walked in.

The room was in a mess, and the table had not been cleared after dinner. There are fish and meat on the plate, as well as protein powder imported from the United States. It seemed that Li Mazi had put a lot of effort into supplementing his son's nutrition.

"Look, this is what he just finished eating." Li Mazi pointed to the dining table and said, "He eats much more now than before. He eats three large bowls at every meal. But just eating like this makes him look more and more. He is getting thinner and thinner, almost like an African refugee."

Li Mazi wiped the corners of his eyes very distressedly.

"Where is Xiaomeng?" I also had a vague premonition of something ominous. This was by no means a physical reason, nor was it because Li Mazi was being careless.

"He went to bed after eating. He was in his own room." Li Mazi pointed to a room: "Now this child locks the door every time he goes to bed, as if he is afraid that others will come in. At first, I was still I was worried that something had happened, so I took a peek, and there was nothing unusual. I was just sleeping peacefully, but I don’t know when something happened again, and I got used to sleeping naked.”

I pushed the door and it was indeed locked from the inside.

In order not to wake him up and make it easier to check the reason, I didn't let Li Mazi knock on the door. I directly took out the invisible needle, reached into the crack of the door, and gently pried open the lock.

Li Mazi was about to turn on the light, but I quickly stopped him, turned on my phone and took a photo, and found that Li Xiaomeng was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

This kid was naked, not even wearing any underpants. He was hugging the pillow tightly with both hands, and the quilt was curled up under him.

Li Mazi was right at all. He is now so thin that I can hardly recognize him. His face is sallow and his cheeks are deeply sunken, but the expression on his face at this time is very strange——

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was smiling, and he seemed to be enjoying himself greatly. At the same time, his little buttocks were rising and falling, and he was breathing heavily. The scene seemed like...

Li Mazi scratched his head in embarrassment: "Damn, what is this little brat dreaming about?"

"If you are not a lustful person from your ancestors, you are a pervert." I said, taking out a magic charm and lighting it with a lighter.


Just as the magic talisman ignited, a white light exploded in the room.

"Ah... no, don't go!" Li Xiaomeng shouted loudly, stretching out his arms as if to pull someone, but accidentally fell off the bed with a thud.

Li Mazi quickly turned on the light and ran over.

"No, don't go." Li Xiaomeng tightly pulled Li Mazi's hand into his arms, but just halfway through, he suddenly noticed something was wrong and suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw it was Li Mazi, he immediately said bitterly: "Dad, what are you doing in here?"

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