Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,489 The perverted ghost enters the dream

"I'm not worried about you." Li Mazi was about to pull him up.

Li Xiaomeng suddenly realized that she was still naked, and I was standing in the room. He immediately pulled the quilt in front of him, and shouted in shame and anger: "Get out, get out. Uncle Zhang, Dad, come in." You are invading my privacy in my room, please get out."

Li Mazi wanted to say something more, but was pushed hard by Li Xiaomeng and almost fell down.

"Get out, get out!" Li Xiaomeng shouted hysterically, eyes wide open.

Li Mazi sighed deeply and walked out helplessly.

As soon as I exited the room, Li Xiaomeng locked the door again with a bang.

"Brother Zhang, Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng was not like this before, he was very good to me." Tears flashed in Li Mazi's eyes.

"This is a pervert who fell into the dream." I said with absolute certainty: "It means that there is a ghost entangled with Xiaomeng and seduced him to make peace in his sleep. Not to mention that he is still an underdeveloped child, even if he is energetic. Even a strong and vigorous man cannot survive for long. If left unchecked, he will be drained alive and turned into a mummy within a few days."

"Then... what should we do?" Li Mazi immediately panicked when he heard this: "Brother Zhang, you must think of a way. I only have a son like this."

"Don't worry yet." I took Li Mazi back to the living room, poured him a glass of water, and asked him to drink it to calm down first.

Then he said: "The white light just now was caused by the sudden separation of yin and yang when the perverted ghost was frightened and suddenly withdrew from Xiaomeng's body. This kind of perverted ghost can not only enter dreams, but also corrode his soul, and slowly... I will lose my mind and not even recognize you at all until I am completely drained."

"Brother from the Zhang family, Xiaomeng is my lifeblood! If he has a problem..." Li Mazi cried anxiously and held my hand tightly.

"Mazi, don't worry." I am also a parent, and I understand this feeling very well.

I patted his shoulder gently and said, "It's okay. Although this kind of pervert is powerful, it is not a difficult ghost king to deal with. It's just a matter of finding the source of the evil things."

"Judging from the situation just now, the pervert is in Xiaomeng's room. Take this talisman. When it's ugly time, that is, at one o'clock in the morning, you can find a piece of clothing that Xiaomeng has worn, along with the talisman. Just burn them together. The perverts will naturally be scared away by then, and Xiaomeng will naturally be fine in a few days."

"It's just...that simple?" Li Mazi clutched the magic talisman tightly and asked in disbelief.

"Yes." I nodded: "Perverts are very common and easy to deal with. Don't worry too much. Just treat that little brat Xiaomeng as having a minor illness." I comforted him a few more words and stood up to leave.

Li Mazi's tears were still wet, but he broke down with tears and said with a smile: "Brother from the Zhang family is amazing! The greatest blessing in my life is to know you, hahaha! Come on, come on, we haven't had a drink for a long time, let's have a drink Bar?"

"No." I shook my head and said, "I still have to seize the time to practice. You should also rest early. Don't worry about anything. Xiaomeng is fine." After saying that, regardless of Li Mazi's insistence on staying, I was shocked. Walked out.

When Li Mazi saw that he couldn't stay with me, he sent him downstairs, and then I forcibly drove him back.

Until I saw him turn around and enter the building, I immediately drove my car back to the antique store as fast as I could.

In fact, what Li Xiaomeng was infected with was not an ordinary pervert, but an extremely powerful nine-color pervert!

The white light just now was not because the magic talisman scared away the pervert, but because the magic talisman was swallowed alive by the pervert.

At that time, I couldn't think of a perfect way to subdue it, so I lied to Li Mazi, so as not to alert the snake.

I have to go back quickly now and use the method of leaving the soul and entering dreams in the "Yin Fu Jing" to explore the details of this Yin spirit before making a decision!

I hurried back to the store, locked the door tightly, and hung portraits of the door gods Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong around the door. Then I sat cross-legged and closed my eyes.

Time passed slowly, and suddenly I saw a figure appear.

It’s Li Xiaomeng.

Previously, when Li Mazi wasn't paying attention, I dropped a drop of blood essence on the talisman. When he burned the talisman, I could follow Li Xiaomeng into the dreamland and see Li Xiaomeng's dream world as a bystander.

At this time, Li Xiaomeng was wearing a wide-sleeved brocade robe, much like a rich boy in ancient times, but his hair was a bit short and looked very uncoordinated.

Ahead is a remote alley, with many pumpkin-sized red lanterns hanging high on both sides, lighting up the sky red, and you can faintly hear the sounds of many guests drinking and punching.

In the corner of the alley, there was a group of wild cats, meowing incessantly.

Xiaomeng walked very fast, as if in a hurry. He walked twenty or thirty meters along the alley, and stopped in front of a door with a pink silk handkerchief. He looked around warily, then opened the door and walked in. enter.

This is a manor with beautiful scenery and extremely unique construction.

Li Xiaomeng walked around a rockery with ease and came to a red building.

On the red screen window upstairs, an extremely graceful figure is reflected. Even if it is just a shadow, it is full of charm and captivates people's imagination.

Li Xiaomeng rolled her Adam's apple that had just sprouted and not yet formed, swallowing saliva, and rushed forward anxiously.

The stairs are covered with bright red carpets, lotus lanterns from the Tang Dynasty are hung on both walls, and red candles are burning slightly.

Li Xiaomeng quickly climbed up the stairs, opened the pearl curtain, and shouted: I'm here!

A huge red bathtub appeared in the thick smoke.

"Ruan Lang can only stay in his dreams. Where is the house where the fragrance is floating, and where is the wind carrying the singing..." In the red bathtub, an extremely pleasant singing voice came out, and an arm as tender as a white lotus root came out. , and then stretched out of the basin.

There was a red rope tied around her wrist, and she was holding a pink silk handkerchief in her hand, waving it at Li Xiaomeng.

Li Xiaomeng's eyes widened, she even swallowed her saliva and walked over step by step.

As he got closer and closer, the smoke became lighter and lighter, and soon a stunning woman was revealed inside.

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